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A Rock Is a Rock
Citation:   azurescenjim. "A Rock Is a Rock: An Experience with 6-APB (exp97260)". Aug 15, 2012.

200 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
Today after 10 quality years of reading reports online, I have decided to write my own experiences. I have used any drug I could get my hands on in my home sweet home of Wyoming (in the middle of nowhere) which has amounted to lots of marijane, what might have been opium once, DXM regularly (as robotussin - interestingly to me dxm is derived from opium), and mushrooms just when I needed them. In travel I also did some LSD. But drugs aside, I have found dreams and meditation to be very drug like, to the point where I'm positive I have learned to tap into my own natural[brain/spine] source for DMT(read about it, its already in your body).

As for drugs, Lately I have found a reputable source for 'legal' research chemicals marketed as molecular sacraments. Basically said, I am buying my drugs from a fellow user, so at least I know I'm gonna be having the same trip.

So, I acquired my 6-apb today. I'm just gonna say what its been like for the last 3 hours(I took 200 mg at 3 and it is now 6.)

At the first hour I felt close to zero effect. But within the next hour I proceeded to have a few of the strangest reactions I have ever felt. I felt an extreme surge of heat, making me sweat. My heart-rate/blood-pressure did not change but I literally sweat from around my eyes. This was simply concentrated heat, no personal reaction or reason for it whatsoever. And I also puked, not nauseous at all, I simple gagged and at first had to swallow it(normally I can't do this or at least its horrible, but I seemed to puke zero bile only the sweet juice I drank with the bitter 6-apb powder) than after about 15 minutes I gagged again and did finally puke into the toilet.

Aside from the somewhat negative reactions (both lasted less then a few minutes) I would like to say that this stuff has an obvious social stimulus to it, as this is the first time I have felt like sharing myself here on my favorite website of all time (aside from video game cheat code sites).

The main point I have to share is that I am getting zero visual effects, in fact I hardly notice anything at all. Yet, and I have only done Ritalin (wussy meth) once, I believe there is a definite stimulant property to this drug. Though, be careful of what you are doing between 60-120 minutes, if planned accordingly I think I could enjoy going to work on this stuff(I have been plagued by an extreme tiredness for the last 5 years which makes being awake or at least having to be awake suck).

All and all 6-apb is what it is. A rock is a rock, rat poison kills rats, a marketed 'ecstasy' analogue I'm pretty sure (only know what other people have said) points you into the direction of what ecstasy is like. Right now after previously being afraid to try E I believe that I would wholeheartedly welcome it into my life. I'm sure 6-apb has its own place, but after all that I have seen about it and E, and now having tried it and experienced the tiny negative effects, I am positive E isn't as bad as people make it seem. I mean, when a buddhist monk can dry fast (zero food/water) for a month, and someone dies of starvation after a week (dehydration after days), we really need to start looking at how much tension is coming from our own doing as opposed to the 'things' happening from outside of ourselves.

Peace and love!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97260
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 15, 2012Views: 6,523
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6-APB (516) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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