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Shame Its Illegal
by KJI
Citation:   KJI. "Shame Its Illegal: An Experience with Coca (exp97522)". Sep 12, 2018.

1 g oral Coca (tea)
I ordered a pack of 25 from a company in peru. Shipping was a bit high but it only took 3 days to get here so it was worth it I guess.

When they arrived I brewed a cup using 1 bag. That tea had a very...earthy smell, I really am not sure how to put it any other way as it has a very unique smell. After allowing it to steep for a while (5 minutes seems to get most of the alkaloids out by that time) I took a sip, and I will say its not the best tasting tea I've had. Defiantly an acquired taste.

I began feeling its effects pretty soon after I finished the cup. My face felt slightly numbed, which was pleasant, and my mood was lifted significantly. I was kind of tired before I drank the cup as I had a tiring day at school. And the tea woke me up and made me alot more energized. This lasted for about an hour maybe 2, it went away very gradually and I barely even noticed the comedown.

Overall its a great tea, definantly nothing like cocaine as far as the intensity goes but its a good tea to drink to wake up in the morning or had a long day at work or school.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Sep 12, 2018Views: 2,413
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Coca (158) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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