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Not My Ally
5-HTP & Various
by fre
Citation:   fre. "Not My Ally: An Experience with 5-HTP & Various (exp98065)". Sep 9, 2018.

    Nicotine (daily)
    smoked Cannabis (daily)
    oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (daily)
    oral Vitamin B-6 (daily)
I'm a daily pot user for years, former heavy cigarettes smoker, currently using nicotine gums and snuff tobacco. I'm experienced with mescaline cacti, Salvia, and a whole bunch of natural psychoactives.

I bought 5HTP in a health store. My idea was mostly to try pre-loading before a San Pedro trip. I didnt try it yet but I'm now thinking that it could be of no interest and a waste of cactus material.

The 5HTP came as gelcaps containing Griffonia extract with B6 vitamin added. A cap is supposed to contain 105mg of 5HTP. I'm taking only the third of the powder contained in a cap, in the evening.

I've used Rhodiola rosea for a month, which led me to sleep less than 6 hours a night, but I was feeling refreshed and energized. As Rhodiola was less effective, as it always does with prolonged use, I stopped it and moved to 5HTP.
My life changed, not for the better.

I need to sleep more, which first seemed cool, as Rhodiola has shortened my sleep, but I'm a lot less alert. 8 hours of sleep on 5HTP are not as refreshing as 6 hours on Rhodiola. I'm waking up tired, with a mild headache. Tiredness, mild physical weakness and the headache are lasting for at least 10 hours into the next day. I'm feeling like mildly hungover and coffee or tea dont wake me up at all. In addition, I'm feeling a bit sad. 5HTP has some antidepressant properties, as this sadness remains superficial and doesnt affect me, but not the good ones. I'm feeling slightly vulnerable, start to care about what others might think (about which I dont give a shit in my sober or stoned states). I'd rather feel depressed, which often leads me to a strong mix of hate and despair, than this meaningless weak and passive state of mind.
I'd rather feel depressed, which often leads me to a strong mix of hate and despair, than this meaningless weak and passive state of mind.

Some say that 5HTP enhances smoking pot, but to me, it only boosts the bad side effects: lack of motivation, short-term memory impairement and tiredness, without bringing anything to the high. In fact, the high seems tamed.

I tried snorting a low amount of 2C-D 24 hours after my last 5HTP (around 30/35mg) intake. It had almost no effect, except a mild buzz for twenty minutes and 3 hours of headache relief.

All this reminds me Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum). Years ago, I tried it and ended with a mild addiction, instant tiredness at intake and no positive effects except for the 2 or 3 first times.

I've never tried industrial antidepressants. My experiences with antidepressant plants are:
-St John's wort. Effective mild antidepressant taken as a tincture and a cool mild stimulant taken as tea.
-Rhodiola rosea. A great adaptogen with no side effects, which actually strengthens the mind.
-Erythrina mulungu. A very cool mild sedative, which just takes off the edge without weakening the body or fogging the mind. Also a great antibacterial agent.
-Uncaria tomentosa. A great immune system stimulant and general tonic.

My experiences with serotonine-acting recreational psychoactives:
I've tried MDMA a few times and never got any positive effect from it. The only time something cool happened, it turned out that the extasy tab was mostly amphetamine.

In conclusion : stuff which main action is on serotonine levels dont do any good to me.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98065
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Sep 9, 2018Views: 1,132
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Tryptophan (138) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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