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Graveyard Shift Experiment
Kratom (Maeng Da)
Citation:   doorguy30. "Graveyard Shift Experiment: An Experience with Kratom (Maeng Da) (exp98297)". Jan 15, 2014.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Kratom (tea)
  T+ 2:00 3.5 g oral Kratom (tea)
I recently came across Kratom on a popular psychedelic forum where there where many daily threads praising Kratom. After reading about it and the effects, I decided to give it a shot. Now let me summarize my drug use. I have messed with: weed, LSD, mushrooms, alcohol, and MDMA. I have no experience with opiates outside of reading about them so, naturally, I was very curious as to what this light opiate buzz Kratom produced, that everyone was talking about had to offer...

I decided to order an ounce of Maeng Da (also referred to as 'Pimps') powder off a popular Kratom vendor for about $20. From what I read, it seems to be the strongest variation of Kratom but also the priciest. My method of ingestion was mixing it in a cup of cold water.

I work the graveyard shift in a warehouse. Very few people come; sometimes no one does, so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to experiment with it. My job basically just requires me to sit in front of a computer and be on call to forward phone calls.

Fast forward to the day of dosing. I brought 2 doses of 3.5g of this power, one for me and one for my co-worker. The plan was to just mix it in water and down it as I have read online. I made a 3.5g concoction of Kratom in cold water. It was very disgusting--not something I had remotely anticipated. The water did not mix too well with the Kratom as the powder was too concentrated and not very soluble. After 10 minutes of babying the cup, I downed it. It took about 30-45min for the effects to kick in.

I began to feel a very relaxed sensation an hour in. I had a small body high and was very comfortable sitting in my chair. Upon the sensation arriving, it got stronger as time passed on. About 90 minutes in, I began to feel a weed like high (haven’t smoked in years) without the laziness or haziness. At times, it could also be compared to slight alcohol intoxication without the slurred words, etc. I can totally see why workers in the Asian countries would use this while doing physical labor! My co-worker who is not into any sort of experimentation decided to not go through with it so I had his 3.5g dose on hand as well. It was a no-brainer to re-dose as I was loving the feeling. I re-dosed and felt the same feelings for an extra 90-120 minutes. After that time, my eyes began to feel heavy and I became tired. It seems that 3.5g was the perfect dose as I did not exhibit the heavy weed-like symptoms until I consumed 7.0g of the powder.

After about 4 hours from time of ingestion of the first 3.5g dose, I took a 45min nap expecting a hangover but luckily did not experience one, quite to my surprise. The nap was very relaxing and it was easy for me to wake up from the nap as opposed to it taking me a few times to fully wake up.

Throughout the 'high' I was thinking about how much better then alcohol the feeling is and could definitely seeing myself using more in the future though I am not sure how this would work in social situations. Maybe a 2-3g power with 1-2 beers would be ideal? I wouldn’t say the substance is highly addicting, for me atleast, but I would say it has the potential to be quite enjoyable at the right dose.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 15, 2014Views: 36,785
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Kratom (203) : Workplace (51), First Times (2)

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