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Feelings of Warmth and Euphoria
Citation:   Zephyr. "Feelings of Warmth and Euphoria: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp98456)". Erowid.org. Dec 25, 2012. erowid.org/exp/98456

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
  T+ 1:00 20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I’m a relatively healthy nineteen year old male with a fairly stable social life, a critical yet optimistic mindset, and no recent emotional trauma. The limit of my drug use has been recreational marijuana usage over the past year, some prescription drugs, and the occasional indulgence in alcohol; and while I have in my possession an eighth of mushrooms, I chose to do 4-AcO-DMT for my first psychedelic experience.


After meeting up for dinner, I invited a friend, whom had been over the previous night drinking with me, over in order to experience the drug; we'll call her S. This was the first time that she and I had seen each other in the past few months. S is in the same boat as me, having never done anything more than recreational marijuana usage and drinking alcohol. By this point it is dark out (winter in the northern hemisphere), and though it is the first of December, it’s very nice out (55 degrees). After heading back to my dorm, I put on some relaxing post-rock and proceed to measure out dosages for the two of us. I carefully measured out 15mg for her and 20mg for me and placed them in empty gelatin pill capsules. At approximately 6:45, both of us took our capsule.

We killed time by browsing YouTube and listening to music while we waiting for the drug's effects to hit us. Given that we both had eaten a pretty heavy meal before taking the 4-AcO-DMT, I feel that it negatively impacted the strength of it, and made the come up very gradual. By 7:15pm (+0:30), both of us were feeling pretty happy and relatively giddy; it was at this point that I noticed a smile had permanently affixed itself to my face. However, the come up was so gradual it had us both asking if it was 'even working'.

Both she and I continued talking and laughing while watching humorous videos on YouTube and listening to music. By 7:45 (+1:00) I knew that it was working as I could feel rolling waves of euphoria crossing my body. Honestly, it was probably the most pleasurable experience to date that I had ever felt. Though I wasn’t 100% sure that re-dosing would do anything (other than potentially prolonging the experience), I measured out another 20mg, placed it on my tongue and washed it down with water. The taste was terrible, but I chalk that up as part of the experience.

Her and I laid in my bed and began discussing what we were feeling. Personally, I was blown out of this world by euphoria; however, she described her emotional juxtaposition. She described that she was surrounded by happiness and good feelings but in her head she was struggling to understand recent emotional difficulties and coping with the pressure of society. As a side note, she has romantic feelings for me, however, as I'm currently involved with someone, there was nothing more than platonic interaction, though I'd love to experience sex on 4-AcO-DMT.

At this point, I suggested that we go for a walk around campus and experience the night sights. Giggly like children and with dumb grins on our face, we began our walk around campus. The city lights were vivid and quickly caught our eyes. At this point (8:45pm; +1:30), both of us were absolutely overcome with feelings of warmth and euphoria. Both she and I felt as if we were floating along over the ground, simply spectators outside of our bodies as we walked around. On campus there is a lake where the trees have Christmas lights hung from them, and we proceeded to walk there. The way that the lights hung from the trees and swung in the breeze was mesmerizing and the water was perfectly still and created a perfect reflection of the lights on the trees. This drug made me feel like a child observing the world for the first time, as if everything was wonderful and all was new.

My time was running short on returning to my dorm as my girlfriend wanted to Skype at 10:00pm. Shortly after 10:00pm (+2:45), I returned to my dorm room and we talked on Skype. Honestly, I have no idea how I managed to communicate eloquently with her and maintain my composure (as she did not know that I was under the influence). However, near the end of our conversation, I said something that made her extremely mad (equating her presence as annoying when I compared it to how she felt about someone else). Unfortunately, the drug gave me an incredible sense of my surroundings, as if everything made sense, but I didn't fully explain the thoughts in my head. It was at this point that I tried calling her multiple times and she didn't want to talk. Eventually, however she told me that things 'weren't working out' and that she wanted a break. S and I talked about this and though she was sexually interested in me, she told me not to 'make a mistake' because she could tell that she and I were a good fit. At this point, S left and I called my girlfriend back. She was pleased that I called back and when her and I began talking it felt like an emotional 'plug' was released and that all of these thoughts and feelings that I had in my head and body came out in a crying, sobbing, snotty mess all to my girlfriend. At this point, her and I Skyped (again) and figured out all of our stuff as she finally could understand the entirety of the ideas in my head.

After her and I finished Skyping, I brushed my teeth and laid down in bed (12:45am; +5:30). Though initially chilled, I was quickly overcome with pulsing waves of euphoria and general comfort and feelings of contentment. With the lights out, I could see lots of patterns across the ceiling and walls; the patterns consisted of many general shapes and lines, however, nothing very complex or entertaining. My mind was still very active processing the many thoughts and feelings that I had experienced over the past few hours. The noticeable difference is that I felt 'connected' to other people. I'm not usually an emotional person at all, but for the first time (in what seems like forever) I felt love for my parents and friends. It was new and extremely strange to me.

If given the opportunity, I would absolutely try 4-AcO-DMT again. It is an incredibly emotional ride and I think that it should only be taken if one is willing to go where it takes them. On the Shulgin scale, it probably only ranked a '++', but I would love to go even higher. It probes deep into the brain to answer questions of self as well as questioning one's outlook on life. I wish that I could more thoroughly describe the experience, but I don’t feel like my words do it justice. I hope that this is the first of many introspected and adventurous psychedelic experiences in my life.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98456
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 25, 2012Views: 6,441
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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