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Unexpected Yet Unbelievable
Citation:   madmrmad. "Unexpected Yet Unbelievable: An Experience with 2C-B (exp98539)". Feb 22, 2013.

T+ 0:00
250 mg oral Amphetamines
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00 20 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 1:00 10 mg oral 2C-B
Before this weekend I had no true intentions of launching into psychedelics until later in my journey through substances. I had received 100mg of 2C-B in the mail and I had planned to give some to my brother to try it first because he is experienced in psychedelics and wanted him to recommend whether I may enjoy this or not. I have had trouble enjoying even marijuana before as I find the light tripping to be uncomfortable. I have lots of positive experiences with MDMA, MDA, and amphetamines, so I assumed that 2C-B was going to be just like any other phenethylamine - I was in for a very big surprise!

Measuring out our first caps of 18-20mg, my friend and I were very excited to experience anything at all given that I have consumed more than 200mg of MDMA crystals on several occasions and assumed that such a small dose of 2C-B wasn’t going to affect me - I was very wrong indeed. My friend and I also measured out another cap each just in case we wanted to ingest some more and these capsules contained approximately 10mg more just in case the original 15-18mg wasn’t enough...

At 6am we planned to consume our drugs. The club goes until 2pm in the afternoon on Sundays so we had plenty of time and the music was getting really good now. I had consumed approximately 250mg of speed paste throughout the night so far and I was having a great time just relaxing, dancing, and having a few beers with some extremely loud minimal techno that was definitely doing damage to my ear drums. At around 6am I was only slightly tipsy from the alcohol and my friend and I decided to ingest our first capsules.

+ 0:00 - The first 20mg capsules were crushed it our mouths and swallowed with water. Tasted terrible but it was easily washed down with water. I had a totally empty stomach and was expecting a fast onset.

+ 0:25 - Feeling great, like I’d taken 1 good ecstasy pill. Warm, fuzzy, eyes dilated already.

+ 1:00 - Feeling amazing, rising and rising, the room was “breathing” around me. I still wanted to enhance this further so I decided to take my second cap of approximately 10mg of 2C-B making a total of around 30mg inside me. My friend then realized he had lost his second capsule so he remained at the very enjoyable level we were currently both at.

+ 1:30 - From here on in things got very intense! I had not planned to trip quite so hard in the club but I was about to be taken on a roller coaster. The first major hallucinations were that my mind would create surreal movies out of every scenario I was in. Waiting for the toilet and attempting to chat to strangers around me was very interesting because I found that I was unable to even focus on what they were saying let alone understand their face as it was truly animated and vivid. Not in a drawn cartoon fashion, but in a unrealistic way like a very very detailed life-like cartoon.

The rest of the trip felt like I was living in this cartoon and faces were extremely funny to look at. Smiles were exaggerated like caricatures and people would move in hilarious ways such as jumping from one spot to the next - hopping around. It was very weird. My sense of depth was severely altered and I was unable to walk properly, so reaching my hand out in front was necessary to feel my way around the busy club. People looked like friends from back home. I kept recognising people I knew and going up to them saying hello, even a dead celebrity I confused with a random! Lots of objects were merging together, most importantly money was very hard to distinguish, the numbers morphed and I found basic math hard to compute at the time as all my money looked the same denomination. I had set alarms on my phone to make sure that I was drinking water at least every hour to keep hydrated and these alarms were very difficult to interpret, they also changed colours frequently so I couldn’t tell if it was red/green as my brain was playing some pretty cool tricks with my colour recognition.

2:00 - Feels like I’m truly peaking. Everything is extremely trippy. I feel like I’m not even on Earth - it feels awesome, surreal. I had tried showing my friend a text message but instead my phone displayed a yahoo answers page, “stuck in a 2C-B trip?”. This was quite distressing and I did experience a light panic attack here because I was extremely surprised by this mix up with my phone.

Another hilarious event was at the bar trying to buy a beer for me and my friend. I was barely able to talk, standing up was very funny because the room was moving violently, almost like walking on an inflatable jumping castle, but the moving surface is actually made of stone. I had stumbled up to bar and asked to buy two beers, only to receive 2 waters. I passed this off as the bartender giving me water because I was looking pretty wild but my friend noted that I actually asked for the water, this was very weird stuff and some trickery was going on! Moments were very lengthy and time slowed down incredibly for me but it also decided to speed up at other times. I did find that when standing by myself in the toilet I was able to bring my mind back to home quite easily, even if it was just for a moment to keep myself from tripping out too much. Small dots of light would array over my vision and the lines of the tiles in the bathroom would race around and multiply. Faces and figures would appear in reflections and mirrors on walls in front and behind me would throw my mind into some very cool infinite mirror visuals! Objects in the corner of my eye were always something else. White graffiti on the back of a black door glowed intensely with specks of blue glitter engineered by my brain and the lock on the door emerged as a quirky face.

2:30 - Still tripping insanely hard and I felt like I was I was on a holiday in another dimension. I was totally conscious and there (mostly) but it truly felt like a dream for the duration of the trip. The way I moved was so sloppy and exaggerated that at times I worried how everyone was actually seeing me move, but most importantly, that the bouncer did not see me all over the place because I would have been kicked out. Worth mentioning is that the euphoria was very enjoyable during almost the entire trip. However, despite all of these little moments of anxiety and fear that I actually expected to experience while tripping on anything, the 2C-B was quite kind to me even though I had eaten so much of her and even after my second capsule she was still quite helpful. 2C-B did floor me from about 2 hours onwards, possibly coming down from the speed, but I couldn’t dance properly at that point anyway.

3:00 - Thank god I have had experience sweating profusely on MDMA and other stimulants because I was able to realise the amount of water I would need to compensate for the over sweating that was experienced. At some points I panicked over sweating too much and then worrying about drinking too much water, yet strangely I was able to bring myself to calm quite easily. I am very grateful that 2C-B allowed me to briefly bring myself back to a ground level mindset, even if it really was for a second or two. I loved how instantly after I reached baseline again, I immediately rolled back into heavy tripping and these transitions were refreshing as well as exhilarating.

3:00 - Tripping very much still, couches seemed much longer than they were. Peoples voices still very strange, high pitched a bit, and sometimes faster, sometimes slower. I had been sitting on the couch from 3 hours onwards just enjoying the visuals and watching the GHB’ers dance like crazy. This was enjoyable and the music was fantastic. I was truly able to enjoy the substance as a whole. My comedown was not too bad, not as sharp as MDMA for me and the glide back to baseline was comfortable, becoming bored and longing to go home to bed.

4:00 - It was around 10am at the time and we left the club and my friend drove home after we had both returned to somewhere near baseline.

All in all, I had naively consumed around 30mg and I had nowhere near expected to trip so damn hard from such a small amount of phenethylamine. In hindsight, I would NOT have consumed my second capsule however I AM glad I did because if I knew how intense the trip was going to be I would never have gone that far. I am extremely happy that I experienced such a strong trip even though at times it was confronting and I did panic around 3 or 4 times for only about 30 seconds each. I did not experience too much confusion and I am grateful that the mindset was so forgiving to me and it did not push me too far into negativity. During the moments of panic, I felt as though everyone instantly turned against me, and peoples faces instantly looked aggressive, or sneaky to me. Thankfully I was able to shift myself back into a more fun and positive mindset by basic reassurance or just getting up for a dance or sucking a tasty lollipop and interestingly the faces turned friendly again.

The day after I said I would never try this drug again, but then I remembered the outstanding visuals it allowed me to experience and I know it will be quite kind to me next time, maybe even combined with some yummy MDMA.

Although unexpected, I am so thankful I put my mind through such an intense 2C-B trip. I look forward to consuming some more psychedelics in the future.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98539
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 22, 2013Views: 8,715
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2C-B (52) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Club / Bar (25)

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