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Home, Rolling in My Personal Space
MDMA & Cocaine
Citation:   Muscaria. "Home, Rolling in My Personal Space: An Experience with MDMA & Cocaine (exp98599)". Feb 3, 2023.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP
  T+ 0:00 500 mg oral Vitamin C
  T+ 0:00 75 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00 25 mg insufflated MDMA
  T+ 2:00 1 line insufflated 2-hydroxycocaine
  T+ 3:30 50 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP
  T+ 3:30 500 mg oral Vitamin C
Domestic Rolling First Time Experience

Before: First time rolling and I've decided to do it in my bedroom while I just relax. Had some wonton soup around 6pm. Took 50mg of 5-HTP & 500mg Vitamin C around 7pm. Slightly nervous about serotonin syndrome, so I don't want to overdo it with prep. Nervous about come-down and depression. I'm chilling alone in my room as I type this. Current irrational fears: I'm going to have to interact with my roommates while fucked up or interact with my cat and pet him to death. Deciding to roll with my laptop near by, listening to music, hanging out in my personal space, going to attempt to log my MDMA experience every 15 minutes or so. I've only done coke and smoked weed in the past, so these are my reference points to bodily/mental highs.


Dumped capsule out on sheet of toilet paper. MDMA was shimmery, crystals visible and enticing. Reminds me of a description I read of what good MDMA should look like, starting to feel positive that this is quality stuff.

Parachuted approximately 75mg, bumped approximately 25mg.

Instantly felt an atmospheric high. From personal experience, coke usually makes me feel 'distant' and 'chill' and the feeling of MDMA is really analogous to that at this point. Would not describe feeling as 'euphoric'. Putting on dance/techno music on my laptop and surfing the web. Music immediately sounds good--it's comparable to how music sounds to me after smoking weed… not exactly the same at all, but it's close to that feeling of connecting to music. I feel very appreciative of the music in a subtle way.


I still feel the drip and the taste of the MDMA in the back of my throat. Just seems like a coke drip, doesn't really taste that horrible. Feeling that 'distance'/'atmospheric feeling' in my head more. The beats and subtleties in the music are very appealing to me and standing out more. Listening to 'Do You Miss Me (Dreamhouse Mix)' by Jocelyn Enriquez and it's doing me right.


Still feel the same in terms of music/head distance feeling. Responded to an email where I helped someone figure out some personal problems, and feeling really good about the advice I gave them in an abnormal way. Feeling unusually positive, a little 'weight off my chest' feeling. Calling a friend who has rolled in the past to discuss current experience.


Talking on phone with a friend about experience. Related the story of answering the email and felt like it took me a long time to tell an otherwise uninteresting story just to convey the positive feeling I felt from answering the email. I feel a LOT more talkative, even more-so then when on coke. Ask if I'm noticeably more talkative, and friend agrees I am. Feeling calm, hanging up clothes, picking up my room. Actually feeling really positive about just being home, rolling in my personal space. Tasks I usually begrudge ie: picking up clothes and hanging them in the closet feel 'easier'.


Feeling a little bit like I'm stable/reached a plateau. Although touch doesn't necessarily 'feel good' in the way people talk about heavy petting with rolling, I'm definitely touching my head/hair a lot more. Slicking my hair back frequently. I almost suspect I'm coming down, but hope I'm not. I expected this to be a lot more intense than it was. I wonder if it's because most people take around 200mg or because I got a weak capsule of molly. The fear that I wouldn't be able to interact with other humans/leave my bedroom is gone. Feels like I could go out and be normal. The barrier I would usually feel trying to make plans this late at night is gone--if someone called me to walk over and meet them at a bar, I would do it. I'm experiencing annoyance over the thought that I can't talk on the phone and listen to loud music at the same time so I'm getting off the phone so I can listen to music more.


About 90% sure I've peaked. Considering introducing coke to the mix. I still feel very calm and chill, and the 'barrier is gone' feeling remains. The heady/distant feeling feels very normal now, like I've grown used to it. It kind of reminds me of the feeling of pulling an all-nighter. That zombie-feeling of being awake for too long and distant from the world.


Feel like I'm coming down. Evaluated the situation. Although I'm under the influence, it objectively feels safe to do a line of coke without it being a horrible idea. Doing a line of coke.


Definitely feel like the coke blended in with the MDMA-driven chillness. Experiencing numb gums and teeth, but not really feeling a big upper from it at all. Probably would not do again, just because it feels like a waste of coke. I do feel a little disappointed that I'm slowly coming down from a plateau, and definitely understanding why people tend to pop a second pill. I'm sad I'm coming down, but not necessarily feeling any of the notorious intense negative side effects of coming down. Wondering if I should take 5-HTP + vitamins now or just chill out and ride this out a little more.


Being on the internet and typing this experience log is a bummer. Think I'm going to dance around my room and then call it a night, unless anything eventful happens.


Dance for awhile by myself--very positive experience. Still enjoying music & have that foggy feeling, but I definitely feel a lot more 'sober' than before. Took a 50mg 5-HTP & a 500mg Vitamin C.


Stayed awake for a bit, feeling pretty sober at this point. The spacey/distant feeling that clouded my head for most of my time on MDMA is mostly faded. I feel clear-headed/sharper again. Still enjoying music in a way that feels a little 'beyond' normal music-listening, but perhaps this is just an afterglow of sorts. Getting tired and ready to go to bed soon. On the positive side, I'm glad MDMA wasn't this intense psycho experience that's going to leave me depressed for three days. I was nervous that losing my MDMA virginity alone was going to be a bad/wasted experience, but I think because I only did a little or perhaps had weaker molly, I feel really positive about this entire thing. But I could see if I was tripping balls that it could be a little scary to do alone. Now that I've gotten over my anxieties about the drug, I feel like I could do more in a social setting and roll a little more hardcore next time.

If there's one thing I hadn't noted before, it's definitely that time went by fast. I can't believe it's already after 2am, it does NOT feel like 4 hours went by. The techno/dance/house music I was listening to all night now feels tiresome and annoying, so I put on relaxing acoustic music.


Went over my log and edited it. In retrospect, doing molly feels like a very subtle experience. I'm not sure I could describe it to someone if I didn't make this log.
In retrospect, doing molly feels like a very subtle experience. I'm not sure I could describe it to someone if I didn't make this log.
I'd say the most unique thing about this experience is when I had a sense of all being right with the world and barriers breaking down so I felt less nervous about my apprehensions. I definitely felt the 'truth serum' side of it in a way that is analogous to the honesty that comes from alcohol. In the past, coke has brought me an 'all is right' feeling, but not to this degree. Definitely feeling like I barely scratched the surface of this drug because my experience was so tame compared to all the stories one hears about rolling, but it was a nice first dance with molly.


No hangover, no sadness, woke up feeling positive and refreshed. Going about the normal day as usual with a new appreciation for molly.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98599
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Feb 3, 2023Views: 524
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MDMA (3), 2-hydroxycocaine (685) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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