Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
New Year, New Perspective
6-APB & 2C-D
Citation:   slownerveaction. "New Year, New Perspective: An Experience with 6-APB & 2C-D (exp98782)". Feb 20, 2013.

T+ 0:00
70 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00 1.5 shots oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 6:45 40 mg oral 2C-D (powder / crystals)
  T+ 9:00   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
My girlfriend and I had previously experienced 6-APB at 100 mg orally and we both found the amount to be a bit much. For her, the come-up was rougher than expected and the intensity of the sensations too much to leave the couch and blankets from t+0:30 to t+2:00. For me, the body sensations were overwhelming, leaving my hands a little shaky, and while I was more comfortable sweeping outside and chatting with a friend, I was still decidedly uncomfortable until about t+3:00 or so.

I was excited to spend New Years' Eve with friends, both out and about and at a house party. I wanted to try some mental accoutrement since it was, after all, a bit of a party night. My girlfriend ('C') again decided to join me on these chemical adventures. Having slept in and eaten well with no inebriates besides coffee and a naproxen for a stress fracture in my foot, at 5:45 pm we drank 70 mg of 6-APB dissolved in a bit of beer. It was decidedly bitter but washed down quickly after another swig of barley soda.

At about t+0:30 we got out of the shower and C noted that she felt a little funny. I wasn't noting anything particularly intense but did feel a bit off, like my skin was a distinct entity apart from my visceral organs. I could move around fine with none of the shakes that accompanied my 100 mg come-up. C got in bed and piled all the blankets and pillows and animals on top of her, enjoying the feeling of things on her skin. Neither of us were nauseated. Clearly the game was afoot. We each had a 2 chargers of nitrous while laying in bed post-shower which we were able to handle easily and which helped me relax and just enjoy the feelings of fabric on my skin and a smile on my face.

By about t+1:00 we felt comfortable enough to leave the house. I was feeling quite dapper, having not had occasion to wear a tie for about six months. On the way to our friend's house, I felt clear-headed, happy, and a little more chatty than usual. C felt altered and pleasantly so particularly compared to her last experience with the compound. She was immensely enjoying being touched and I was happy to oblige.

When we arrived at our friends' apartment at t+1:15, the party (our two male friends and their three female friends from a few hours away) had already started, sort of. Conversation was easier than usual for me and people seemed to react positive to us. I avoided sticking my foot in my mouth over my usual inadvertent back-handed compliments and C had a great time snuggling with our friend's dog on the couch while people got ready to go out around her. She is normally pretty cuddly but seemed more animal-empathic than usual (to me). I felt more empathic than usual as well, and combined with my increased chattiness, I was flying high on a good time. I never noticed any kind of skin-buzzing that some people talk about. Champagne was poured and over the course of an hour I managed to finish an entire glass. C did not drink as much but later commented that the little bit she did have felt like it kicked the 6-APB into higher gear. I concurred.

Walking in the city was chilly but enjoyable as the conversation between C and I flowed easily. Jokes and laughter were equally easy and fun. Around t+2:45 we arrived at the small bar that would be our venue for the evening. After getting seated, I was pleased that the bar wasn't crowded and I could breathe easy. C seemed comfortable and we chatted and enjoyed our drinks, albeit at a rather leisurely pace. I drank a rye whiskey and half a glass of champagne over the course of 3 hours and she had about half of a gin cocktail over the same time period. Our compatriots were amiable despite clearly if unknowingly being on a different trip and I was grateful to be spending quality time with them, particularly D (one of the guys). C & I were each able to eat small hors d'oeuvres without too much nausea. We commented to each other: 'good drugs.' Midnight came we said our goodbyes before heading home.

When we got back home, around t+6:15, we were both happy to get out of our fancy clothes and into pants (C) and into a collarless shirt (me). I filled our house party bag with vegetable snacks and a bottle of wine to share should the occasion permit. After a brief discussion, I decided to take a trip on 40 mg of 2C-D and C once again joined me. The 6-APB was still going (as I could tell from my happy, excited attitude and lack of exhaustion or hunger) but off the peak and I thought 2C-D's short action and familiar beautiful psychedelia could be a nice compliment. We drank it at t+6:45 again with beer. The taste was a little extra foul - it reminded me a bit of something a little sulfur-rotten on the back of the tongue. C agreed that it was a little more disgusting than the 6-APB.

When we arrived at the house party (maybe t+7:15), it was in full-swing, probably just off the peak. As we came up, C was a little overwhelmed and went to find a quiet place to cuddle something fuzzy. I stayed out by the fire pit catching up with friends and enjoying the heat. I tried smoking a cigar I'd found that week while cleaning but it tasted disgusting beyond measure, just foul, and I threw it into the fire which was satisfying. Eventually the sensory input from the fire and conversation got to be a bit much even for me (maybe t+7:45), which I was not expecting. I went to find C, who was curled up in the bath tub with a body pillow. I really wanted to be near and she obliged. We sat in the tub enjoying CEVs together for a while. This is something I forget to try out enough and was grateful for the reminder and space to do so. They were spectacular at the peak - beautiful rhomboid mandalas in the remembered shapes of people and things, almost like energy fields or auras. It was magnificent. I don't recall 2C-D alone having visuals this beautiful, but it's been more than a year since I last used it. C and I were sitting at opposite ends of the tub with our legs outstretched and it felt good to have her hands on me and my hands on her. Very reassuring.

Eventually (maybe t+9:00) the visuals and sounds from the party faded away to the point where I wanted to try maybe heading home to crawl into bed. C came with and we found the hosts, B & S, sitting among a couple dwindling revelers, cracking whippets and talking. They seemed really happy to see us again so we sat down for a bit. I couldn't follow the conversation easily at first (clearly the 2C-D was still working) but my mind eventually got into gear and was able to join. We chatted about our holidays and I took maybe 5 chargers while we sat there. I noticed one minor visual thing while we were sitting there, squiggly purple lines outlining some major shapes in C's face.

C coaxed the house dog to snuggle with her on a futon and they spend the rest of the wee morning hours curled up on a futon. B, S and I got out a card deck and some poker chips and engaged in some no-limit Texas Hold 'Em which was a lot of fun. I was happy to be sitting with my friends and lover. Clearly the night was breaking into morning and while my attitude was still positive, I did feel a little unhappy with my decision to keep us out so late. On the other hand, I got to spend some time with B & S just hanging out, which was very valuable to me. I have been trying to find a way to cultivate that friendship and was happy to find the card game a mutual source of entertainment. Around 5:30 am (t+11:45) C said something about someone snoring and I jumped on it, declaring that we'd head home and get some rest. Surprisingly I still had the energy to jump up, despite having nearly no food all night.

When we finally arrived home for the second time, we quickly shed out clothes, brushed out teeth, and passed out in bed (t+12:15). C had to get up to pick up a friend from the airport at 2 pm, so we got about 6 hours of sleep, during which I was out cold. When I got out of bed to make coffee, I noticed that I had none of the headache that appeared at the end of my 100 mg experience with 6-APB, nor did my body feel 'off'. I clearly needed more sleep but was amazed at how normal I felt. C remarked that she wasn't sure what amused her more: that she spent 2 hours sitting the bathtub or that so few people came in to pee while she was in the tub. I thought the latter was more interesting, myself. C headed out, I made brunch for myself which was delicious, and then I sat down to write this report.

So, lesson learned. 6-APB is a great substance, but only 70 mg was plenty for each of us to have a great time. The 40 mg of 2C-D was excellent but too much for a highly stimulatory situation - next time I think I'll want to just stay home with that one. Finally, I feel better when I'm able to be in my own bed by 2 am, so in the future I'll plan better to make sure that happens. I am ever grateful to have C with whom I can share these experiences to my good fortune for being in a place to have these experiences at all. This trip was great and I look forward to similar trips in the future. Thanks for reading and happy trails!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98782
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Feb 20, 2013Views: 5,165
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6-APB (516), 2C-D (103) : General (1), Various (28)

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