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The Symphony of Life
Citation:   kiresiv. "The Symphony of Life: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp98791)". Jan 14, 2020.

30 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (pill / tablet)
I'd been sitting on 30mg of 4-aco-dmt without any specific plans for taking it. A few weeks earlier, I had tried a 20mg dose with a friend and generally enjoyed it, but felt the experience to be milder than than I had expected (perhaps on par with 1.5g of mushrooms). During that trip I smoked a fair amount of marijuana and primarily felt stoned, which was nice enough but far short of what psychedelics can offer. This time the circumstances were different: I was by myself and had only the tiniest amount of marijuana, but my roommate was out of town and I didn't have much else to do so I figured I might as well just eat the 30mg and see what happens.

Around 7pm I took the pill and then immediately ran to the store to pick up some beer. The effects were essentially negligible until 30 minutes or so after taking it, by which point I felt somewhat lightheaded and became more aware of the relative size and configuration of objects in my apartment. The hallway looked bigger and my sofa looked smaller than I remembered, and I kept wondering whether the walls were really meeting at a right angle or not. Around this time I was also struck by just how *yellow* everything was; the only lighting I have is a few lamps and as the light diffused off the walls the whole place seemed to be a warm marigold. After about 50 minutes of my dose I was feeling somewhat more intense effects; there was no real physical anxiety but I did feel a bit giddy as I was beginning to come-up. The room was growing ever and ever more yellow and at this point I started having some difficulty distinguishing the edges of objects. I dimmed the lights and put on some music -- I was originally intending to play some through headphones on my laptop, but I convinced myself that my headphones were electrocuting me and so I instead listened to my roommate's CD of Mendelssohn's 3rd symphony over the stereo.

Wow! This was maybe the most engrossing musical experience I have ever had. The opening of the first movement is calm and relaxed; I laid on my sofa and let the warm sound wrap around me as the 4-aco-dmt kept me feeling a bit disoriented. But the peaceful atmosphere was quickly punctuated by intense bursts of sound and energy and vigor, and as the storm carried me along I couldn't lay down anymore. Up, up, up I must go! The music carried not just my mind but also my body, and by the fourth movement I was doing a wildly improvisational dance as the 4-aco-dmt peaked. It is difficult to describe the intensity of the experience: subjectively I was not at all aware of the drugs, or even of myself, but only of the symphony and the expression of life. I imagine I looked like a madman, but this is exactly the sort of thing one should embrace when the opportunity presents itself. The finale was a beautiful thing, a physical and emotional staircase which I climbed to the full height of ecstasy, and then, just as magnificently, I was released from the orchestra's hold and I plummeted back to earth. Once the symphony ended I laid down and revelled in the experience.

The rest of the evening was quite pleasant. I went for a brief walk, but it was cold and dark and the ground was littered with dog turds so I quickly returned home. For the most part I just listened to music, thought about my life and what I really want out of it. At some point I got hungry and heated up some leftover soup I had made. Eating the soup was a remarkably sensual experience. I do not mean this in an erotic way, but simply I felt much more acutely sensitive to the flavors and textures present -- particularly when eating kale (something about its frilly texture and slight crunch had me mesmerized). After about 5 1/2 hours I felt like I had for the most part come down.

While it is difficult for me to really distinguish the effects of a drug from the effects of the environment and my own attitude going into the experience, here's my rough sense of how 4-aco-dmt compares to others. It was not nearly as introspective of a trip as any of my LSD trips have been, and the duration was much shorter. There was still a fair amount of introspection going on, but I didn't feel anything close to what I imagine people would describe as 'ego death', for example. There was less physical anxiety with 4-aco-dmt than with mushrooms (probably in large part due to no nausea), and I also felt a bit 'lighter' and more capable of doing things than I have when I have done mushrooms. It was also a less visually intense experience than I have had with other psychedelics; at some point I went to the bathroom and watched my face in the mirror change texture, but for the most part I was not particularly captivated by the visual effects as I had been with LSD or 2c-i (a high dose of the latter gave me the most profound visuals I have ever had). Overall I had a fantastic time. Usual caveats apply: while 4-aco-dmt strikes me as being a calmer & perhaps more recreational psychedelic than the usual suspects, it is still a drug and it is extremely important to go into any trip with some amount of maturity re: set & setting, etc. I should remark also that I woke up the following day with a pretty rough headache, but after an hour or so it subsided and overall I felt very good.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98791
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 14, 2020Views: 857
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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