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A Friendly Warning
Citation:   Ranger. "A Friendly Warning: An Experience with LSD (exp9880)". Aug 6, 2004.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Four or five of us were skipping school and hanging out at a favorite local tripping spot, a small woodsey area at the base of a hill on a local semi-private golf course. It was a weekday morning on a warm spring day and the course wasn't open. We were all peaking pretty good, joking and strumming guitars, just goofing around. But we were kinda quiet, too; we were not suppose to be on the golf course and we didn't want to be confronted and shooed away by the groundskeeper. Suddenly we noticed a young man, maybe late-20s, about 75 yards away, walking past us from our right to left. He was white, sandy hair, casual dressed with a light jacket and was toting a green fabric daypack. We really quieted down, but he didn't glance over, he just kept marching along right down a fareway. When he got directly in front of us he suddenly made a 90 degree turn and without missing a step he started walking directly toward us.

I must emphasize that in making the turn, he did a fast half-twist in mid-stride, very amplified, sort of like player in a marching band, and it was in extreme contrast to the normalcy of his gait. Also, we had been watching him walk for at least two minutes before he turned toward us, and when he did turn, he created a right angle with his new direction. This seemed significant, too, probably because he wasted many steps by not turning in our direction earlier. Again, he had not once looked directly at us from the moment we noticed him. Nor did he look at us even once while he walked that 75 yards straight toward our suddenly silent group. He was looking down at the ground in front of him the whole time. As he approached the last 10 yards, he had to walk down and back up a small dry conctrete creek bed. Two steps out of the creek bed and right in front of our group he stopped and raised his head. He looked slowly around our group, and softly said....

'Acid tears holes in the fabric that seperates this and the next world. If you're not careful you can get caught on the other side.'

Then he turned around, walked directly away from us for about 75 yards, made a perfect 90 degree turn to the left and resumed on his initial way. While he was doing that walk away, we sat stunned, giggling and freaked out. It wasn't till he was out of sight that we lost it, all started talking at once and rolled around with the wierdness of it all.

It's now 20+ years later, and my friends and I will all still swear this is a true story. I told it a while back to a shaman who simply said, 'It was a spirit sent to warn you about fooling around with LSD.' I also learned, years later, that in those days, one of our group, John, had been taking 4 hits of acid for every single hit the rest of us took. I think I did 2 hits that day, so John may have done 6-8 hits. John kept his habits extreme, and a few years later he REALLY totally fucked up his life with cocaine, so maybe he was the intended audience. I don't have a reason for the story, it just happened.

Exp Year: 1979ExpID: 9880
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 6, 2004Views: 7,394
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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