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Withdrawal Made Easy
Hydrocodone, Kratom, Loperamide & Diphenhydramine (for oxycodone withdrawal)
Citation:   Iamnotanoob. "Withdrawal Made Easy: An Experience with Hydrocodone, Kratom, Loperamide & Diphenhydramine (for oxycodone withdrawal) (exp98815)". Erowid.org. May 6, 2016. erowid.org/exp/98815

    Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
      Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
      Kratom (tea)
      Loperamide (pill / tablet)
      Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
The fear of withdrawal is what makes quitting so difficult. I particularly speak of the process of stopping usage once I have decided that it's time to stop. I might slip up about 4 times before it actually happens or it can get so bad that I am forced to stop because my dealer just cant supply my habit. My dealer runs out and I'm left in the dark. Nonetheless here I am day 4 without any opiate and in no withdrawal.

I've been using opiates on and off for 6 years but this past year I have finally come across true physical addiction. I don't even bother going out with friends unless I have enough opiates to bring with me and for tomorrow. Why would I want to be a drag to them? Why would I want to ruin their fun with my bullshit, bad attitude and stomach issues that come with withdrawal. It's depressing that I need this stuff to have fun at 23.

Currently my maintenance dose sits around 50-60 mg of oxycodone a day to stay out of withdrawal but I need that same exact dose to achieve a nod.
Currently my maintenance dose sits around 50-60 mg of oxycodone a day to stay out of withdrawal but I need that same exact dose to achieve a nod.
My route of dosing is through cold water extraction because my hookup only has pills with APAP in them. Either way snorting and IV usage are non sustainable and ineffective routes of administration. While IV does achieve close to 100% the risks with shooting pills, overdosing, and infection defeats the purpose.

This all started with my ordering of one pound of kratom leaf and my dealer only had hydrocodone 10-650. I fucking hate these pills, hydro is much weaker euphorically than oxy, so much tylenol that some of it still makes though the extraction. I was forced to switch to hydro which put me in mental state of distress for about two days because I did not increase my dosage to counter the weaker effects.

Materials needed:
Weaker opiate to wean
Styrofoam cups
Coffee filters
Milk thistle

I started by doing my usual half-ass wean. I bought his last 60 hydrocodones abused them till I had about 7 and started weening down by taking one whenever I felt bad. I also used imodium which helps so much with the stomach cramps. Towards the end I was taking half with around 4-5 grams of kratom.

Once I was out I began making kratom tea. I would use around 10-13 grams for the tea, heating about half a cup of water in a larger styrofoam cup in the microwave to boiling, then pouring it in the kratom in another cup and covering. Let it sit for 10 minutes then filer the liquid through the coffee filter. Then take what's left in the cup dump it on the coffee filter and pour some cold water on it. Carefully because the material will be really hot. Squeeze the liquid out of the material inside the coffee filter into the cup.

The best way to ingest this is to add sugar and chill to almost freezing. It becomes so easy to drink and works wonders. At this point I am also taking magnesium and milt thistle and diphenhydramine usually only at night but sometimes if the nausea is too much.

So as I sit here writing this on my fourth day without opiates I can tell you that A. I did not suffer any real withdrawal B. The switch from oxy to hydro abruptly caused more anxiety than jumping off of hydro into kratom C. Kratom is awesome D. Imodium+kratom mimics stronger opiates effects on the GI tract. E. I am not constipated because I have been having morning diarrhea every morning for about 5 days. The fact that I even wrote this says a lot about my mental state. I feel cheerful and optimistic towards the future but my dealer will have more oxy tomorrow.... But I have more kratom. Does this ever end?
I feel cheerful and optimistic towards the future but my dealer will have more oxy tomorrow.... But I have more kratom. Does this ever end?
If I can ignore him maybe I can stay off of it but in that moment when he tells me that he just capped more I become someone else. I become the yes man I'm down. How long can I kick this can down the road for?

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98815
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 6, 2016Views: 7,294
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Oxycodone (176), Kratom (203), Hydrocodone (111) : Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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