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Brief but Not Unsuccessful
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
Citation:   hardedit. "Brief but Not Unsuccessful: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp98817)". Aug 26, 2018.

T+ 0:00
12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
  T+ 13:00 5 shots oral Alcohol (liquid)
I had been interested in psychoactive cacti for about 4 months ago (6 months ago being my first psychedelic experience). I finally decided to go for it when I heard local police were cracking down on DMT containing plants like Mimosa Hostilis. I decided I wanted to do at least one plant extracted drug before they were illegal.

As for experience, I have only been experimenting with psychedelics for about 6 months. That being said, I’ve gotten at least some experience. I’ve tried LSD on a couple occasions, shrooms half a dozen times, salvia, DOM, MDA and of course, alcohol and cannabis.

For preparation, I chose the seemingly simple blend and boil method. I got myself a 12” stock of San Pedro cactus, about 2.5” in diameter. I chopped it up and blended it as best I could with my old blender, and boiled it for about 3.5 hours. Unfortunately, I got bored and decided to strain it a little early. Afterwards, I decided to boil the cactus bits again for another 3 hours to see if I could squeeze a few more alkaloids out. I blame this impatience for the somewhat weak effects I would experience later. I boiled it down to about a third of a liter, and froze it for the day I would decide to use it.

I decided that day was New Year’s Eve. My buddy had his house to himself, and I feel pretty comfortable there. I woke up early and headed over, a little excited but not nervous or anxious. I hadn’t eaten since the last night, about 12 hours ago. When I got to his house around 9 AM, he was still asleep. I poured out the tea into shot glasses (he had pre thawed it for me) and took them as best I could, smearing jam on my tongue to mask the bitter taste.

I then settled down to watch TV and await the infamous nausea come-up. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel any. After an hour, I just knew it was time to get the stuff out of my stomach, no nausea. So I puked it all up, feeling a slight buzz of stimulation, kind of like a molly come-up. I settled back in and closed my eyes, but the buzz slowly faded. About a half hour later, at 10:45, I suddenly started seeing some colors under my eyelids. Rapidly shifting patterns came next, and a feeling of warmth and comfort washed over my body…

And then it was over in about a minute. I knew I had to smoke to kick this thing off, so I woke my friend up and loaded up his bong. I took a couple hits, and then tried to finish it off in one big hit, but ended up coughing really badly so I took a break and went back to the couch. That’s when I started to feel it.

Usually when I’m high, my body just feels really relaxed and warm, not much stimulation. Here I felt like a cool invigorating wind was blowing on me, and I was being massaged by waves of cold air and slight euphoria. It was very relaxing.
I felt like a cool invigorating wind was blowing on me, and I was being massaged by waves of cold air and slight euphoria. It was very relaxing.
My friend started playing some video games, and I decided to join him. As I played, I could feel the waves becoming more concentrated, starting in the center of my body and then moving outwards to either shoulder and down my arms. At the same time, it seemed my cognitive functions were separating themselves from my body. I felt like I was becoming two people sharing a body as my brain began racing a mile a minute.

I was not paying attention to the game at all, but I found out later that I was not doing badly at all, even better than normal. I almost felt like I was playing and interacting outwards on a muscle memory level, requiring only a small fraction of my brain. Meanwhile, I was just thinking and thinking.
I almost felt like I was playing and interacting outwards on a muscle memory level, requiring only a small fraction of my brain. Meanwhile, I was just thinking and thinking.
It started off with classic psychedelic though loops and realizations, examining the world around me and myself. It almost felt like a cross between the headspace of acid and shrooms: I pondered very personal and emotional issues like with fungi but with the clear headedness and easy visualizations of acid. It was very productive for me, as I worked through issue after issue and question after question.
It was very productive for me, as I worked through issue after issue and question after question.

I was enjoying my two selves greatly, not to mention that this all came with a very dynamic body high. If I though about the sun, I would feel warmth wash over me. If I though about other drugs, I would feel them for a minute. Soon though, my thought loops turned negative. I was convinced my inner child had come out to put me on trial, and the waves came back stronger. I thought part of my brain was revolting and splitting to become another personality. I wondered if other people with dissociative identity disorder felt this when they gained a personality: a momentous split with that section of their brain.

I decided it was time to go outside. One of my other friends stopped by and we decided to go run some errands at a nearby Fred Meyer. While driving, my two selves merged and I felt like moving and not thinking anymore. Fresh air felt amazing in my lungs and the cold wind only complimented my strange body high. This part of the trip is the part that seems most “stereotypical” of mescaline from what I’ve read. My colors and contrast kept increasing, and everything was clearly defined. It all looked cartoony and bright. It was sort of like it was all cell shaded and 2D, and I was somehow walking through it. Inside Fred Meyer was even better, colorful isle after colorful isle. I wasn’t giggly or anything, but I was in a great mood and happy with everything.

After we got back, I could tell the marijuana was starting to wear off. However, at almost 7 hours of it, it lasted a lot longer than normal and it was definitely a different experience. My mindset faded to just thinking a little faster than normal, my pupils shrank to almost normal and my body high faded to a nice relaxed happy feeling. It stayed like this for a couple more hours and then also subsided, putting me gently back at baseline about 11 hours after taking it.

At about 9 PM, a couple friends picked me up to go out and party for the New Year. I was feeling good and social, and decided I could stand to drink a little. However, even though I drank enough to normally make me feel at least buzzed, I felt absolutely nothing. I chalked this up to depressant alcohol getting canceled out by the remaining stimulant mescaline/related alkaloids.


T+0:00 (9:00 AM)- Ingested tea

T+1:00 (10:00 AM)- Vomited stomach contents

T+ 1:45 (10:45)- felt buzz and got brief visuals

T+ 1:55 (10:55) – Smoked 1 bowl of weed, kicked in trip

T+ 5:00 (2:00 PM)- Went out to Fred Meyer

T+ 6:15 (3:15 PM)- Ate food, noticed time dilation

T+ 6:45 (3:45 PM)- got back to the house, feel coming down a little bit

T+ 9:30 (6:30)- Weed has worn off

T+ 11:30 (8:30 PM)- feel back on baseline

T+ 13:00 (10:00 PM) – after having consumed about 5 shots worth of alcohol and feeling nothing, decide to just relax

T+ 15:01 (12:01 AM) – Happy New Year!

Conclusion and Notes

I would say the experience was a worthwhile one. I have always wanted to do an extraction, and having done one, even if I did not do it entirely properly, and getting results, even if they weren’t quite what I expected, was immensely satisfying to me.
I have always wanted to do an extraction, and having done one, even if I did not do it entirely properly, and getting results, even if they weren’t quite what I expected, was immensely satisfying to me.
I know my dose was weak and I probably would not have felt much without the help of good bud. I see what people mean when they say mescaline is weak when it comes to combos, I could definitely feel some weed in there with the tripping.

It was both what I expected and totally surprising. I will say the splitting of my personality into as many as three people was a strange and somewhat terrifying experience, even if I was feeling so good at the time I didn’t care. There were a couple things that I noticed but forgot to mention that marked it as a definite psychedelic experience. For one, I had trouble keeping track of time there was definitely some time dilation. I felt like the drive to Fred Meyer’s was at least 2 hours, but it was around 10 minutes. Also, food was disgusting. I hated looking at it and chewing it was hard (due to bruxism). Also, huge pupils.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98817
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 26, 2018Views: 2,022
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64), Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Personal Preparation (45), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2), General (1)

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