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Luxurious With Each Sense
Citation:   cosmic ray. "Luxurious With Each Sense: An Experience with 6-APB (exp98830)". Jan 16, 2017.

85 mg oral 6-APB (liquid)
Happy Introduction to 6-APB

At home with my wife over the holidays, we decide to try some 6APB purchased from a reputable source. My wife, Elle, is sensitive to ecstasy, so we decide to go light and dissolved 85 mg into some orange juice.

T+25, noticed a slight flush, tingles, freshening of vision.

Elle was feeling a chill and wanted to take a warm shower before the 6APB fully kicked in. I followed her, at first just to check some recent plumbing work, but soon we were showering together relishing the wet heat. I had a strong urge just to be next to her.

This was followed by sensual, tactile love making. E was very responsive as was I, despite the deflationary side effects. It was a wonderful time lost in touching and kissing and connecting.

T+2:15, We came downstairs. We both agree that this is post peak, but not over by any means. I feel euphoric, lightheaded. I have strong visual afterimages left from bright areas, mild color shifts. I feel hyper alert, somewhat speedy but not at all in a bad way. My head wants to sway, feeling a warm embrace from the universe. Delightful.

I notice a bit of confusion trying to get my computer back online. I'm not concerned about it in the slightest. There’s a bit of fuzziness when trying to gather my thoughts. I put on some Sufjan Stevens, sounds amazing.

T+3, We decided to nap for a while, though this was really more cuddling in bed. There’s an odd mix of speedy skin tingles along with relaxed muscles.
There’s an odd mix of speedy skin tingles along with relaxed muscles.
My body feels luxurious with each sense. I luxuriate on touch of sheets against my skin, the smell of Elle’s hair filling my nose, the afternoon sun reaching my eyes. Everything has the quality of a first kiss.

T+7:15, still not back to baseline, but strong effects are mostly over. I have a nice afterglow, some slight fragility of balance, and some of that patchy quality to vision persists. Inside there's still a warm, pervasive contentment. I decided to have a drink - kahlua, cream and di sorano. Delicious. Looking forward to dinner. Just finished peeling shrimp; watching Elle in the kitchen is perfect. My daughter, home now, is reading the Hobbit while curled happily in a chair. Again, perfect.

We both agree it’s not as intense as ecstasy, but somewhat similar. Later that night I did get a bad headache in the temples. Elle did not, so it might not be related.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98830
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Jan 16, 2017Views: 4,273
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6-APB (516) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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