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Mostly Unchanged
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   Poke Smot. "Mostly Unchanged: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp98942)". Dec 31, 2022.

4 g oral Amanitas (tea)
    smoked Cannabis  
I had read quite a bit of material on the mushrooms in the past few months, so when I had some extra cash lying around a friend and I bought some from an online vendor (We'll call my friend K). We got an oz. and decided that K and I, along with another friend we'll call J, would drink a tea using the smaller caps of the bag (there being only 5, one being quite large). I estimate that it was around 12-15 gs total between the three of us. I was in a pretty good mood, and we planned on chilling in our living room after a quick smoke.

I prepared the tea by breaking down the mushies by hand as well as possible, then stirring them into a few cups of almost boiling water (approx. 190-195 according to my thermometer) for around 40 or 45 minutes. We then let them cool while my friend made a batch of lipton tea for us to mix with it. We strained the mushrooms out of the tea with a not-so-fine strainer and threw them away. We split the tea three ways, then added the lipton.

The taste was not the best, to say the least. At first I thought I'd tasted worse, but it turned out pretty difficult to down. We took the tea at around 12:45, and I probably finished around 1:30. I ate some white bread slices in between gulps and drank some water, to suppress the gag urge. We also smoked a few bowls in order to help reduce nausea. My friend K and I felt minor nausea a half hour in, but we did not hurl, or truly feel the need to; however, my friend J had been drinking crappy vodka all night prior, and he felt very, very ill, hurled a lot, and passed out on the floor. I believe he had drank soda to chase it mostly, and I've read somewhere that CO2 an turn muscimol back to ibotenic acid, so perhaps this occurred for him.

About 2 hours after we started drinking, K and I returned from our garage (we smoke in there) and proceeded to watch A Clockwork Orange. We got almost to the end of it (4:00+) when K and I both got too tired to stay awake. We both felt a bit strange, and I even experienced some odd visual distortions; however, they were barely noticeable, perhaps even placebo, and therefore I wouldn't say I have visuals.

In total, the experience was boring, and only served to put me to sleep. I had no wild dreams that night.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98942
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 31, 2022Views: 384
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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