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Taking One for the Team
Desfontainia spinosa & Cannabis
Citation:   Graf Orlock. "Taking One for the Team: An Experience with Desfontainia spinosa & Cannabis (exp98988)". Nov 30, 2017.

2 bowls smoked Desfontainia spinosa (leaves)
  1 hit smoked Cannabis  
I have read much about Chilean Holly online, and saw a few forums where people were 'afraid to smoke it' because nobody knew if it was toxic. So I ordered some Chilean holly foliage from an online seller.

I received my package about 5 days later, and was disappointed to see there were no flowers included (the flowers are said to be the most psychoactive part of the plant). I smoked a bowl of the stuff, and felt nothing but a head rush. So, I smoked another bowl. Nothing. My buddy came over with some marijuana and we only managed to take one small hit each, because my lighter ran out of fluid.

After this hit of weed, I had weird hallucinations. The only hallucinogens I have done prior to this are Maconha Brava and DPH (800mg being my highest dosage, 250 \mg being the lowest). So I'm not very experienced with hallucinogens, but let me tell you, I saw some strange things after smoking this herb. Almost immediately after that hit of weed, I couldn't stop staring out the window. The sky was darkening before my eyes. In mere seconds, the sky went from bright blue to cloudy and almost black. Whenever I looked away and looked back out the window, it would be bright again, and became dark after a few seconds of staring.

About 5 minutes after smoking the weed, I looked at the shadow my door was making. The door's shadow was jiggling like jell-o and waving. I instantly stood up and investigated the door (in-case it was jell-o. I didn't know what else to do), and it obviously was hard like a normal door. When I turned around to look at the rest of my room, the colors of every object increased in saturation and became more bright. I was shocked, but didn't realize how awesome it was at the time. It started to wear off in about 5 hours. I still feel effects to this day, about 2 weeks later. Nothing bad, just little hallucinations here and there (could be from the high dose of DPH).

The funny thing is, my friend wasn't the least bit high after his hit, and kept asking me why I was acting stoned.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98988
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2017Views: 2,043
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Desfontainia spinosa (538) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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