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Eye of the Needle
Citation:   Daniel LeMunyan. "Eye of the Needle: An Experience with Ayahuasca (exp99046)". Jan 22, 2013.

1 cup oral Ayahuasca (liquid)
While my trip to Peru may have seemed abrupt at the time, in retrospect my involvement with this substance know as ayahuasca was completely in step with the direction I had been headed for quite some time. Even now, I can't identify a single rational reason why I decided to fly to the jungle and test my fate, though there was a nagging curiosity that would not go away. I felt I needed to go.

From what I had heard time and time again, ayahuasca not only had the ability to heal the sick, but it could also open a direct line of communication to something supreme inside ourselves. With just a small amount of planning and having never set foot in South America, I booked a trip to Refugio Altiplano, an ayahuasca retreat center outside of Iquitos, Peru. During my time there, I was able to shoot some amazing footage and document the entire experience in a short I called 'Eye of the Needle, An Ayahuasca Journey'.

Please watch the video on Vimeo: Vimeo : 56122124

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99046
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jan 22, 2013Views: 15,241
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