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So Happy and at Peace
Cacti - T. bridgesii & Cyclizine
Citation:   CactInsane. "So Happy and at Peace: An Experience with Cacti - T. bridgesii & Cyclizine (exp99116)". Erowid.org. May 5, 2016. erowid.org/exp/99116

T+ 0:00
75 mg oral Pharms - Cyclizine  
  T+ 0:45 30 mg oral Cacti - T. bridgesii (tar / resin)
Description and mind-set:
I decided to try the mescaline containing cactus, Echinopsis lageniformis monstrose, I had read reports that this type was a little more potent than pachanoi and peruvianus, I had already used pachanoi, peruvianus and peyote with minimal effects other than tremendous nausea (because of my weak stomach), this time I would take 75mg of cyclizine before use to ease nausea and keep the cactus down for as long as possible. My mind-set and mood was good, I was ready to embark on this experience again, previous use had left me nauseated and frustrated, But this time I had high hopes.

Details of preparation:
± 2 kilograms of cactus was blended and was allowed to simmer for 5-6 hours. Reports stated that 1 kilogram was sufficient, but decided to add a little more in case of weak potency (this was not the case), the cactus was grown in dry conditions. After straining the cactus, I evaporated the remaining water till dry, The remaining tar was encapsulated and weighed, about 30 grams, I had stored it for a couple of weeks before I was ready.

For this experience, I wanted to be in a familiar place in case anything went wrong; I decided my home would be sufficient.

The experience:
11:00 I had taken 75mg cyclizine on a partially empty stomach and decided to wait about 45min before taking the mescaline capsules
11:55 I started taking them one by one with a glass of water and decided to lie down and wait for the nausea.
12:30 No nausea at all
13:00 I start to feel nauseous
13:30 The nausea is too intense, I must relieve myself, I ran to the bathroom, All of it was out of my system I thought, As I walk back to my bed to lie down, I notice a little buzz
14:00 The euphoria is building up, I can feel it
14:30 -17:30
I am completely at peace, I lay on my bed with my eyes closed, opening them now and then, beams of light hugging my body, breathing was very pleasurable, rays of energy shooting through my body and mind, Contact with other beings, looking at me and smiling, I opened my eyes, the light was so intense, my ceiling warped and waved, The pressure in my head seemed enormous and felt like my brain was being tugged now and then, like jelly, My ceiling danced and laughed, simple lines would take on a whole new form, I felt like butter melting all over my bed, I was so happy and at peace, the smile on my face would not go away.
I was so happy and at peace, the smile on my face would not go away.

18:00 - The effects are dying down, The euphoria is almost gone, By this point the trip took a bad turn, With the euphoria gone the visuals were still playing with me, I was so exhausted, I had begun to tremor with fear, The visuals tugged and teased me, Things begun to get a little dark, The shock left my heart racing, to the point that I would have to sit down after a short walk, I would just lie down and breath, they would not go away, I calmed myself down but my heart was pounding. During the enjoyable part of the trip my heart rate was cool and slow, I took some Valium to try ease my shock and lay down on the couch for a couple of battling hours.

19:00 – 20:00
The effects are still lingering but heart beat is a little slower, I am relieved and eat my first meal of the day.

The cactus I used must have been very potent in order to give me these effects with the little amount that was left in my system. A good experience all in all, it was worth having, I will never forget the utter peace at times.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99116
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 5, 2016Views: 2,780
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Cacti - T. bridgesii (448) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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