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Favorite Component of My Nootropic Stack
Oxiracetam, Piracetam, Noopept, Aniracetam, Sulbutiamine, Pramiracetam, Armodafinil, Caffeine & Supplements
Citation:   dougnaka. "Favorite Component of My Nootropic Stack: An Experience with Oxiracetam, Piracetam, Noopept, Aniracetam, Sulbutiamine, Pramiracetam, Armodafinil, Caffeine & Supplements (exp99133)". Apr 27, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1.5 g oral Piracetam
  T+ 0:00 1 g oral Smarts - Oxiracetam
  T+ 0:00 350 mg oral Aniracetam
  T+ 0:00 350 mg oral Pramiracetam
  T+ 0:00 700 mg oral Vitamins - Choline
  T+ 0:00 300 mg oral Smarts - Sulbutiamine
  T+ 0:00 300 mg oral Caffeine
  T+ 0:00 500 mg oral Theanine
  T+ 0:00     Vitamins / Supplements
  T+ 0:00 75 mg oral Armodafinil
  T+ 4:00 1 g oral Piracetam
  T+ 4:00 1 g oral Smarts - Oxiracetam
  T+ 4:00 350 g oral Vitamins - Choline
  T+ 14:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline
Before taking any nootropic drugs I added fish oil (2.4g 2x/day) and vitamin B complex (2x/day) for 2 weeks, and noticed slightly improved mental function and memory. I started nootropics with Piracetam and CDP Choline for 2 weeks, then tried adding a new racetam or other item to my stack for one week, things I liked I kept, things I didn't like I stopped taking.

The first addition was NOOPEPT, I purchased it thinking it had the largest potency and was therefore the best. NOOPEPT definitely did something to my brain, but it was not entirely pleasant, and could feel overpowering at times. Dosing was difficult and I averaged 10mg-80mg per dose. After a couple days on NOOPEPT I cancelled trying it out, and went back to simply Piracetam/CDP stack for the remainder of the week. I felt something subtle in my brain from this, but it wasn't overly strong, and wasn't similar to anything previously experienced.

I decided to reverse my process and add the next strongest common racetam from Piracetam and tried out Aniracetam. I started with 700mg in the morning and 350mg in the afternoon. Aniracetam had definite cerebral enhancing effects, and I was beginning to be able to feel more closely the differences between Piracetam and Aniracetam. The Aniracetam left me less clear headed in general, and sort of fuzzed out more than I like. I took it for the whole week, but then dropped it from my stack.

I then tried Oxiracetam. This was, and still is, the racetam for me. I took 350mg twice a day for the week. It was the largest increase in what I would describe as the feeling of cognitive function and ability so far. I felt like the real estate of my mind had grown from a small putting green to a vast field of clean, organized space.
I felt like the real estate of my mind had grown from a small putting green to a vast field of clean, organized space.
I noticed enhanced peripheral vision. I would describe it as focal clarity of things not directly being looked at. The hair on my cat is crisply visible even though it's 30 degrees off of the center of my vision as I type this. Sometimes it feels like I am observing multiple things through my eyes independently of each other.

I kept Oxiracetam in my stack and added Pramiracetam. Pramiracetam felt a lot like NOOPEPT, but milder. It's a feeling that was like a non painful throbbing in my head. Some engine in my mind was ready to go, but didn't have enough fuel. I increased my CDP Choline, but this did not help. I took the Pramiracetam for a week and then decided to drop it, and try more Oxiracetam. I double my Oxiracetam to 750mg 2x/day and did this for just under 2 weeks. During this time I continued to research nootropics, and ordered Sulbutiamine and L-Theanine. I added both at the same time (300mg Sulbutiamine, and 250mg L-Theanine in the morning). These both did not seem to increase my mental ability, but seemed to increase my mental energy. There were several days where I felt like I had a ready engine and no fuel, and since adding Sulbutiamine and L-Theanine, these days are gone. After a few weeks

t took that stack for a couple weeks, and decided to try Aniracetam and Pramiracetam again, adding both at 350mg and only in the morning. This time they both helped my mental clarity and ability, and I have kept them in my stack. After about a month I added Nuvigil (armodafinil) at 75mg 2x/day, M-F. Nuvigil is about as subtle as Piracetam, but I find it consistent and valuable, even though it is fairly expensive. My current nootropic stack is :

8 AM - 1.5g Piracetam, 1g Oxiracetam, 350mg Aniracetam, 350 Pramiracetam, 700mg CDP Choline, 300mg Sulbutiamine, 300mg caffeine, 500mg L-Theanine, 2.4g fish oil, B complex vitamin

M-F add 75mg Nuvigil (1/2 pill)

noon - 1g Piracetam, 1g Oxiracetam, 350mg CDP Choline

M-F add 75mg Nuvigil (1/2 pill)

10PM - 50mg amitriptyline (migraine prevention, included for completeness), 2.4g fish oil, B complex, multivitamin

Since starting Nootropics I have a better memory, a more healthy feeling brain, less ups and downs, far less migraines.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99133
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Apr 27, 2017Views: 5,410
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Smarts - Oxiracetam (565) : Unknown Context (20), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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