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Only Thing That Really Scares Me Is the Chest Pains
Citation:   neverknowtillyoutry. "Only Thing That Really Scares Me Is the Chest Pains: An Experience with Modafinil (exp99152)". Erowid.org. Apr 30, 2020. erowid.org/exp/99152

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 17:00 100 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  T+ 20:00 100 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (liquid)
Initially, I'd read about the pills on the internet, I am not one to order substances like that off the internet, but I gave it a shot to see what would happen as I had report due in the next 2 days and I wanted to experiment to see whether it is worth all the hype.

My little 10 strip of Modalert arrived in the post and I could not wait to try it, they were encased in fairly thick foil wrapping. Soon as I got home, I took one with a glass of water at 8.00pm as I had late night work to do anyway and I am really bad with late nights as I ALWAYS end up falling asleep.

It took approx. 20-30 minutes to take effect (I had also taken it on a full stomach) my first reaction was wow! I had an immediate burst of energy, which is unusual as I am usually very chilled and laid back person.

Due to my naivety however, as I was reading comments on online forums I then realised I was supposed to have split the pill in half instead of taking the whole 200mg... Oh well! As I got to work accompanied with my Redbull energy drinks and B&H silvers there was definitely a surge of energy that lasted from 8.30pm-6.30am approx.

I did have side effects as soon as the drug started taking effect, there was an increase in heart palpitations, mild headache, dry mouth and eyes
as soon as the drug started taking effect, there was an increase in heart palpitations, mild headache, dry mouth and eyes
, and towards the end, my body seemed incredible heavy. I read online how it suppresses sleep and appetite, on my first day I still felt hungry and by 6am, I was knocking off to sleep.

The next day:

I did take a nap for an hour or so but no REM sleep, when I woke up at 7.30ish just before sunrise I was in a state of pure bliss for some reason even though I was lying on the living room sofa, wind howling outside but I temporarily felt like I was on holiday in India, it felt very nostalgic.

I dozed off again an hour later for another hour however, this time it felt as if the sounds around me were enhanced or seemed considerably louder, I remember hearing banging I woke up in shock walked around the room in a daze and then went to sleep again for a another hour.

When I did get up again I was going to take 100mg at 8.00am but decided to leave it for a few hours until the effects were fully worn off just so that I do not overdose by accident.

The next dose I took was the day after at 1pm (also after lunch) I waited and tried to do work, but was easily distracted and then I felt nothing at all, no effects ... Nothing like yesterday.

So at 4pm I took the remainder of the 100mg, attention levels had increased and I was well on my way to finishing off my assignment.

When I did finally finish my assignment I popped out, when I came back in the room, however I felt as though my vision was a bit shaky? I looked at the plant in the distance and it looked as if it was shivering slightly, and as I looked up at the spotlights the colours and detail was just so vivid! It also looked as if there was very faint smoky lines dancing against the rays of light from the spotlight almost ghost like, it was very surreal. Nevertheless, I have narrowed that down to either:

1) Modalert side effect
2) Lack of sleep
3) Lack of food

I did then get a burst of energy from nowhere; I guess this took longer for some reason. Today I didn't experience headaches but I definitely felt chest pains which was very worrying but thankfully its passed.

Only issue I have now is that I am unable to sleep and writing up my story at 7.00AM with hardly any sleep in the past 42 hours. I still am experiencing slight vision issues for e.g. a pen mark line on a wall will look 3D as if it's part of a cobweb, I'm assuming it should subside soon as I get some sleep though.

In conclusion, ideal for rare use, only thing that really scares me is the chest pains.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99152
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 30, 2020Views: 1,027
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Modafinil (217) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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