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Every Little Speck of My Vision Was Crawling
Morning Glory
Citation:   Mark Bell. "Every Little Speck of My Vision Was Crawling: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp99176)". Mar 12, 2020.

600 mg oral Morning Glory
Morning Glory Trip

Hallucinations started off very LSD like, walls stretching and bouncing then changing color, tons of euphoria, I couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard I tried. Then my friend went to sleep and I was all alone.

That's when it got bad. I started to feel like I really knew what the word insanity actually ment. There was no distinction between speaking and thinking what so ever, all I could think about was space, god, and cycles and processes of the universe. And it all kept coming back to the same thing. It was driving me crazy, I guess this is what people call interlopping thoughts, you wouldn't believe how awful they can be and how insane they can drive you. The visuals I were getting at this point were just as bad as what was going on in my head. There were patterns on a blanquette that crawled up it infinitely, like they never stopped or ran out. Every little spec of my vision was crawling, it was so exhausting for my eyes, like I never thought you could hallucinate so much that just your vision makes you insane. I felt like I was smarter than every human being because of the knowledge I felt I leaned of the universe. I felt different than every other human being to like I was another species, and there was no way I would put myself around any other human because of how different I was. That's mainly all I can remember about this trip into the deepest depths of my mind although a lot more that happened my mind wouldn't be able to perceive it unless I was there again. LSA is very powerful psychoactive chemical.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 99176
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 12, 2020Views: 714
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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