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Some Thoughts About Ice
by YaWn
Citation:   YaWn. "Some Thoughts About Ice: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp9918)". Aug 7, 2004.

  smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
As a normally clear minded intelligent person, I guess I would surprise some people if I told them I smoked crystal meth on a regular basis. First thing I should mention is that I'm under the influence now. The second is that I'm in Australia.

Similar to the USA, crystal meth (ice from now on) is sometimes called ice, or shabu in australia. I'm guessing but I think thats from asian influences. As an Asian-Australian I would guess that asians in Australia account for a good percentage of regular users. And I couldnt describe it as a party drug either.

Most users here smoke it using a 'bong' made from (low end) empty plastic bottles or strips of foil to, (high end) expensive purpose built air tight glass 'bongs'. 'Bongs' made out of glass generally decreases the amount of 'wasted' smoke when ice is burnt. Like descriptions from the USA, ice has a very unique taste that any regular user could distinguish. Good ice will always melt and recrystallilze in the glass clearly with no brown or coloured residue.

Anyway I guess I started smoking ice a few years back. First time I smoked it with experienced people was an awesome high. As pleasurable as MDMA but different as well. I honestly dont know if I consider ice to be addictive or not, because I have heard many conflicting opinions of regular smokers. All I can say for sure is that ice will affect you in many ways. It will affect your diet, your sleeping patterns, your hygiene, your sex life, in fact all aspects or regular life. It will even dominate you in ways that u would never suspect.

I dont want anyone who has never smoked it before to start without reading something like this, or seeking honest opinions from people who can give advice. Ice is not for the weak minded.

In conclusion I would just like to say that when I first started smoking ice I was 65KG and MDMA based recreational drugs were more important to me. Today I am 55KG and I only smoke ice. I dont consider myself addicted but I know my mind thinks about it more than it should. Anyone who is considering trying it dont do it on impulse please. U may be making a mistake that can take years to recover from. Just think what true original ravers took at raves. Ice ( crystal meth ) wasnt one of them. U should know the reason why by now.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9918
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2004Views: 1,027
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Methamphetamine (37) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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