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Syncopated Hell
Citation:   ChaosX. "Syncopated Hell: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp99325)". Sep 21, 2013.

1 hit   25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
I've never tried LSD before. Still haven't. I've had a few wonderful experiences with mushrooms, that's about it though on psychedelics. Well, some freebase DMT too but not 'pure' DMT. I was excited to try LSD. I was in a right state of mind for it and everything. Little did I know I would experience going through the Gates of Hades that night.

It was 25i-NBOMe. I didn't know that when I took it. I had read that LSD shouldn't have a taste on the blotter; this blotter had a very distinct taste to it. It tasted like I took the lead out of a pencil and stuck it under my tongue, or something along the lines of that. Long story short it was a very unpleasant taste and I didn't like it.

I was coming up in my friend B's garage. I'm with a few friends. J and B took it also. J and B are members of my band. We play a heavier style of music more for the progressive metal family. J is the guitarist and B is the drummer. C was also there, the vocalist, but he didn't take any. He had before though and he was perfectly fine. Everything seems awesome. My color spectrum was changing all throughout the garage. I can't really recall when my trip started to go down hill, but I'll try to give my best recollection of events of this night.

I went outside to take a piss and the ground was moving beneath my feet. The trees, the garage, everything was moving and I was just in one position. I have very intense visuals by this point, and I had a very faint sense of euphoria.

This, from what I recall, is when the trip goes down hill. We went inside B's house to practice our setlist. Everything seems normal, but there's just that small thought in the back of my mind that something is terribly wrong here. We start to play our first song. Our intro goes by fine. But when the first song comes on were playing it and as it gets more intense I feel like everyone in the room is looking at me with this creepy, ominous smile. Like something terrible is about to happen to me and everyone's gonna laugh in my agony. That was only the beginning.

I threw my guitar. I couldn't deal with the smiling. It was just getting too intense. Incoherency is setting in but I still have a faint sense of what I'm doing still. This is the part where I thought my band was playing Mayhem Fest the next day. For those of you who don't know; Mayhem Fest is the annual metal fest that tours around America during the summer, great if you like heavy heavy metal.

My mind was now on auto pilot with the driver passed out. Spitting out random things from my collective unconscious. My friends would try to talk to me and have a normal conversation but I would just say something totally different on what I was thinking about that conversation. First I thought my friends were actually cops and they were gonna arrest me for a DUI. That idea seemed to disperse on its own though. The next idea was that we all had earned a shitload of scholarship money for whatever school we wanted to attend. How I came up with this? I really don't know.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, they got even more worse. We ended up in my friend's garage. The thoughts going through my head were totally different from the words coming from my mouth. I didn't know what was coming out of my mouth. My friends gave me a recollection of what I was saying while we were in that garage, such as things like 'Amanda Todd, Bleach, John Lennon, We're all going to jail, Gamerchair, My friend C is pregnant (C is a guy).' But the thought process in my mind focused around syncopation. Everything that was going on was going on for a reason, and I would use the perfect amount of muscle to move from what I was doing to where I needed to go. I thought I was an unborn baby, sitting in the womb of my friend A. The clothes flew off, I was butt naked in my friend B's garage. Syncopated algorithms started to kick in though, as if I needed to do something in the right time so everyone could benefit from what I was doing. It was all useless shit though, and I don't remember exactly what I syncopated up. As I'm typing this I'm slowly recollecting the thoughts in my mind. I thought I was 5 people born into one. I cant remember all five people, One was John Lennon, another was Kurt Cobain, but I can't remember the other three.

Everything ended when my mom came in to B's garage. I don't remember her ever being there, and I don't remember anything from that point to the hospital, because I woke up in the hospital bed thinking 'where the hell am I?' with a nurse asking me what I took cause she'd never seen someone like this before.

Never even gonna experiment with 25i-NBOMe again. Didn't even plan on experiencing it in the first place but I guess some people are just ignorant as hell and sell you the wrong stuff.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99325
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Sep 21, 2013Views: 8,802
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25I-NBOMe (542) : Various (28), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Bad Trips (6)

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