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A Sense of Well-Being
Albizia julibrissin
Citation:   Devora. "A Sense of Well-Being: An Experience with Albizia julibrissin (exp99390)". Erowid.org. Nov 19, 2017. erowid.org/exp/99390

.5 shots oral Albizia julibrissin (extract)
I began my experimentation with Albizia julibrissin or Mimosa tree after reading about its alleged anti-depressant and anxiolytic properties. I had been reading books by David Winston and this herb appealed. The Silk Tree, as it is commonly known where I was living in Pennsylvania, USA, is abundant and blossoms in midsummer. I collected the blossoms when they were in their prime: fully open, with a light, sweet fragrance, vivid pink, and exuding a pretty sticky nectar. Bugs seem to love them, too, so I collected about a shoebox full and took them home to sit out so the bugs would crawl off. Since the nectar is so sticky and hydrophobic, washing them off didn’t do.

A few hours later, I took a third of the flowers and covered them with St. Germaine, an elderflower liquor with an ETOH of around 20%. I usually use something a bit stronger, but the silk flower is so delicate that I thought it would blend nicely. The recommended route of extraction is at least 30% alcohol, still quite low, with a 10% addition of vegetable glycerin to keep the product stable. I let the flowers infuse for 10 days and then began mixing the liquor with tequila.

The flavor was extremely pleasant if not subtle, bringing out the sweetness of the tequila, and aside from the usual effects of alcohol intoxication, a dreamy and mild euphoric state, with the sense of well-being. I tried plain St. Germain with tequila afterward and noted both the difference in intoxication and flavor, however, I thought it subtle.

It’s nice to have in the liquor cabinet.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99390
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 19, 2017Views: 5,168
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Albizia julibrissin (502) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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