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Distinctly Unpleasant
Citation:   BTMAN. "Distinctly Unpleasant: An Experience with Skullcap (exp99544)". Apr 6, 2018.

2.8 g oral Skullcap (tea)
10:40pm Poured 280 mL water over the Skullcap to make the infusion. I feel pretty average, stable and content. Sunday night after a lazy weekend.

10:55pm The infusion steeped and cooled to an pleasant drinking temperature. I removed the skullcap from the tea. The infusion has a sweet hay like smell and is a amber color. I am feeling well rested after 8 hours sleep plus a 2 hour nap this afternoon. The taste is very bitter yet slightly sweet.

11:00pm The tea went down well and I drank the sediments. Already I feel slightly more tired, my heart rate is up and thoughts are slightly less clear. Slight warmth and buzzing in my head. Nothing overly pleasant.

11:05pm Vision is clear, heart rate down, tummy upset feeling and head clear and normal.

11:10pm Began to notice warm skin.

11:25pm Took a walk to the bank. It's clear warmth and light-headed-ness predominate. Lethargy and heavy feeling thus physically I am relaxed. Mentally, I am feeling down.

11:35pm Feeling warm and unpleasant.

11:58pm Feelings are subsiding. Nothing fun about this. Just a hot and unpleasant feeling. My mindset is normal just as it were two hours ago.

I probably will not be brewing this tea again. It was not an enjoyable experience.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 6, 2018Views: 2,385
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Skullcap (232) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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