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Into the Rabbit Hole with Alice
Citation:   Cenacle. "Into the Rabbit Hole with Alice: An Experience with AMT (exp9973)". Feb 22, 2002.

45 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
So first off I’ve given AMT the nickname Alice as I felt this substance deserved to be called something a little warmer than by the acronym of its chemical name...I did this before I actually tried it because I’d heard it was a long trip and the name seemed like it might was a good guess as it turned out to be, at least for me, both a long trip and one that continuously involved travel...

I’d advise anyone thinking of going down the Rabbit Hole to research Alice first...there are plenty of places on-line to research with extensive info and trips reports that will set one's mind into a serious but excited mode...this sacrament is an MAOI which means that there are certain foods one should not ingest near to or during the trip...particularly cheese, salt, and alcohol but there are others...the day before the trip I ate some plain white rice, and the day of orange juice and chocolate...the day after, late in the day, I finally ate something of a real the research for yourself will prove worth it...

One more caution...this is a legal substance but that does not make it any less powerful than the many illegal ones it are ingesting a powerful substance which will affect your mind and body for many's serious fucking fun, but it IS serious...take whatever usual precautions you would take with any other psychedelic...

Ingested about 45 mg at 4:46 pm and then went into the city by subway...the first effect was a powerful push of energy which led me to start and continue writing from the first destination was a movie theatre to see the French movie 'Under the Sand' which I’d seen around the city for awhile and thought looked intriguing...

By the time of getting into the theatre I felt seriously trippy effects happening...very acid-like...I don't tend to get visuals anymore, more an overall sense of seeing the world through wider-opened eyes and mind, and that's what this was like...the movie was somber, about a middle-aged woman who loses her husband under strange circumstances, but it did not bring me down or control the trip thereafter...

Coming out of the theatre I found myself shortly thereafter in conversation with two hippy girls who were shilling for a commune down in n. carolina called's where what I’d read of the E effects of Alice kicked in or revealed themselves...they were friendly enough, but I found myself wanting to talk to them some more, the E effect of wanting to connect...eventually I parted them and went on, to one bookstore then by train to another book store, all to get a working definition of the word fugue...intending to work it into a can see that poem posted here at the entheogenic art forum...36 Nocturnes, V, #27, Holiness Rant, part three (fugue)...

Eventually I ended up in a cafe courtyard writing this is about the troubles and beauties both ongoing these days...had been coming for awhile...I can only think that the opposite of war and terrorism is not peace but Beauty and Art...both were around me this, pretty girls, bright lights...but also headlines of war and posters for peace rallies...

I went back by train to where the movie theater was looking for an indoor cafe to hang out in since it had gotten chilly out...I’ve read that Alice messes somewhat with one's body temperature and I found this somewhat true as I experienced moments of both heat and chill which did not seem to correspond to what the weather was like...also there were moments early on and later when I felt a bit nauseous...many trip reports report purging which I did not have to do, but I think that might have been due to fasting, or a strong constitution, or luck...

Anyway, I passed the commune chicks again and read them my poem which they liked, and asked my name, and introduced themselves...the E aspect of Alice is nice, not too overpowering, and I’m fairly sure that in good company would lead to some pleasant experiences...

Finally I settled down for awhile reading and writing, the trip still hard but flowing initial nervousness had subsided and the effects themselves had settled in...Alice seems to take one up more slowly and then keep one up longer so that when a groove with it is achieved, there is time to enjoy it...on 45 or so mg one is not lost to the universe or one's self, but most certainly tripping...

Took the subway trains back to the town I live in, and ended up online till dawn talking to friends who were curious how the journey had gone...played music all night, enjoying it floyd, beatles, u2, and radiohead are some I particular floyd's dark side of the moon and both kid a and amnesiac by radiohead sunk into me deeply...sgt pepper did too...

Slept at dawn till early afternoon then went to dj my radio show...felt very tired and washed would be a better idea after tripping what turned out to be 13 to 14 hours to sleep endlessly the next day, nowhere to go, nothing to do...some sleep straightened my out...nearly 48 hours now after ingesting the only after effects are a kind of calm and light sweetness...

Alice is potent, and good...I am happy to have tried...the Rabbit Hole is long and winding and one does not come out where one went in...the trip seemed malleable enough to go in many different directions...fasting beforehand helps, care for diet, research...once tripping, awareness of set & setting, and one's likely desire for E-like connections with others, and a remembrance that one is tripping and others around him or her are not (unless of course they are!) are useful things to keep in mind...and of course a restful post-trip day if at all possible...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9973
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2002Views: 9,726
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AMT (7) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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