Alcohol - Hard (also Liquor) Reports - Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
(31 Total)

A Night to Forget ToxicHappiness Rum & Beer 2017 Jun 25
Fun, But Lost All Control C Alcohol - Hard 2015 Dec 07
Thrown Off the Roof Alter-Native Alcohol 2009 Apr 09
Poison Pete Alcohol 2009 Mar 26
Fun... Ended Up in Suicide XAngieX LSD, Cannabis & Alcohol 2006 Oct 09
The Reasons I Couldn't Wait Pleadthefifth Alcohol - Hard 2006 May 28
What I Remember Idiotmaddy Alprazolam, Alcohol & Cigarettes 2024 Jan 02
Further Downward Cong Clonazepam & Alcohol 2022 Feb 03
No Fun Mixed With Alcohol Anonymous Pregabalin (Lyrica), Cannabis & Alcohol 2021 Apr 29
Absolute Blackout ShouldveKnownBetter Etizolam & Alcohol 2015 May 03
World of Elves and Cops JoJo Amphetamines (Adderall) & Alcohol 2010 Mar 18
Way Worse Than Drunk Dialing Anonymous Clonazepam (Klonopin) & Alcohol 2009 Oct 24
Mind the Stairs Andy B Alcohol - Hard 2006 Dec 27
Halloween Party Gone Bad Jonas Alcohol - Hard 2006 Mar 25
I Got Lucky Bekareful27 Alcohol - Hard 2006 Mar 21
Utterly Gone CyberChump Alcohol - Hard 2005 Jun 28
Blacked Out crimsonlight Alcohol & Bupropion 2022 Jan 11
Took Me to the Hospital Matoskah Zolpidem & Alcohol - Hard 2021 Mar 11
Recipe for Disaster Katie Bupropion, Citalopram, Alprazolam & Alcohol 2020 Nov 03
Miscalculation = Onstage incapacitation thefool GBL, Alcohol & Cannabis 2020 Oct 20
Woke Up to My Parents Standing Above Me Ty Alprazolam & Alcohol - Hard 2020 May 15
Extremely Intoxicated and Not Thinking Rationally. Hustle Rose Ketamine, Alcohol & Cannabis 2019 Jan 28
Clubbing with Predators space_cadet Alcohol (presumed adulterated) 2011 Apr 28
Binge Nearly Kills Me Joe Alcohol 2008 Jan 15
A Brush with Death at the Hands of AL Ryan Alcohol - Hard 2003 Apr 23
More Drunk then I Wanted Anonymous Alcohol (Hard Lemonade & Vodka) 2001 Oct 19
New Shaggy, This Isn't L Hapilydamaged Whisky & DOM 2024 Sep 27
Not a Fun Mix otc Alprazolam & Alcohol - Hard 2021 May 18
Will I Ever Get Sober Nikkie D Alprazolam, Alcohol - Hard & Heroin 2020 Aug 19
Hell on Earth R3V0LUT10NARY Benzodiazepines & Alcohol - Hard 2019 Nov 19
Might Have Been Close To Death Houseman16 Alcohol, Lorazepam & Cannabis 2019 Jun 20

NOTE: There are 3 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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