N-Ethylhexedrone Reports
(also Ethyl-Hexedrone; Hex-En; 2-ethylamino-1-phenylhexan-1-one)
(14 Total)

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First Times
Retrospective / Summary
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Health Problems
Glowing Experiences
General   [7]
Vicious Hedony nervewing N-Ethylhexedrone
Slow Riser ShamanJohn N-Ethylhexedrone
Interesting Ty N-Ethylhexedrone
Gentle Warm Euphoria, Easy Ride Hyperfocus Digital Sneeze N-Ethylhexedrone
The One Line I Regret Snorting AcidFreak1424 N-Ethylhexedrone & alpha-PHP
Jittery and Much More Focused CocainePartiesAllDay N-Ethylhexedrone
A Pretty Good Replacement for Blow nosekandy N-Ethylhexedrone

First Times   [4]
Gentle Warm Euphoria, Easy Ride Hyperfocus Digital Sneeze N-Ethylhexedrone
Uniquely Euphoric Noir N-Ethylhexedrone
Not What I Was Expecting bubbles N-Ethylhexedrone
Man This Combo is Awesome Shrimpy N-Ethylhexedrone, Etizolam Cannabis & Tobacco

Combinations   [4]
The One Line I Regret Snorting AcidFreak1424 N-Ethylhexedrone & alpha-PHP
Better than Street Coke, Cheaper than Beer Rocket N-Ethylhexedrone, SSRIs, Quetiapine & Benzodiazepines
Man This Combo is Awesome Shrimpy N-Ethylhexedrone, Etizolam Cannabis & Tobacco
Slow to Come but Very Powerful M4G1C N-Ethylhexedrone & Clonazolam

Retrospective / Summary   [4]
Jittery and Much More Focused CocainePartiesAllDay N-Ethylhexedrone
All the Good Drugs Are Illegal DonHenley N-Ethylhexedrone, Methylone & 4-Fluoroamphetamine
A Pretty Good Replacement for Blow nosekandy N-Ethylhexedrone
Better than Street Coke, Cheaper than Beer Rocket N-Ethylhexedrone, SSRIs, Quetiapine & Benzodiazepines

Preparation / Recipes   [1]
Slow to Come but Very Powerful M4G1C N-Ethylhexedrone & Clonazolam

Health Problems   [1]
Best Dope, Worst Comedown VikingOnStims N-Ethylhexedrone

Glowing Experiences   [1]
Vicious Hedony nervewing N-Ethylhexedrone

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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