Phenethylamines Reports
(2325 Total)

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Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Addiction & Habituation
Glowing Experiences
Mystical Experiences
Health Benefits
Medical Use
What Was in That?
General » » »   more   » » » [893]
The Beauty and the Beast Psychestim 2C-E
Head On Xorkoth 2C-N nitrate
What a Powerhouse! Psychestim Phenibut & 2C-T-4
Friendly Fire Sickly Pain Vibrant Warmth nervewing 2C-C
You've Got to be Kidding Me Pfaffed 2C-B-Fly
Lessons Learned From Finally Writing a TR rumpelstiltskin 2C-B-Fly & 4-AcO-DMT
Variable Body Load Hypersphere 2C-T-2
Exploring the Erotic Potential Hypersphere 2C-B
Tiny Taste = Super Senses Backpack 2C-I
Accidental Overdose Panic Reporter 2C-B

First Times » » »   more   » » » [672]
Analytical Self-Abuse Jikkle 2C-E
Eye Of The Storm Matt Himself 2C-T-7
Subtle Grace, Gentle Power Xorkoth 2C-N nitrate
Gentle Embers nervewing DOF
A Surprisingly Encouraging Foray Into the Unknown Xorkoth 5-Chloro-AMT
A Promising Hybrid State Kaleida 5-Chloro-AMT
A Visual Spectacular Riley 2C-B
Vulnerable and Confused GWs Fruit Tree 2C-I
A Fine Time Jacked 2C-P
Bee and Fly Side by Side LucidStudies 2C-B, 2C-B-Fly & Cannabis

Combinations » » »   more   » » » [704]
A New Alloy Blooms in the Crucible Nowhereman Syrian Rue, Cacti - T. peruvianus, 2C-E, 4-AcO-DMT & DMT
The Colossus nervewing Memantine, 3-MEO-PCE, LSD, 4-AcO-MiPT, 4-HO-MET, 2C-C, Clonazepam & Aripiprazole
Nexus Flip the Hard Way CurvedAir MDMA & 2C-B
Quite Visual with a Significant Moodlift Azgaza 2C-B, Ketamine & Hash
Reverse Tolerance Experimentation Nikolai77 2C-I & 5-HTP
The Weekend At The Edge Of The Universe Sparticus Mushrooms - P. cubensis, LSD, 2C-B, MDMA (Ecstasy), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline & Cannabis
2C-E's Retarded Half Brother Egor 2C-T-4
Better Living Through Synergy Pashasan 2C-T-2 & Syrian Rue
An Amazing Night of Connections Xorkoth 2C-B-Fly, Cocaine & Cannabis
The Rematch Pashasan 2C-T-2 & Syrian Rue

Retrospective / Summary » » »   more   » » » [182]
Workup to 20mg - a Collection of Reports Xorkoth DOF
Two Experiments sakithin 2C-T-2 & Cannabis
First Trials with I LucidStudies 2C-I
Four Long Years Tryphen 2C-T-2
Who the Hell is Ethyl? Egor 2C-E & Various
My General View Tuluvas 2C-E
Psychedelics 101 Lone Soldier 2C-I
Unique, Interesting Experiences Zak 2C-I & Cannabis
2-C-E Commentary AP&RP 2C-E
2C-B Dosage Descriptions wb 2C-B

Preparation / Recipes » » »   more   » » » [15]
A Day at the Imaginarium Semanticatica 2C-T-2
Beware the Brown The Masked Chemist 2C-C
Metamorphosis Fathom 2C-I & Cannabis
IM vs IV 2C-T-7 Comparison Atarax 2C-T-7
An Odd Test That Turned Out Beautiful ESLinch LSD & 2C-P
It's Sticky Jerome 2C-I
Insignificant First Experience Sir Paul 2C-T-7
I Thought, 'Well, Why Not Plug It?' neverseeitall MDMA, 2C-B, Alprazolam & Quetiapine
Happy That I Started Small Glarble 2C-I
Sublingually: A Smoother Transition LucidStudies 2C-E

Difficult Experiences » » »   more   » » » [382]
2C-hEll NutterButter 2C-E
To See I -- Righteous Psychedelic Ass-Whooping nanobrain 2C-I, Alprazolam & Cannabis
A Warning on Unpredictability Lillys Dolphin 2C-I
Reckless Once is Reckless Enough Mujo Lila 2C-E & Cannabis
An Experience of Double Proportions Aoede Musing 2C-E
Shuddering and Cold Z. 2C-E
Thinking About Blood and Gore nervewing 2C-D
El Diablo HypnotiQ 2C-P & Cannabis
A Psychedelic Voyage Into the Light and Dark Zane F 2C-E
Buzzing Colors - My Insane PanicTrial tamarinds 2C-B, 2C-C, & 5-MeO-MiPT

Bad Trips » » »   more   » » » [97]
A Nightmare with No Escape P 2C-I & Cannabis
Tripping in the Wild Virginia 2C-P
Not For Me DXMgod 2C-T-2
Arriving Through Fear Mouthspiral 2C-B
I Lost Control of Reality Huntar 2C-E
The Entire Multiverse Is Imploding! lazyvegan Ketamine & 2C-I
Finding The Fear TraumaticSurrealism 2C-I
Afraid to Go Over the Edge agoraphobia 2C-I & Beer
A Trip Into Diffferent Realities 2cpguys 2C-P & Clonazolam
Worthless Anxious Confusion Doctor 2C-B

Health Problems » » »   more   » » » [99]
Absolute Khaos K. Kruiser 2C-C & 2C-D
The Electromagnetic Soul AtomStar 2C-I, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis
Psuedo Mescaline 1200 micrograms 2C-T-7 (Sold as Mescaline)
Thyroid Problems Associated With Use Awareness 2C-I
Made Me Allergic to Psilocybine Mushrooms Cretin 2C-D
The Effect on BP Was Worrisome mrnoodles 2C-D
First Time Use Induces Seizure collegekid 2C-B
A Deadly Combination? CommissarioB Ketamine, 2C-D & MPDV
Fourteen Days of Hyperanalytical Venom Red Bubbles 2C-P & Cannabis
Only Negative Physical Effects Nik 2C-D

Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters » » »   more   » » » [86]
Thankful That I'm Alive Joan Miro Bromo-Dragonfly (sold as 2C-B-Fly)
To Hell and Back DonVito 2C-I
After-School Special Shaman 2C-B
A Victim of Himself Anonymous 2C-I
Oh My God, We've Really Fucked Up Anon of Ibid AMT, MDMA, Ketamine & 2C-T-7
Stupidity is Punished Hard 7177 2C-P (Mislabeled as 'Buphedrone')
Accidental Overdose Not Fatal Trevz 2C-B
Idiocy, Madness and the Serpents Lair J. Cooper 2C-E
From 2C-E Overdose to Benzo Addiction Synesthesia 2C-E, Various & Benzodiazepines
Halloween 07 Schinns 2C-B

Addiction & Habituation   [10]
The Challange Morninggloryseed 2C-C
My Love Crutch Bbandaid 2C-E
Research Chems + Opiates persistent Methadone, Tramadol, Propoxyphene, Hydrocodone & Oxycodone, Heroin, AMT & 2C-C
End of a Blue Stretch ;) The Lyre Snake 2C-T-7 (smoked)
From 2C-E Overdose to Benzo Addiction Synesthesia 2C-E, Various & Benzodiazepines
Am I Flirting With the Devil chil 2C-B, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis
The Trip to End Trips SBlue 2C-E & Cannabis
Technicolour Sadness slsb 2C-B & Ketamine
IV Phenethylamine and Spiritual Experience AnonymousK 2C-T-2
When Too Far is Enough. Chris 2C-T-2

Glowing Experiences » » »   more   » » » [496]
It Teaches Me to Be Waffers 2C-B
An Entity of Love and Kindness hannie Morning Glory & 2C-I
Unloading Some Old Baggage Totem 2C-T-2
Rapturous Visions and Apologizing to Dirt Nowhereman 2C-E
Preconceptions of the Universe Unfold Baker 2C-I
Interesting Combination with Unique Features Xorkoth 2C-C, 2C-I, & Kratom
Profoundly Altered Xorkoth 2C-E & Cannabis
This Is Changing My Life Xorkoth 2C-T-2, Cannabis & Kratom
Making Love with the Sun Althea 2C-I
A Lesson in Civil Engineering 77k 2C-E

Mystical Experiences » » »   more   » » » [88]
A Backward-Resonating Experience bug 2C-I
The End of the Rabbit Hole - Beauty and Terror Xorkoth 2C-E, Cannabis, Choline, DMAE, Kratom & Piracetam
The Reckoning AverageJoe 2C-E & Cannabis
Lessons From the Trees Ghostsof 2C-E & Cannabis
2 C Myself Pandoras_choice 2C-I & Cannabis
Halfway Into The Orb Reality Yoschie 2C-T-7
Giving of the Flesh Morninggloryseed 2C-I
Riding the Razor's edge to the infinity point Flood 2C-T-7
Fifteen Minutes of Fame Jellymaze 2C-T-7
Tapping DNA Consciousness Souldier 2C-T-7

Health Benefits » » »   more   » » » [15]
Daily Low Dose Adds Missing Vividness to Life Rocket 2C-E
Therapeutic Use Coercion 2C-E
As Manageable as They Come Shameless 2C-C
Infinite Uses Sounds About Right MrMoran 2C-T-2
An Incredible Tool Interstellar Arnold 2C-E
Truly Psychedelic Azure 2C-E
2cBwildered Spinal 2C-B, Methylone & Yopo
A Good Low Dose Combo Gandolf 2C-T-2 & 5-MeO-DiPT
Exotic Neurotransmitters As Smartpills LAZAR 2C-D
Heaven > Hell > Heaven bluestemz 2C-T-2

Families   [4]
A Mother & Son Account of 2C-B Tracy & Susan 2C-B
Unloading Some Old Baggage Totem 2C-T-2
From 2C-E Overdose to Benzo Addiction Synesthesia 2C-E, Various & Benzodiazepines
The Grand Illusion XXXX 2C-E

Medical Use   [2]
The End of Psychedelics Marius 2C-I, 2C-E, LSD, DMT & Escitalopram

What Was in That? » » »   more   » » » [25]
Buy a Drug Test Kit I Wish I Had Thomas_Taylor Unknown (sold as 2C-B)
Guinea Pigging 7 2C-T-2, Alcohol & Cannabis
Fear and Fear in the Land of Shadow People steveo Bad/Suspect 'MDMA' (reported as 2C-B & Methamphetamine), Cannabis & Tobacco
The Crystalline Difference greebea Unknown (sold as MDMA) & 2C-B
Trip from Hell mansions 2C-B
Got Dosed Led to 2 Hour Orgasm noidontdig 2C-I
A Warning on Unpredictability Lillys Dolphin 2C-I
Peaceful Beauty Mr. Tambourine Man Bromo-Dragonfly (Sold as 2C-B-Fly)
Psuedo Mescaline 1200 micrograms 2C-T-7 (Sold as Mescaline)
Thought It Was MDMA 2C-B 2C-B

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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