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Erowid Glossary / Dictionary
Definitions and Etymologies
by Erowid
v1.5 - Feb 11, 2004
  1. An emerald green alcoholic drink made with an extract from wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
  1. An over-the-counter headache and pain reliever, also used to reduce fever.
  2. Toxic in high doses
  1. Being acidic (having low pH). See Acidic.
  2. Being or containing LSD. Slang term for LSD.
  3. A drug form (such as blotter or liquid) thought to be or contain solely LSD.
  4. Slang for other LSD-like drugs (incorrect use). The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since at least 1965. Although confusion associated with research chemicals / new psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term 'acid' to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language. Acknowledging the complexity of possible pro-drug relationships like p-LSD, it is still inappropriate to call anything other than LSD "acid" without further qualification ("p-LSD acid", or "LSZ Acid").
  1. Having a pH value less than 7.0
  2. Opposite of alkaline and basic
Lemon juice and vinegar are both acidic.
  1. In reference to drugs, a pattern of consumption marked by compulsive taking of a drug, the need for increased doses over time to maintain the same effect (tolerance), and the appearance of symptons when the drug is stopped that disappear when it is reinstituted (withdrawal).
  1. A chemical substance capable of activating a given neuroreceptor to induce a full or partial pharmacological response.
Alcohol gastritis
  1. Inflammation of the lining of the stomach due to excessive consumption of alcohol.
  1. Verb: To divide into individual, precisely measured parts or doses.
  2. Noun: A single part/dose or a set of regularized individual parts or dosages.
  1. Having a pH value greater than 7.0
  2. Opposite of acidic
  3. Basic as with lye (potassium or sodium hydroxide), baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and lime (calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide)
  1. A substance of plant origin, containing nitrogen, that gives a feeble alkaline reaction in solution. Many alkaloids cause pharmacological effects in animals.
  2. their names end in "-ine" as with caffeine, morphine, quinine, and nicotine.
  1. Orthodox or "scientific" medicine. As opposed to homeopathy.
  2. Coined by Samuel Hahnemann the inventor of homeopathy.
Altered states of Consciousness
  1. the spectrum of experiences other than ordinary waking consciousness, including daydreaming, trance, meditation, hypnosis, religious ecstasy and substance-induced states.
  1. Mushrooms of the genus Amanita are gilled mushrooms, distinguised by white gills and spores, a ring around the stipe (called an annulus or partial veil) and a cup at the base of the stipe (the volva).
  2. Fairy Mushrooms
the generic name, coined by Persoon, derives from the Greek amanitai, meaning "fungi without any details" or from Amanos, a mountain place between Cicilia and Syria.
(from Disembodied Eyes)
  1. Neologism. Erowid. Coined 2000. Sub-clinical aphasia, inability to remember a particular word or name.
  1. Neologism. Erowid. Coined 2017. Inability to remember the name for a person, place, animal, or thing. Possibly a subtype of amnemonologia. More socially disabling than amnemonologia, because it is insulting to friends to not remember their names.
  1. A racemic drug that stimulates the central nervous system.
  2. stimulant
  3. speed; methamphetamine
  1. A substance that produces general or local loss to pain and other sensation.
  1. A substance which relieves pain.
  2. aspirin; ibuprofen; acetaminophen (paracetamol)
  1. Loss of appetite, leading to reduced eating. Many psychoactives have anorectic effects, including amphetamines and most stimulants, many psychedelics, and a wide variety of other drugs.
  2. Anorexia Nervosa : an eating disorder characterized by inability or unwillingness to eat healthy amounts of food.
  3. From Greek: anorexia : an- : against / without and orexis (oregein) to reach out for, desire.American Heritage Dictionary of Induo-European Roots
  1. A substance which counteracts the effects of another substance
  2. Blocker
An antagonist at a given neuroreceptor blocks or lowers the activity of that receptor.
  1. A substance that neutralizes or inhibits the effects of histamine in the body; used primarily to treat allergies and colds.
  1. A drug which counteracts spasm, relaxing muscular organs.
  1. Causes tissues to draw together or contract (adj or noun).
  1. An alkaloid found in many plants of the nightshade family that blocks nerve impulses in the parasypathetic nervous system. It is used in medicines as an antidote for nerve gas poisoning, as a treatment for gastrointestinal spasm, and as a presurgical drug to dry secretions in the respiratory tract.
Autonomic nervous system
  1. that part of the nervous system regulating involuntary action, as of the heart, glands, and intestines.
  1. 1. A presynaptic receptor acted upon by the transmitter released at the same nerve ending. Autoreceptors are receptor structures on nerve/brain cells which are activated by the transmitter chemical that its own cell body releases. Standard receptors are activated by transmitters released by other, nearby cells. 5-HT-1a is an example of an autoreceptor.


  1. the normal phychological and physical state of a person prior to the start of an experiment which, once regained, marks the end of that experiment
  1. Having a pH value greater than 7.0
  2. Alkaline
  3. Opposite of acidic
Lye and baking soda are both alkaline.
  1. the Deadly Nightshade, Atropa belladonna, a source of atropine.
  2. the name means "beautiful lady", because Italian women of the Middle Ages are reported to have put drops of it in their eyes to make themselves more attractive by dilating their pupils.
Binding Site
  1. A location on a receptor or other structure where a given chemical attaches itself.
Biological Compartment
  1. a biological compartment is any portion of the body separated by an equilibrium gradient barrier/impedement, such as a cell membrane, though contiguoous regions of tissue, viz. organs, are generally considered a single compartment for pharmacokinetic concerns. Note that in this regard, blood/plasma is considered its own compartment.
  1. Slang term for cocaine.
  1. A group of structures connecting the cerebral hemispheres with the spinal cord. From top to bottom they are : the thalamus or diencephalon), midgbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
  1. Grinding of the teeth
  2. Often caused by MDMA
  1. Pertaining to the interior of the cheeks or the cavity in the mouth.
  2. A consumption method for psychoactives and medicines, often mis-named "chewing", where the material is held in the side of the mouth to absorb the active ingredients. Used for such things as tobacco, betel nut, khat, etc.
  1. An atypical antidepressant which blocks the reuptake of dopamine.


  1. Theobroma cacao, a tropical tree, source of cacao beans. the beans contain a high proportaion of fat, called cocoa butter. If the beans are heated, ground to a paste, and enriched with additional cocoa butter, the product is chocolate. Ground, defatted beans make cocoa. White chocolate is cocoa butter mixed with sugar.
  1. A machine which spins a mixture of substances in order to separate components of different densities.
  1. Closed Eye Visuals
Chillum #
  1. A simple pipe made in a tube or funnel shape, often of clay, but sometimes of metal or wood. Most commonly associated with cannabis smoking, but can be and is used for smoking anything. Perhaps the simplest of pipes, the general concept is that the hands act as one chamber of the pipe and the mouth is placed against the hands and when the smoker breathes in, the air is pulled through the chillum.

    Smoking material is placed in one end (the larger or bowl-shaped end). In the single-handed style, a hollow fist is made with one hand with the finger tips all touching the palm tightly and the narrower end of the chillum is placed between the second and third fingers. The mouth is placed against the thumb-side opening in the hollow fist. The material is lit and the smoker inhales through the hand-chamber and adjusts the fingers so that suction is created through the pipe. One benefit of this style of pipe smoking is that it is fairly easy to regulat the air/smoke mixture to cool the incoming smoke.

    Using two hands cupped together to form the pipe chamber is common and there are many variants of how to hold the hands. A variant of this can be seen in the Cannabis Vault.

    Chillum smoking is quite common in southern Asia (India and nearby countries). It is well known in subcultures in the Americas and Europe.

  2. "Chillum-style" joint smoking: Using a cannabis cigarette or joint as the pipe and placing the unlit end between the fingers is sometimes called "chillum-style" joint smoking. It both allows for more cooling of the smoke as well as avoiding contact with the saliva of others when sharing joints in groups. This style is sometimes used when people with colds or flus are asked not to put their lips on shared pipes or joints and also allows for "shotgunning" a joint.
  1. Referring to the brain, the outer layer of gray matter covering the cerebral hemispheres. It is presumably the seat of higher mental functions, such as thinking, intellect, volition, and so forth.
  2. Literally "rind"
  1. An antihistamine.
  1. Central Nervous System
  2. the part of the nervous system comprising the brain, the brain stem, and spinal cord. It is to this system that ll senses connect (the afferent pathways) and it is from this system that all motor commands emanate (the efferent pathways)
  3. Also called the Cerebrospinal Nervous System
Competitive Antagonist
  1. An antagonist that works by competing with the neurotransmitter for the same binding site.
Cross Tolerance
  1. the decrease, or loss of response to a substance because of tolerance to a pharmacologically similar substance.
  2. the dec
  3. LSD and psilocybe mushrooms show cross-tolerance.


  1. to pour off the liquid
  1. Preparation of a medicinal plant made by boiling the material in water, as opposed to an infusion, in which the substance is merely steeped. Infusions are appropriate for leaves and flowers. Woods, barks, and roots are often prepared as decoctions.
  1. A substance which relieves congestion
  1. Removal of a methyl group
  1. A cough suppressant and dissociative
  1. Turning to the right. See Stereoisomer.
  1. An antihistamine
  1. A sleep experience characterized by falling in and out of consciousness many times, floating between fully awake, hypnogogic states, and unconsciousness. Disco-napping usually occurs after taking a long acting psychedelic (e.g. LSD), stimulant, or while trying to sleep in very noisy, chaotic conditions. After LSD or similar, the disco-napping often includes a nervous-system restlessness.
  2. A war between the need to sleep and a variety of small discomforts and shades of large stimulants.
  1. Within pharmacokinetics, there is a term "ADME" that stands for Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Elimination. Disposition in the pharmacokinetic context refers to all of DME.
  1. A state in which certain mental functions are dissociated or "separated" from others; in particular refers to the dissociation of sensory input and emotion from consciousness and memory.
Dissociative Anaesthetic
  1. A substance which induces anaesthesia via dissociation of the conscious mind from sensory input.
  1. A simple chemical believed to act as a neurotransmitter in parts of the brain by serving as a messenger between one nerve and another.
  1. the amount of a substance to be taken by one person at one time to achieve the desired results or effects
  1. A process in which the number or activity of receptors decreases, typically in response to abnormally high activity (e.g., in response to a drug).
  1. Dextromethorphan
  1. Dextrorphan
  1. A state of dissatisfaction, anxiety, restlessness, or fidgeting.
  2. the opposite of euphoria


Eidetic Imagery
  1. Abnormally vivid, often fully realistic imagniation
  1. Substances which cause or help one to identify with the feelings of others or feel a sense of connectedness with others.
  2. MDMA
empathy=identification with the feelings of others
  1. Substances which generate a sense of "the touch within"
  2. MDMA
the term was originally coined by Dave Nichols (co-founder of the Heffter Institute) to refer to substances which generate a sense of "the touch within". Entactogen is used interchangeably with empathogen, by some. However, the literal derivation of the word --to create or causes a change in the sense of touch--has also led to the word being used to describe substances which affect an individual's physical sensations of touch.
  1. A lover of entheogens or information about entheogens
  2. An entheogen officianado
  3. A drug geek or data slut
Entheo=short for 'entheogen'
the term was originally coined by Erowid to refer to those who focus energy on learning about mind changing substances or practices.
  1. psychoactive sacrament; a plant or chemical substance taken to occasion spiritual or mystical experience
  2. hallucinogen; psychedelic
  3. any practice or substance leading to poetic or prophetic inspiration
See The Road to Eleusis and The Age of Entheogens & The Angels' Dictionary. The term was coined in 1978 by a group of academics lead by R. G. Wasson and Carl A.P. Ruck and including Jonathan Ott, Danny Staples, and Jeremy Bigwood. Although "theo" is Greek for both "spirit" and "god/God", the term "entheos" saw use in Greek literature meaning inspired poetically or prophetically.
en = in / within
theo = spirit, God
gen = create, generate

Ott describes the neologizing in "Angels' Dictionary" : "We finally settled on the neologism entheogenic, from the Greek entheos, a term used in the classical world to describe prophetic or poetic inspiration. The term means literally 'becoming divine within', and can be seen as the user realizing that the divine infuses all of the creation, or specifically that the entheogenic plant is itself infused with the divine. It is not a theological term, makes no reference to any deity, and is not meant to be a pharmacological term for designating a specific chemical class of drugs (psychedelic, for example,has come to be seen by some sensu strictu as a term to designate mescaline-like B-phenethylamines or DMT-like tryptamines). Rather, it is a cultural term to include all of the shamanic inebriants - sacraments, plant teachers, the stock-in-trade of shamans the world over."
  1. A chemical produced within the body which degrades or changes substances or increases the rate of a given reaction.
Eppendorf Tube
  1. A small (usually plastic) cylindrical tube with a cone-shaped bottom, an owned product name by Eppendorf AG.
  2. Plastic tubes similar in shape to the trademarked Eppendorf tube. See image: Eppendorf Tube
  1. A plant with cultural or traditional human use.
  2. Frequently used to describe entheogenic plants.
  1. the plant lore and agricultural customs of a people.
  1. A state of feeling better than usual
  2. U-4-E-uh; a name given to the drug 4-methylaminorex
Excitotoxic Rebound
  1. A process by which removal of a drug which suppresses neural activity causes a "rebound" during which too much neural activity occurs; during this rebound, neurons can suffer damage or die.
  1. A drug which increases production of and thins phlegm (mucus) production.


  1. Frequently Asked Questions
Free Base
  1. the "free" base form of an alkaloid, i.e., not paired with an acid molecule.
the free base (or freebase) form of an alkaloid can usually be vaporized and inhaled (this is called "freebasing" the drug).
  1. the rare but not unknown recapitulation of a psychedelic experience at a time when there is no drug present.
Full Agonist
  1. An agonist which fully activates a given receptor
  1. Any of numerous organisms that lack chlorophyll and reproduce by spores, ranging in form from a single cell to a mass of branched filaments that may produce specialized fruiting bodies.
  2. Yeasts, molds, rusts, smuts, and mushrooms are all examples of fungi.


  1. a neuroreceptor type and neurotransmitter
  2. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
  1. A capsule formed of a gel material used to contain a determined dosage of a substance.
Gelcaps are sometimes made of gelatin but commonly a synthetic polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer.
  1. An excitatory amino acid
  2. An excitatory amino acid receptor
  1. An expectorant
  1. Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid


  1. A Substance which can create realistic sensory experiences in the mind of things which do not exist outside the body.
  2. psychedelic; entheogen
hallucination=A sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind
  1. An antipsychotic drug used to treat schizophrenia which also has sigma activity
Hard Head
  1. A person who requires a larger than usual dosage (as much as 2-5x) of some or all psychoactive substances in order to get the same effects as other people.
  1. A plant-derived MAOI
  2. In such plants as Syrian Rue & Banisteriopsis Caapi
  3. Frequently found with harmine
  1. A plant-derived MAOI
  2. In such plants as Syrian Rue & Banisteriopsis Caapi
  3. Frequently found with harmaline
  1. Hyoscyamus niger, a psychoactive and toxic plant of the nightshade family, containing the tropane alkaloids used in European witchcraft of the Middle Ages.
  1. A seahorse-shaped formation in the limbic system which is involved in the storage of memory for intermediate periods and the consolidation of those memories into permanent form.
  1. A neurotransmitter (in the brain; in the body, histamine initiates an allergic reaction).
  1. A medical practitioner who follows the precepts of Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), the German physician who invented homeopathy. Homeopaths believe that people get sick in unique ways and that they can be cured by administering minute doses of substances that, given in large doses to healthy persons, would reproduce the unique pattern of symptons. Homeopathy was very strong in Europe and America in the mid-nineteenth century, declined with the rise of technological medicine, and now is having a modest resurgence.
  1. One of the tropane alkaloids, found in many plants of the nightshade family, named for Hyoscyamus niger, or henbane. Like atropine, it blocks neurotransmission in the parasympathetic nervous system.
  1. Lack of oxygen
Hysterical dissociation
  1. Shock
  2. An abnormal separation of the conscious, observing mind from other areas of mental function, often occurring under sever stress. In dissociative states, people may perform complicated actions automatically and unconsciously, being oblivious to pain or injury they may have suffered.


  1. A person of either sex who drives a car, motorcycle, or even a bicycle, for that matter, on a public road while under the influence of a psychedelic drug. Most researchers in this area have done it at least once, sometimes in an emergency, but only in a life-and-death situation is it excusable.
  2. from Shulgin's PiHKAL
  1. Intramuscular
  2. An adminitration route where a substance is injected with a needle into a muscle.
  1. Preparation of a medicinal plant made by steeping the material in hot water. Infusions are apporpiate for leaves and flowers. Woods, barks, and roots are often prepared as a decoction instead.
  1. To snort.
  2. A route of administration where a powder or liquid substance is introduced into the sinuses by lightly inhaling the material through the nose without pulling it into the lungs or trachea.
  3. In anthropological texts, insufflate is often used to refer to blowing a substance up another person's nose using a tube or reed. Blowing powders up another's nose is essentially unheard of outside traditional ceremonies.
Ion Channel
  1. A structure which lets ions enter or leave a cell; ion channels are sometimes paired with neuroreceptors which open or close the channel depending on the presence of a neurotransmitter.
Ionotropic Receptor
  1. An ion channel receptor
  1. Intraperitoneal
  2. An adminitration route where a substance is administered into the peritoneal cavity, the area that contains the abdominal organs.
Irreversible Antagonist
  1. An antagonist which binds permanently with a receptor, effectively destroying it
  1. Cutoff of blood (typically due to artery blockage or damage)
  1. Intravenous
  2. An adminitration route where a substance is injected with a needle into a vein.




Kinetic energy
  1. the energy of motion.


  1. the sticky, milky sap of certain plants, which yields natural rubber when heated and coagulated.
  1. Median lethal dose
  2. the dose at which 50% of the subject population dies.
  1. Turning to the left
  1. A chemical which binds somewhere; e.g., a "sigma ligand" is a drug which binds to sigma receptors somewhere. Ligands can be agonists or antagonists (or neither).
Lilliputian Hallucinations
  1. Sensation or hallucinations of mistaken size, where objects are either too large or too small, or both
  2. occurs on dissociatives, during temporal lobe sizures, and high fever
From the DXM FAQ
Limbic forebrain
  1. A part of the evolutionarily old brain containing centers of pain and pleasure; also associated with memory and emotion. It is possible that this area of the brain is involved in altered states of consciousness, highs, and responses to psychoactive drugs.
  1. Calcium oxide (quicklime) or calcium hydroxide (slaked lime).
  2. Caustic minerals that form strongly alkaline solutions and have wide use in chemistry and industry. Not to be confused with the fruit.
  1. Lysergic acid diethylamide, a potent hallucinogenic drug synthesized from a compound occurring naturally in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.
  1. Cold light. the production of light without heat by electronically excited molecules.
  2. Luminescence occurs in physical, chemical, and biological systems. Bioluminescence can be seen in a wide range of species, from certain mushrooms and plankton to certain clams and insects.


  1. To soften or separate into parts by steeping in a liquid.
  2. To soften or decompose food by the action of a solvent.
  1. A dietary system invented in Japan in the twentieth century that emphasizes whole grains, especially brown rice, and urges avoidance of foods classified as strongly yin or yang.
  1. mah-GAY
  2. Any of several large desert plants of the New World, of the genus Agave in the lily family. Varieties of century plants, they have thick, swordlike leaves that develop from a central cone. the sap of magueys is the basi of several native Mexican alcoholic beverages, including pulque, mezcal, an0d tequila.
  1. Mandragora officinarum, an Old World plant of the nightshade family, containing tropane alkaloids and used in European witchcraft of the Middle Ages.
  1. A substance which inhibits the enzyme MAO
  2. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor
  1. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
  2. Ecstasy
  1. An anticholinergic (i.e., drug which blocks acetylcholine receptors) used to prevent or treat nausea.
Medical Choice Aptitude
(Medical Intervention Aptitude)
  1. The ability to understand, remember, and act appropriately based on medical and scientific information so that actions, drugs taken/avoided, foods eaten/avoided, doses used, etc result in beneficial outcomes.
Medulla oblongata
  1. the lowest structure of the brainstem forming a link between the pons above and the spinal cord below. It contains nerve centers controlling heartbeat and breathing.
  1. Transformation of a chemical by the body; metabolism of a drug usually results in a form which can be more easily excreted.
  1. A synthetic, long-acting narcotic, used in treatment programs to maintain heroin addicts. Taken orally, it gives little euphoria and blocks the effect of heroin. Withdrawal from methadone can be more difficult than withdrawal from heroin.
Metabotropic Receptor
  1. A receptor where activation leads to some change in metabolic processes within the cell, rather than opening or closing of an ion channel (c.f. ionotropic receptor).
  1. Refers to one of several membrane-containing structures within a cell; there isn't one structure which is the "microsome", as the term refers to a fraction found after centrifuging a cell sample
  1. musc=fly
  2. the psychoactive principle of the Fly Agaric, Amanita muscaria. It produces a dreamy intoxication, wimetimes with periods of excitement.
Museum Dose
  1. Museum Dose means a light to lower mid-level dose of a psychedelic or euphoric stimulant that is low enough not to be kicked out of public spaces such as a museums, galleries, or movies but strong enough to enhance visual and cognitive effects to make the experience more enjoyable. A dose level that would not intefere with walking, balance, or cause unusual sweating or appearing intoxicated in public. Exact dose depends on experience with substance, individual variation in response, and ability to "hold it together" when around strangers.
  2. Museum Dose in Erowid Dose Summary pages would be in the "Light Range".
  3. Museum Dose can be applied to any drug, but is most commonly associated with psychedelics.
  1. the branch of biology that studies fungi, including mushrooms.
  1. fungus lover
  2. One who loves or enjoys mushrooms.
  1. fungus hater
  2. One who fears or shuns mushrooms.
  1. Enlargement of the pupil of the eye


  1. An opiate receptor antagonist used to treate opiate overdoses
  1. A low boiling nonpolar fraction derived from petroleum distillation; typically includes pentane, hexane, heptane, and derivatives thereof.
  1. A drug derived from opium or chemically related to the compouds in opium. narcotics depress central nervous system functioning and, in chronic use, can produce a dependence syndrome marked by tolerance and withdrawal.
  2. A drug which dulls the senses.
  1. Practitioner of a system of healing that relies on dietetics, massage, applications of heat and cold, baths, and the use of vitamin and mineral supplements.
  1. A peptide (short chain of amino acids) neurotransmitter
  1. Toxic to neurons or neural processes
  1. the conveyance of impulses along nerve pathways by electrical and chemical means.
  1. Specifically, the Deadly Nightshade, Atropa belladonna.
  2. Any plant belonging to the Solanaceae (nightshade or potato) family. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and chilies are members of this group, along with a number of more dangerous plants, such as tobacco and Datura.
Noncompetitive Antagonist
  1. An antagonist at a given receptor which doesn't bind to the same site as the neurotransmitter (c.f., competitive antagonist).
  1. Capable of enhancing mental function. "Smart drug"
  1. A cough suppressant derived from opium
  1. Persistent, rapid, involuntary and oscillatory movement of the eyeball, usually side-to-side
  2. Often caused by MDMA


  1. A substances which cause dreams
  2. A substance which causes changes in or effects to dreams
oneiric=of or pertaining to dreams
  1. Open Eye Visuals
  1. Over the counter
  2. Available in stores without a prescription


  1. A genus of dung-inhabiting mushrooms with black spores. Several species contain the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin.
  1. A peripheral response to a drug which can be felt as tingling, pins-and-needles, or hair standing on end; it might take the form of a chill (even if the air is warm), or a feeling that one's skin is crawling.
Parasympathetic blockade
  1. Paralysis of nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system, usually a temporary condition due to the action of a parasympathetic-blocking drug.
Parasympathetic nervous system
  1. that branch of the autonomic nervous system that tends to slow down body functions and promote relaxation. Nerves of this system leave the head and lower part of the spine and connect to numerous organs, blood vessels, and glands.
Partial Agonist
  1. An agonist which partially activates a given receptor; may behave as an antagonist in the presence of enough neurotransmitter.
  1. A compound containing two or more amino acids in which the carboxyl group is one acid linked to the amino group of the other.
  1. A small, spineless cactus, Lophophora williamsii, native to north-central Mexico and adjacent areas of Texas and New Mexico. Peyote contains several dozen alkaloids, of which mescaline is the best known. Many North American Indians injest peyote ceremonially for its psychoactive effect.
  1. A synthetic local anesthetic, marketed under the brand name Novocain.
  1. An indication of the acidity of alkalinity of a substance
  1. Refering to the metabolism of a given drug
  1. Refering to the action (including the neuroreceptor binding) of a given drug
  1. A light or pattern which appears in the field of vision with eyes closed (and occasionally open). Phosphenes seem to come from the back of the eyelids, but are actually a result of slight but harmless abnormalities in retinal and visual processing networks.
  1. the period of time spent at the level of maximum effect of whatever drug has been ingested, at the particular dosage given.
  1. Peroral
  2. An adminitration route where a substance is swallowed.
  1. A chemical with more than one amine group; the polyamine site on the NMDA receptor will bind with several polyamines.
  1. Having multiple forms. Genetic polymorphism of an enzyme (such as P450) means that there are genetically based differences in forms of that receptor.
Posterior Cingulate
  1. the posterior (rear) region of the cingulate cortex, a distinct part of the cerebral cortex located in the temporal lobe.
  1. the influence of a lesser active drug on the effects realized from an active drug
  1. A decongestant
  1. Having effects on the mood or mind.
  2. Any effect on mood, mind, or behavior that is identifiable by an individual or detectable by others.
  3. Psychoactive effects can be secondary to other causes, so a mood or mental change can be caused by a drug or cause not normally considerd psychoactive. An anti-nausea drug might cause a secondary psychoactive effect by reducing or blocking nausea that would otherwise cause dysphoria.
  4. Psychoactive effects are generally considered to be caused centrally, meaning in the brain.
  1. A strong hallucinogenic drug occurring naturally in a number of species of mushrooms. It produces an intoxication marked by colored visions, lasting four to six hours.
  1. Mind manifesting
  2. A substance, such as LSD, mescaline, or psilocybin, that, under appropriate conditions of set and setting, can elicit high states marked by philosophic insights, mystical feelings, visions, and so forth. the term reflects a positive bias toward these drugs, which others have called "hallucinogens" (hallucination inducers), "psychotomimetics" (psychosis mimickers), or "entheogens".
  3. hallucinogen; entheogen
Coined by Humphry Osmond in his 1957 article "A Review of the Clinical Effects of Psychotomimetic Agents".
  1. Affecting the mind, especially mood, thought, or perception.
  2. Substances whether synthetics or plants which elicit these effects.
  1. the power of affecting physical realigy by purely mental means.
  1. the functioning of the body in its interactions with mind
  2. the expressions of mind through the physical body, expecially by way of nerves, hormones, and so forth.
  3. the study of these phenomena.
  1. Loss of ability to distinguish reality, as perceived by others, from one's own private mental productions. A serious category of mental illness, often marked by hallucinations, delusions, and disturbances of thought and mood.
  1. A substance which duplicates the symptoms of mental illness.
memesis=to imitate
these substances can serve as exploratory tools in the study of some forms of psychosis and sensory disorder.
(from TIHKAL)
  1. Mind-turning
  2. Affecting the mind, especially its functions of mood, thought, and perception. Applied to certain drugs and plants.
  3. Approximately equivalent to "psychoactive".




  1. the state of being optically inactive and separable into two other substances of the same chemical composition as the original substance, one of which is dextroratory and the other levorotatory.
  2. Synonym: Racemate
  1. A structure on or inside a cell which receives a chemical signal
  1. the process by which used neurotransmitters are taken back into cells to be recycled or destroyed.
Rush / Rushing
  1. A physical and mental feeling of accelaration and stimulation most often experienced at the onset of a drug's effects. Can be experienced as waves of pleasure or waves of anxiety; the rush of each substance is unique, although classes of substances share similarities. Some psychoactive users seek drugs that cause strong rushing, others avoid it. Smoking or injecting drugs tends to increase the rush and this is often cited as a reason to smoke orinject.


  1. Giant columnar cactus, Carnegiea gigantea (or Cereus giganteus), of southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. Also spelled "saguaro".
  1. A direct union with ultimate reality, allowing the dissolving of the ego and an achievement of a state of bliss
  1. Subcutaneous
  2. An adminitration route where a substance is injected beneath the skin.
  1. Adjusting the dosage of a drug oneself to achieve a given effect. Cigarette smokers quickly become adept at self-titrating nicotine levels to maintain a particular level of nicotine in the blood and brain
  1. Expectation - especially unconscious expectation, as a variable that determines people's reactions to drugs and other stimuli
  1. Environment - physical, social, and cultural - as a variable that determines people's reactions to drugs and other stimuli.
  1. A priest or medicine man who mediates personally between the human world and spirit world and often attempts to control the forces of good and evil within a tribal community. Shamanism is common among native peoples of northern Asia and North and South America . It frequently involves the use of psychoactive plants to induce altered states of consciousness conducive to magical operations.
  1. the nightshade family of flowering plants.
  1. the body as opposed to the mind.
  2. the name of a psychoactive drink used ritually and religiously by the Aryan peoples of the Indian subcontinent in ancient times. Its exact botanical identification is still the subject of speculation.
  1. An asexual, reproductive cell of lower plants and fungi
  1. To soak plant material in hot water...without boiling.
  1. A stereoisomer of a given chemical or molecule that has the same atom-to-atom connections as the molecule in question, but has a shape that is nonsuperimposable with it. Stereoisomers can be configurational or conformational stereoisomers, and they may be diastereomers or enantiomers. Human hands are the classic teaching example: both have the same configuration, but are mirror imaged versions of each other.
  2. Stereoisomerism is the arrangement of atoms in molecules whose connectivity remains the same but their arrangement in space is different in each isomer. Geometric isomerism is sometimes considered synonymous with stereoisomerism, but is often used to describe just those stereoisomers that are not mirror-images of each other. their are two forms of stereoisomerism: Geometric isomerism aka diastereomerism, Optical isomerism aka enantiomerism. From: Wikipedia
  3. Stereoisomers require a "stereo center" around which the parts of the molecule are rotated to form the different isomers. these are usually carbon atoms.
  4. Stereoisomers are isomers that have their atoms bonded in the same order: that is, their two dimensional structure can be drawn identically, yet the atoms differ in their three dimensional positions in space.
  1. Any substance that increases activity in the nervous system. Central nervous system stimulants cause wakefulness, alertness, and feelings of well-being. In overdose they may cause anxiety, jitteriness, and insomnia.
  1. the stemlike part of a mushroom.
  1. Under the influence of cannabis
  2. Under the influence of a psychoactive drug.
  1. In Buddhism, a sacred text, especially one believed to be a discourse of the Buddha
Sympathetic nervous system
  1. the branch of the autonomic nervous system that mobilizes the body for fight or flight by speeding up the heartbeat and breathing while shutting down digestive functions. Nerves of this system leave the middle segments of the spinal cord to connect to many organs, blood vessels, and glands.
  1. Synergy
  2. In pharmacology, the interaction of two drugs to produce a combined effect greater than the simple sum of their individual effects.
  1. An activation of two or more senses simultaneously; seeing sounds or hearing colors


  1. Fast heart rate
  1. Bitter-tasting chemicals derived from the barks, leaves, and fruits of many plants that have the property of tanning animal hides to leather.
  1. Follower of the philosophy of Taoism, an ancient Chinese system founded by Lao Tzu and outlined in his brief text, the Tao Teh Ching (Way of Life). Taoism stresses the complementary interaction of opposite forces (yin and yang).
  1. A deck of cards depicting traditional Western occult philosophy in symbolic, pictorial form.
  1. Tetrahydrocannabinol
  2. the active ingredient in marijuana
  1. In pharmacology, the decrease or loss of response to a drug, due to recent or prolonged exposure to it.
  2. the need for increasing doses of a drug over time to maintain the same effect. Tolerance is a common characteristic of dependence on drugs. It is provoked by some drugs more than others, especially by stimulants and depressants of the central nervous system.
  1. An involuntary shaking or trembling of a part of the body, such as the hand. Tremor is usually os symptom of dysfunction of the central nervous system.
  1. Jaw tension
  2. Often caused by MDMA
  1. A group of toxic and psychoactive drugs found in a number of species of plants of the nightshade family. Atropine and sopolamine are the most important.
  1. An amino acid and the precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin
  1. An amino acid and the precursor to the neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenaline


  1. U-4-E-uh; a name given to the drug 4-methylaminorex
  1. A process in which the number or activity of receptors increases, typically in response to abnormally low activity (e.g., from an antagonist drug)


  1. Constriction of blood vessels
  1. A neuropeptide which has peripheral effects on blood vessels and kidney action, and which may also be a nootropic.
  1. Refers to signals from the middle ear; vestibular sensations include floating, low-frequency vibrating, and similar sensations


  1. the War on Drugs
  2. the organized political and social attempts to criminalize psychoactive substances and punish those who choose to use them.
  1. the War on Some Drugs
  2. Very similar to the War on Drugs, but making note of the (presumably unsupportable) legal status of alcohol and cigarettes.


  1. A group of related alkaloids found in various plants that stimulate the central nervous system. Caffeine in coffee, theophylline in tea, and theobromine in chocolate are examples.
  1. Dry mouth. An effect caused by many of the psychoactive stimulants, such as amphetamines, as well as with Datura and other anti-cholinergics.
  2. Cannabis induced "dry mouth" or "sticky mouth" is not usually referred to as Xerostomia.
  3. Prolonged dry mouth leads to tooth damage, rotting teeth ('dental caries'), and cavities.


  1. A tribe of Indians of the Sonoran desert in northwest Mexico.
  1. Your mileage may vary
People experience things very differently. When someone else describes an experience of theirs, remember that you are unlikely to have the exact same experience.
  1. Union
  2. An ancient system, developed in India, of physical and mental practices designed to expand human consciousness and reunite man with God.
