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Exploring Inner Space
Personal Experiences Under LSD-25
Rating :
Author(s) :
Jane Dunlap
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
1961(hb,1st ed,vg+/g+)
Publisher :
Harcourt, Brace, & World
One of the earliest books about a psychedelic experience written by a woman.

From the Introduction by Dr. Davidson:

My host concluded the introductions at his party, "And this is Jane Dunlap."

I looked down into a pair of laughing blue eyes and immediately felt I had found a friend. We had started the usual small talk when my attention suddenly was caught by the name tag thoughtfully provided by our host to help faulty memories.

"You're not the Jane Dunlap!" I cried, thinking of how eagerly we had looked forward to each of her books.

Of course, she was Jane Dunlap, a household word now become a lively , husky-voiced reality, a woman sparkling with vitality and good humor, refreshingly direct and sincere in her manner. This Jane Dunlap was a woman of fearless opinions, well read, intelligent, and above all a warm human being.

As we talked on, the conversation somehow turned to a discussion of lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD-25, a powerful hallucinogenic, or vision-producing, drug under study as an aid to psychotherapy. Miss Dunlap excitedly asked about my experience with it from my standpoint both as a person who had taken it some twenty-five times and as a psychologist working with volunteer research subjects. She had had one unforgettable experience with it through a local university and had already volunteered to be a subject in the research being carried on by my colleague, Dr. Oscar Janiger, a psychiatrist who is studying its effects on the release on creative potential in artists, writers, and musicians. From this chance meeting developed our subsequent collaboration in the LSD experiments she describes in this book.