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The Hemp Manifesto
101 Ways That Hemp Can Save Our World
Rating :
Author(s) :
Rowan Robinson
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
1997(pb,1st ed,fine,s)
Publisher :
Park Street Press
The Hemp Revolution is happening, despite the efforts of politicians and law-enforcement agencies to stop it. All around the globe this miracle plant is creating industries for food, fuel, clothing, housing, and paper that are veneficial to humanity and environmentally friendly. Medical marijuana initiatives passed with overwhelming support in California and Arizona. Still, wars of disinformation are being waged against this plant and its industries, and the amazing facts can be difficult to find.

The Hemp Manifesto changes all that. Designed to fit into the back pocket of a pair of hemp jeans, The Hemp Manifesto lists 101 ways that hemp is making a positive impact on society. Included are all the fascinating facts about the plant --how the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper; how the U.S. government grows marijuana and supplies it to eight people free of charge; how hemp seeds are the most complete source of protein and essential fatty acids known in the vegetable kingdom; and many more. The Hemp Manifesto gives the people their most important weapon in the fight for a healthy future: the truth.

Rowan Robinson is a writer, journalist, and explorer who first learned of the many uses of hemp while living in Kashmir in the 1950's. He has been a hemp activist ever since. He is the author of The Great Book of Hemp.