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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
Section 4 :
Ballparking dosage estimates

Below is based on commonly encountered percentages, calculated for a 160 lb. individual; actual amounts may vary widely, most are likely to be low figures:

A convenient point to remember when reading published accounts of alkaloid concentration: 0.00X% is X mg per 100 grams.

Examples: 0.001% is 1 mg per 100 grams; 0.01% is 10 mg per 100 grams; 0.1% . is 100 mg per 100 grams; 1% is 1000 mg per 100 grams.

Ballpark threshold estimates for a few other commercially available admixture plants

Acacia confusa rootbark: 4 grams of root bark. All Acacias are likely to be highly variable and show possible seasonal fluctuations. Stem-bark is likely to be ineffective.

Acacia maidenii stem-bark : 15-20 grams or more of dry bark. Many are weaker; requiring several ounces of dried bark.

Acacia obtusifolia "resin": The bark is too low in alkaloids and too high in tannins to be directly employed. We would suggest using 100-160 mg of the extracted material if it is anything other than white or lightly colored.

Acacia phlebophylla leaves: 15-20 grams of dry leaves.

Desmanthus leptolobus or D. illinoensis rootbark : 100 grams or more of rootbark is common. Many occurrences of D. illinoensis will be even weaker although Ott painstakingly determined his particular supply of commercially obtained material to have a 60 gram (of dried rootbark) threshold dosage and Thompson's report suggested that material from Oktibbeha Co, Mississippi was nearly twice as strong as that assayed by Ott.

Diplopterys cabrerana leaves: 8-25 grams of dried leaves. [Some occurrences may be stronger or weaker.] Mimosa hostilis root bark: 8 grams of dry root bark. 10-12 grams is a decent trip.

Phalaris foliage : In most cases, 100 grams or more of late summer to fall harvested dry regrowth foliage is required although several have been found with around 10-30% this as a dose and at least one even stronger. Highly variable. [Literally 0 to 0.001% to over 1% has been reported.]

Psilocybe: Dosages should be halved or quartered from what would be taken alone. [1/4-1/2-1 gram dried]

Psychotria leaves: If effective, threshold will lie between 20 and 50 grams of dried leaves; usually towards to bottom of this. [20-40 dried leaves is often aproximately 10-20 grams dried]

Trichocereus spp.: Dosages should be half or less of that normally taken.

All of these values may vary wildly from reality in either direction.

Plant alkaloids can fluctuate or vary between individuals (or exert their effect differently on individuals) based on many variables.

Perhaps the most important point:As with all plant based drugs: KNOW YOUR MATERIAL.

If you do not, first familiarize yourself with it by trying a series of small and increasing amounts. (This may be necessary to repeat for every new batch of some species if analytical capabilities are not present.)

While some might damn me for even mentioning this, as people already are doing it (The Entheogen Review even received one report of a person who claimed to have evaluated P. harmala in separate combinations with caffeine, MDMA, MDE, cocaine and amphetamines!; reporting an increase in efects for all), I would propose the following dosage guidelines for anyone brave (reckless) enough to consider combining the following listed drugs with harmine. I urge that they are not combined with any other MAOI than harmine and/or harmaline and/or THH and/or the reversible synthetic MAOI, moclobemide.

I do not even suggest that they be combined with these alkaloids unless done by fit, healthy and well experienced (or hard-headed) individuals. If monitored, care might be taken in selecting an observer. "Slow, sustained, forceful twisting and arching movements" have been reported in such drug combinations, and similar phenomena are not uncommon when using multiple drug combinations.

These are often found quite alarming to observers and a well intentioned trip to the emergency room may result.

(If needed; great. However...)

Suggested dosage guidelines:

LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin etc.. dosages should be halved or quartered.

MDMA (Ecstasy), 2C-B etc.. dosages should be cut to 10-15% of normal. [Ed. note - It is extremely dangerous to combine MDMA and an MAOI (harmine, harmaline, et cetera). This may result in fatal hypertension. - Erowid]

A similar lowering of the dosage with ibogaine should be expected as well but specific data is lacking as to how much.

These are not meant to be taken as safe guidelines, they simply are what is suggested by the available human bioassays in this area.

It might also be noted that people have often been known to survive an amazing combination of drugs and dosages commonly thought to kill.

I want to stress the need for extreme caution and much study of the plants intended for use, their known chemistry and the subject's motivation before "stepping into the breach" as Ott so aptly put it.