#117 MDPL
DOSAGE: greater than 150 mg.
DURATION: unknown.
EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: There is a continuing uncertainty about the name for the three-carbon radical that contains a triple bond. The hydrocarbon is propyne, although it has been referred to as methylacetylene in the older literature. The adjective, going from the triple bond out to the point of attachment, is called propargyl, as in propargyl chloride. When the adjective must be built on the parent hydrocarbon, the double bond is on the outside and one reads away from it, as in 2-propynyl something. However, when the hydrocarbon is essentially the entire structure, then things get named going towards the triple bond, as in 3-chloro-1-propyne. Wait. I'm not done yet! When the actual hydrocarbon name becomes distorted into the derivative, then the triple bond is again at the high end of the numbering scheme. Propynol is 2-propyn-1-ol, which is, of course, the same as 3-hydroxypropyne, or propargyl alcohol. The code MDPL takes the first and last letter of the two of them, both propargyl and propynyl.
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