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Archived Images #
Atropa belladonna (Nightshade) #
Close-up showing a single Atropa belladonna flower on an indoor cultivated plant.
Photo by Anonymous. © 2009
Beautiful color photo of a flowering Atropa belladonna flower. [S. California]
Photo by Ine, © 2002
Color photo of a Atropa belladonna plant grown indoors.
Photo by Kavalo, © 2000
Beautiful photo showing Atropa belladonna flower. [CA, USA]
Photo by Trout, Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo showing the form of a small Atropa belladonna plant against a white bakcground. [CA, USA]
Photo by Trout, Used by Erowid with permission.
Beautiful photo showing Atropa belladonna flowers and berries. [U.K.]
Photo by Acidmon, © 2004
Color photo showing Atropa belladonna flower and unripe berries. [CA, USA]
Photo by Trout, Used by Erowid with permission.
Beautiful color photo of A. belladonna berries. [Rodopi Mount, Greece]
Photo by Yanis Syllignakis, © 2002
Photo of Atropa belladonna seeds with 10x magnification.
Photo by Pedro. © 2006
Atropa belladonna flowers in May [Barcelona, Spain]
Photo by Anonymous. © 2007
Close-up color photo of plant with flowers and berries.
From Cornell University.
Color photo of 2 young Atropa belladonna plants being cultivated in pots [MO, USA].
Photo by Entheomation, © 2004
Extracts & Products #
A 1914 bottle of dry belladonna extract photographed at the National History Museum in London. [London, England]
Photo by Gremlin. © 2006
Botanical Drawings #
Color drawing of plant, flower, and fruit.
From "An Introduction to Materia Medica and Pharmacology" (1942).
Color drawing of plant, flower, and fruit.
From Kohler's Medicinal Plants, © 1995-2003 Missouri Botanical Garden.
Color drawing of plant with flowers.
Artist unknown.
Black and White Drawing.
Black and White Drawing.
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.