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Theobroma cacao
by Erowid
Archived Images #
Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Trees #
Color photo of tree.
Photo by Thomas Shoepke.
Small potted Theobroma cacao tree in a 20 liter pot. [South America]
Photo by Hermes. © 2007
Theobroma cacao fruit on the tree also showing leaves. [Vila Camboinha, Brazil]
Photo by Jon Hanna. © 2012
Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Leaves #
Close-up of a branch of Theobroma cacao leaves. [Costa Rica]
Photo by Erowid. © 2007
A branch of Theobroma cacao leaves showing newer red leaves and older green leaves. [Costa Rica]
Photo by Erowid. © 2007
Color photo of leaves.
Photo by Erowid, © 2001
Sign from botanical gardens near Hilo, Hawaii.
Photo by Erowid, © 2001
Shiny green Theobroma cacao leaves.
Photo by Keeper Trout. © 2012
Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Seeds #
Color photo of cocoa seeds.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seeds.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seeds.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
After the fruit is consumed (or discarded), the T. cacao seeds are dried on a screen. Once dry, they can be consumed raw as a mildly stimulating snack. However, many people toast them to make them crunchier before eating them, blending them in milk, or making their own chocoolate confections. [Vila Camboinha, Brazil]
Photo by Jon Hanna. © 2012
Color photo of 3 cocoa seeds with shells removed.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of a cocoa seed, broken in half, with mold visible. Approx 2cm long.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seeds with shells removed.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of the empty shell of one cocoa seed.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seeds and shell.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seed and shell.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seeds and shell.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seeds with US penny (penny is 1.9cm diameter).
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color photo of cocoa seeds and broken pieces of dried cocoa.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Fruit #
Color photo showing ripe orange Theobroma cacao fruit.
Photo by Erowid, © 2001
Green Theobroma cacao fruit. Casually planted in many yards in areas of Brazil, T. cacao (chocolate) trees produce large fruit that is made into a juice and assorted liquors. Eaten fresh, it has a sweet-sour flavor somewhat reminiscent of moist bread. [Vila Camboinha, Brazil]
Photo by Jon Hanna. © 2012
Close-up of a large Theobroma cacao fruit taken in Porto Seguro Bahia, Brazil. [Brazil]
Photo by Finn. © 2007
Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Flower #
A single Theobroma cacao flower.
Photo by Keeper Trout. © 2013
Botanical Drawings #
Color drawing of plant, flower and seeds.
From Kohler's Medicinal Plants, © 1995-2003 Missouri Botanical Garden.
Color drawing of cacao bean exterior and interior.
From Kohler's Medicinal Plants, © 1995-2003 Missouri Botanical Garden.
Color drawing showing plant, flowers, and fruit.
From "An Introduction to Materia Medica and Pharmacology" (1942).
Molecules #
2D molecule image.
Image by Erowid, © 2001
Still 3D image of the Theobromine molecule.
Image by Erowid, © 2001
Rotating 3D image of the Theobromine molecule.
Image by Erowid, © 2000
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.