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Psychoactive Cacti
by Erowid
c. 2000 BCE San Pedro cactus are believed to have been used sacramentally around this time as evidenced by finds of cactus remains rolled into cigar form. These were discovered by Peruvian archaeologist Rosa Fung at the Chavín site of Las Aldas. 1  
1300 BCE A Chavín stone carving from a temple at Chavín de Huantar in northern Peru shows the principal diety holding a San Pedro cactus. 2  
200 BCE - 600 CE San Pedro has been cultivated on the Peruvian coast since this early Intermediate period. 3  
1945 Ritual use of San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi) in Equador is first documented, leading to the discovery of its mescaline content. This is the second plant, after peyote, found to contain mescaline. 4  
1950 San Pedro specimens were analyzed and discovered to contain 1 - 2% mescaline, dry weight. 4  

  1.   Polia M. Il Sangue del Condor. Xenia, 1997.
  2.   Stafford P. Psychedelics Encyclopedia. Ronin. 1992.
  3.   Rätsch C. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants. Inner Traditions Intl, 2005.
  4.   Trenary K. "History of Mescaline".