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Classification Key for the Genus Datura
by Dr. Richard Sanders and
Genus Brugmansia

While the Brugmansia key is incomplete, the primary Brugmansia species are described below.
See also the Brugmansia hybrids page.

Brugmansia arborea.
Flowers 4.5 - 6.5 inches long with white corollas. Corolla teeth are separated by distinct notches, making the flower appear to have "petals".

B. arborea grows as a shrub or small tree (6 - 15 ft.) and has softly hairy young stems, leaves, calyx, and fruit. The fruit is round to egg-shaped and 2.5 - 3.5 inches long.

Photo by Richard Sanders
Brugmansia aurea.
Flower 7 - 9 inches (19 - 25 cm) long, and highly fragrant. Corolla white or gold-yellow, nodding to pendulous. Corolla teeth recurve backward. Calyx possess 2 - 5 teeth with no space between calyx and corolla.

B. aurea is a small tree reaching 35 feet tall has smooth or mildly hairy leaves. Fruit is egg shaped, 3-6 inches long.

Brugmansia sanguinea.
Flowers 7 - 10 inches (16 - 25 cm) long and tubular only flaring a small amount. Corolla recurved, orange to red with yellow base. No space between calyx and corolla. Sepals are split two to five times.

B. sanguinea is a small tree reaching 35 feet, with softly hairy leaves. Fruit is egg shaped 3 - 5 inches long.

Photographer Unknown
Brugmansia suaveolens.
Flowers up to 12 inches (30 cm) long. Corolla white (sometimes pink or yellow), with a short constricted tube just above the calyx. Calyx 2 - 5 toothed. A highly-frangrant variety that is perfect for the moon garden.

B. suaveolens is a small tree 6 - 15 feet tall. Leaves are smooth edged (no teeth), either smooth-textured or with minute hairs. This variety was one of the first to gain popularity in Europe, especially during the Victorian era.

Photo by Richard Sanders
Brugmansia versicolor.
Large pendulous flowers are 12-18 inches (30-50 cm) long. Corolla typically white changing with age to apricot or peach-pink, trumpet-shaped, with the tube constricted well beyond the calyx. Calyx has a single split. Corolla teeth are long, flaring and recurved. Highly fragrant at night.

B. versicolor is a small tree 8 - 15 feet tall with smooth edged leaves. Fruit is spindle-like and 6-12 inches long.

Photo by Richard Sanders
Brugmansia vulcanicola.
Flowers tubular and 6-9 inches (15-25 cm) long, and nodding. Corolla ranging from yellow to orange, green near base. Calyx usually drops as the Corolla matures.

B. vulcanicola is a small tree up to 10 feet tall. Leaves are oval with smooth or toothed edges. Fuit is oval and warty.


© 2002 Dr. Sanders & Erowid