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Poppy Biscuits
(Or Nasty Frozen Poppy Pellets)

by Sgort
Edited & Published by Erowid, Feb 2003

Introduction #
The following are directions for making what I like to refer to as poppy ‘cookies' or biscuits. Before you start thinking: "Yum… I love cookies... these sound like they will be delicious!", I assure you that they are not! They are, in fact, rather disgusting tasting and would more accurately be described as pellets than cookies. The reason I choose to employ this preparation is simply because it yields a solid, compact final product that is extremely concentrated and can be swallowed whole - sparing me the experience of having to fight the gag reflex that is all to familiar to those who endure the taste of poppy milk/tea.

Preparation #
  1. I take 2 average size (3cm) dried poppies (other people may use different amounts), put them into the coffee grinder and process until extremely fine. I also grind in an amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C tablets should work fine as well). I feel it does a decent job of salting out the various alkaloids from the poppies.
  2. I then add a small amount of water... approximately a cup depending on how much dried material I end up with. I use enough water to allow the mixture to simmer on the stove for a while, but not so much that I am forced to keep it boiling longer than I'd prefer just to reduce the mixture to a goo. If no ascorbic acid / vitamin C is available, lemon or some other acidic juice can be used during the simmering. Any extra liquid has to be boiled off, so increasing juice would mean decreasing the volume of water used.
  3. I then simmer for a good 10 – 15 minutes, preferably in a non-stick / Teflon covered pan. I have found that heat is not so much the enemy to the opiate alkaloids here as long as it is not rapidly boiled. The heat will actually help to free up more of these alkaloids from the plant material. Cooking off as much of the water as possible, I stir the sludge until it begins to become gravy-like then ultimately mash-like in consistency. At this point, I use a soft spatula to flip the mash around to keep it heating evenly.
  4. I will then let it dry out as much as possible. Turning off the stove and just letting the mash sit in the hot pan for a while actually does an excellent job of this.
  5. The mash should now be fairly concentrated, having not lost any of the original plant material (I do not filter out the material at all). This is where I now take the mash and spoon out chunks onto a sheet of tin foil. The chunks should be small enough so that they can be swallowed whole with a glass of water (I prefer them to be the size of those little cadbury mini eggs). Making then a bit more elongated allows me to easily break the chunk in half in case it ends up being to big.
  6. Freeze the chunks, and voila – frozen opium poppy pellets. The fact that the pellets are frozen will also reduce the chance that I inadvertently taste them in the few short moments that they are in my mouth before swallowing. I then typically proceed to swallow the whole lot, one by one. This may seem a bit tedious to some, but to those who share my virtually instantaneous gag reflex to opium poppy tea, it is a welcome alternative.
The recipe is such that it allows for a much longer, satiating experience, as the plant material's bioavailability is obviously not going to be as great as the straight tea. However, I get a solid surge of alkaloids at about 30 minutes post ingestion. Afterwards there is a steady flow as the plant material is broken down in the gut, so there is usually no need to dose multiple times in an evening.

I will leave you with a last piece of advice: Tolerance to poppies, in whatever form, accumulates very quickly. Getting all 30 some-odd alkaloids in one beverage/cookie really does a job on the opioid receptors. I have known many who have made the mistake of finding solace in the poppy plant more often than they should have, and have paid the price in the form of either withdrawal or dependency. As with any drug, define your limits early on and insist on adhering to these boundaries.