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Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
This black mid-weight zip hoodie (80/20) has front pockets,
an Erowid logo on front chest, and a spiral design on back.
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Guides & Sitting
Bits & Pieces
by Erowid
The "Bits & Pieces" section is intended for random snippets of information which don't fit
easily elsewhere and/or which have been newly added, but not yet carefully categorized.

  • Terms: Ground Support, Air Support
    Ground Support: At least one (often more) sober sitter who spends the entire duration of effects with the people engaged in a mind-altering experience. Ground Support is not usually used to describe any type of "guiding" and usually refers to mostly passive sitting, although it is also used to describe any type of immediate and present sober persons who have agreed to act in this capacity.

    Air Support: At least one (often more) sober sitter who has agreed to be on call by phone, messenging, or nearby for the duration of the experience.