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All References with Authors including 'Haefely_W'

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Jalfre M, Monachon MA, Ha... Pharmacological modifications of benzoquinolizine-induced geniculate s... Experientia 1970
Haefely W Effects of serotonin (5-HT) and some related indole compounds in a mam... Experientia 1971
Haefely W The Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Some Related Compounds on the C... Naunyn-Schmiedeberg'... 1974
Schaffner R, Jalfre M, Ha... Effects Of Different Pharmacological Agents On The Septo-hippocampal E... J Pharmacol 1974
Jalfre M, Ruch-Monachon M... Methods for Assessing the Interaction of Agents with 5-Hydroxytryptami... Advances in Psychoph... 1974
Pieri L, Pieri M, Haefely... LSD as an agonist dopamine receptors in the striatum Nature 1974
Haefely W The effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine and some related compounds on the c... Arch Pharmacol 1974
Pycock C, Anlezark G, Pie... LSD and Dopamine Receptors Nature 1975
Pieri M, Pieri L, Saner A... A Comparison of Drug-induced rotation in rats lesioned in the Medial F... Arch. int. Pharmacod... 1975
Burkard WP, Pieri L, Haef... In vivo changes of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic phosphate in rat cerebellum ... J.Neurochem. 1976
Ruch Monachon MA, Jalfre ... Drugs and PGO Waves in the Lateral Geniculate Body of the Curarized Ca... Arch.Intern.Pharmaco... 1976
Pieri M, Schaffner R, Hae... Central dopamine-receptor stimulation bv LSD and lisuride Experientia 1977
Pieri M, Sehaffner R, Pie... Turning in MFB-Lesioned Rats and Antagonism of Neuroleptic Induced Cat... Life Sci. 1978
Polc P, Schneeberger J, H... Effects of several centrally active drugs on the sleep-wakefulness cyc... Neuropharmacology 1979