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All References with Authors including 'Hoch_PH'

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HOCH PH Experimentally produced psychoses Am J Psychiatry 1951
Hoch PH, Cattell JP, Penn... Effects of mescaline and lysergic acid (d-LSD-25) Amer. J. Psychiatry 1952
Hoch PH, Pennes HH, Catte... Psychoses produced by administration of drugs Res. Publ. Ass. Nerv... 1953
Hoch PH Experimental psychiatry Amer. J. Psychiatry 1955
Hoch PH The production and alleviation of mental abnormalities by drugs XXth International P... 1956
Hoch PH Studies in routes of administration and counteracting drugs. (From "Ly... Grune & Stratton, In... 1956
Hoch PH The problem of schizophrenia in the light of experimental psychiatry. Experimental psychop... 1957
Hoch PH Remarks on LSD and mescaline J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... 1957
Hoch PH Psychoses-producing and psychoses-relieving drugs. Res. Publ. Ass. Nerv... 1958
Hoch PH, Pennes HH, Catte... Psychoses produced by administration of drugs. (In: Chemical concepts ... McDowell Obolensky 1958
Malitz S, Esecover H, Wil... Some Observations on Psilocybin, a New Hallucinogen, in Volunteer Subj... Comprehensive Psychi... 1960