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Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Photographer Unknown
Photo by Jon Hanna, 1996
Erowid Character Vaults
Richard Glen Boire
Richard Glen Boire holds a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the University of California Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law. He specializes in constitutional and criminal law, with a focus on the topics of extraordinary states of consciousness, dissident thinking, and shamanic inebriants.

From 1993 through 1999, Boire was publisher and editor of The Entheogen Law Reporter, a quarterly journal centered on control and policy issues issues surrounding visionary plants and drugs. In 1996 and 1997, Boire produced Copswatch--a free e-mail service that provided legal commentary on situations presented on the FOX Broadcasting Company's TV series COPS. In 1997, along with Jon Hanna and Will Beifuss, Boire co-produced the first Mind States conference, and he has spoken at events worldwide including Ayahuasca Healing Retreats and the Boom Festival in Brazil. From 1998 through 2002, he penned the column "Pharmaco Prohibita" for The Entheogen Review. He also filed the first-ever freedom of thought brief before the Supreme Court in 2002. From 1999 through 2004, Boire served as Executive Director of the Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics, a non-profit organization (originally named the Alchemind Society) that he founded which focused on "protecting and advancing freedom of thought in the modern world of accelerating neurotechnologies". In 2006, Boire helped organize the Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights conference at Stanford University's Law School. He has been interviewed on Coast to Coast by both Art Bell and George Noory.

Boire is the author of four books exploring the laws related to visionary plants and drugs. He has written numerous articles on the topic which have appeared in California Lawyer, Daily Journal, Eleusis, The Humanist, Independent Review, JAMA, Left Curve, The Resonance Project, and other publications.

Author of (Books)
  • Medical Marijuana Law, with co-author Kevin Feeney, preface by Frank Lucido (2006)
  • The Salvia Divinorum Grower's Guide, published under the pseudonym Sociedad Para La Preservatión [sic] De Las Plantas Del Misterio (1998)
  • Sacred Mushrooms & the Law, foreword by Terence McKenna (1997/2002)
  • Marijuana Law (1993/1996)
  • Author of (Articles)
  • "CCLE Amicus Brief on the Merits in Supreme Court: Dr. Charles Thomas Sell, D.D.S. v. United States of America" (2003)
  • "On Cognitive Liberty" (Part I - Part IV) Journal of Cognitive Liberties 1(1/2) (1999/2000), 2(1) (2001), 4(1) (2003)
  • "Pharmaco Prohibita" The Entheogen Review 11(4):130-2 (Winter 2002)
  • "Drug Testing in Public Schools" Counterpunch (Jul 10, 2002)
  • "The Cannabis War" The Sacramento News & Review (Jun 20, 2002)
  • "Pharmaco Prohibita" The Entheogen Review 10(2):76-7 (Summer 2001)
  • "Abandoned on the Battlefield" The Chico News & Review (May 17, 2001)
  • "Testimony before the U.S. Sentencing Commission on MDMA (Ecstasy)" (Mar 19, 2001)
  • "Pharmaco Prohibita" The Entheogen Review 8(2):32-4 (Summer 1999)
  • "Pharmaco Prohibita" The Entheogen Review 7(4):26-7 (Winter 1998)
  • "Pharmaco Prohibita" The Entheogen Review 7(2):46-7 (Summer 1998)
  • "Pharmaco Prohibita" The Entheogen Review 7(1):14 (Spring 1998)
  • "Copswatch: Who's Watching Who?" TRP 2:12-15 (Winter 1997/1998)
  • Author of (Book Reviews)
  • "A Review of Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use by Jacob Sullum" The Independent Review (Spring 2004)
  • "John Stuart Mill and the Liberty of Inebriation" The Independent Review 7(2):253-8 (Fall 2002)
  • Articles (About)
  • "Give Me Cognitive Liberty" by Salim Muwakkil, In These Times (Nov 7, 2005)
  • "Richard Glen Boire - Seed Magazine's Choice for Revolutionary Mind in 2004 " by Zack Lynch, Corante "Brain Waves" (Nov 3, 2004 2009)
  • Video
  • "California Expungement: Myths & Facts", an advertisement for RGB's Law Firm with details regarding Expungements (Apr 10, 2009)
  • Audio
  • "Archive for Richard Glen Boire" at Matrix Masters Psychedelic Salon (2008)
  • Interviews
  • "We Hold These Freedoms to be Self-Evident..." interviewed by Liz Else, New Scientist (Apr 24, 2004)
  • "The Fight to Control Your Mind" interviewed by Michael Erard, WIRED 11(4) (Apr 2003)
  • "Defending the Boundaries of Human Identity: A Conversation about the Holy War on Some Drugs..." interviewed by Pete Brady, Cannabis Culture (Mar 1, 1999)
  • "Talking Law with RGB, Esq.: An Interview with Richard Glen Boire, Esquire, Editor of The Entheogen Law Reporter" interviewed by James Kent, Psychedelic Illuminations (Winter 1995/1996)