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The Entheogen Law Reporter

ISSN 1074-8040

The Entheogen Law Reporter (TELR) was a quarterly newsletter produced by attorney Richard Glen Boire in the 1990s. From its statement of purpose:

"Since time immemorial, humans have used entheogenic substances as powerful tools for achieving spiritual insight and understanding. In the twentieth century, however, many of these most powerful of religious and epistemological tools were declared illegal in the United States, and their users decreed criminals. The shaman has been outlawed. It is the purpose of The Entheogen Law Reporter to provide the latest information and commentary on the intersection of entheogenic substances and the law."

Edited and largely written by Boire, the newsletter also featured articles by Arno Adelaars, Hakim Bey, Jon Hanna, Jim Hogshire, Steven T. Jones, Peter McWilliams, Jonathan Ott, Jerry D. Patchen, René Rikkelman, and others. Along with presenting information about changes in drug prohibition laws and news of the latest drug busts, TELR provided valuable commentary on how the laws surrounding entheogenic compounds have been interpreted, addressing vague or confusing areas within the Controlled Substances Analogue Act, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and assorted other federal and state laws.

Twenty-two issues were published between the Winter of 1993 and the Summer of 1999. Issues 1-20 were printed on letter-sized paper (8.5" X 11"), stapled in the upper left corner, folded in half, and mailed to subscribers sans envelope; they ran from 6 to 18 pages in length. Indexes were provided for both the first ten issues and the second ten issues. With the final two issues, the publication shifted to a 40-page saddle-stapled booklet format (5.5" X 8.5"), for which no indexes were produced.

Scans of each of the individual issues, as well as the two indexes (as one file) are available below as PDFs:

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Winter 1993 - No. 1 (pp. 1-6):
A Complete and Up-to-Date Listing of the "Hallucinogens" Explicitly Outlawed Under Federal Law
DEA Declares Khat Illegal
DEA Notice of Intention to Schedule 2C-B
Survey of 1993 Opinions on Entheogens
The "Drug Package Profile"

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Spring 1994 - No. 2 (pp. 7-15):
Agents Arrest Man and Woman for Smoking Toad Venom
State-by-State Survey of Exemptions for Religious Peyote Use
Federal Mushroom Conviction Upheld
2C-B and AET Updates
The Law of Consensual Searches

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Summer 1994 - No. 3 (pp. 16-27):
Magic Mushroom Case-Law
Spore Seller Raided
First RFRA Drug Case
Update on Bufo alvarius (Toad) Cases
Supreme Court Construes Mail Order Paraphernalia Act
Mail Search Update

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Fall 1994 - No. 4 (pp. 28-38):
Entheogens & Free Exercise of Religion, Including the Religious-Use Declaration
Founder of Marijuana-Using Church Arrested
Questions & Answers
Recent LSD Carrier-Weight Cases
Indiana Case Challenges Illegal Mushrooms
Spore Seller Sentenced
Mail Search Update

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Winter 1994 - No. 5 (pp. 39-47):
The Jurisprudence of Peyote in the U.S.
More on the Reiigious-Use Declaration in Issue No. 4
Final Rule on AET

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Spring 1995 - No. 6 (pp. 48-58):
Recent LSD Cases on Mandatory Minimums
Ketamine-Related Arrests
Psilocybin v. Psiocybe Mushrooms
RFRA Law Review Articles
Death of an Ally
International Mail Search Case
LSD Sentence Entrapment
Dog Alert to Drug-Tainted Currency
Questions & Answers
Brugmansia candida Outlawed in Florida
Archaic New Jersey Law Outlaws Datura
New York Seizures of Bufotenine

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Summer 1995 - No. 7 (pp. 59-69):
Opium-using Hmong Shaman Wins Reprieve
The Legal Status of Catha edulis (khat)
Plant-Growing Equipment as Illegal Drug Paraphernalia?
AIRFA Protects Peyote Use on Probation
Final Rule on 2C-B (aka Nexus)
The Silencing of Opposing Viewpoints
Prior Ingestion of LSD Does Not Defeat Possession Conviction
ATCC Responds to Rumor

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Fall 1995 - No. 8 (pp. 70-80):
Indiana Court Affirms Man's Psilocybe Mushroom Conviction
Federal Anti-Drug Laws May Violate the Commerce Clause
LSD-Possession Conviction Upheld Based on Past Possession
Reviews, Resources & Conferences
Landmark Cases in Entheogen Law
DEA Rejects Church's Request for Equal Access to Peyote

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Winter 1995 - No. 9 (pp. 81-90):
Chicago Police Seize Artwork
Entheogens Around the World
Question & Answers
Supreme Court Hears LSD Case
Serve Your Community & Support TELR

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Spring 1996 - No. 10 (pp. 91-99):
Ninth Circuit Holds RFRA Applies in Entheogen Cases
Supreme Court Decides LSD Case
Shulgin Legal Fund
Minor's Conviction for Possessing "Fake LSD" Upheld
Florida Psilocybe Case Prevents Mushroom Conviction
CSP Presents "Code of Ethics for Spiritual Guides"

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Summer 1996 - No. 11 (pp.100-106):
Opium for the Masses Author Arrested
Federal Court Addresses Meaning of "Religion" Under RFRA
Entheogen-Related Arrests in the News
On the Legality of Cannabis, Peyote and Poppy Seeds
The Lycaeum

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Fall 1996 - No. 12 (pp. 107-116):
Living off the Land: Notes on Surviving on a Hostile Legal Topography
Donut Dunked
Terence McKenna Gagged (Almost)
Question & Answers
Resources, Books, Announcements
In the News

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Winter 1996/1997 - No. 13 (pp. 117-131):
The War on the Constitution & On Certain Users of Certain Drugs
Supreme Court Scrutinizes RFRA
Arizona Voters Give Drs. Right to Prescribe Entheogens
Ketamine Alert
Iowa Supreme Court Hears Mushroom Argument
Questions & Answers
Peyote Returned to NAC Members

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Spring 1997 - No. 14 (pp. 132-148):
Un-Natural Law: Nature, Mushrooms, & the Thought Police: The Case of State v. Atley
Professor Gartz Arrested
Arizona Threatens Peyote Raid U.S.
MDMA Conspiracy Convictions Upheld
RFRA Does Not Protect Marijuana Transportation
California and Florida GHB Law
Question & Answers
"First-Class" Mail Defined
Resources, Conferences & Announcements
Opium, Made Easy

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Summer 1997 - No. 15 (pp 149-160):
Supreme Court Burns RFRA Religious Defense To Entheogen Crimes In Ashes (Boeme v. Flores, 95-2074, June 25,1997)
The Underlying Facts In The RFRA Case
Supreme Court Burns RFRA
Nietzsche & The Dervishes
Poppycock Prosecution
Jim Hogshire Speaks
Questions & Answers
Ayahuasca Drug Testing
Biochips & Snitchtoilets
Hair Testing & The Psychemedics' Home Test

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Fall 1997 - No. 16 (pp. 161-170):
Copitalism: Police State Promoters & Profiteers
In the News
fX Drinkmaker Pleads Guilty
Officials Hid Flaws in Ecstasy Case
Police Trick Drug-Toting Motorists
California Schedules GHB
Australia Criminalizes Books
Police Chief Responds to Poppy Essay

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Winter 1997/1998 - No. 17 (pp. 171-182):
Author Chastises Entertainment Industry and DEA for Pro-Drug "Blacklisting"--Then Raided by DEA!
Traps & Trajectories of Entheogen Law
The Secret Chief Book Review
Illinois GHB Bust
Pharmacophilia or The Natural Pardises Book Review
Information Suppression

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Spring/Summer 1998 - No. 18 (pp. 183-198):
Constitutional Implications of Fictionalized Freedoms: Deconstructing the Account of an MDMA Manufacturer
Entheogen Law News Ticker
Huichol Indians Arrested
Questions and Responses: Auto-Stops, Eye-tests, Private Security Guards
GHB: The Natural Mood Enhancer Book Review

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Fall 1998 - No. 19 (pp. 199-209):
The Crime of Publishing? Federal Court Says Publisher May Be Held Liable For Crime Committed by Reader
Warrantless Thermal Image Scan of Home Held Unconstitutional
Virginia Man Arrested For Selling "Fake" MDMA
RLPA Could Restore "Religious Defense"
Reader Question: Conscious Dreams in Japan?
GHB And The Internet
Coming Soon: Limitation On Importing Foreign Medications
Entheogen Law Nets

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Winter 1998/1999 - No. 20 (pp. 210-225):
The Poppy Paradox
"Hallucinogen Production Quotas"
GHB Arrests
New Law on Land-Border Crossing with Pharmaceutical Drugs
Man With Herbs Busted for DUI
Khat Arrests: National and World-Wide
DEA Gathering Info on GHB Precursor
Government Lawyer in Peyote Way Case Publishes Article
U.S. Supreme Court: Bad News/Good News
Palpating the Pulse of LSD Arrests
Kansas Court of Appeal Rejects Religious Defense
Entheogen Law News

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Spring 1999 - No. 21, (pp. 231-264):
[page count "jump" error from No. 20 in original; no pages are missing from scans]
Front Matter
Salvia divinorum
Ketamine & GHB
Big Brother
Back Matter

The Entheogen Law Reporter, Summer 1999 - No. 22 (pp. 265-300):
Front Matter
Salvia divinorum
Ketamine & GHB
Big Brother
Back Matter

TELR Index, Issues 1-20