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All References with Titles containing 'Anlezark_G' OR with Authors including 'Anlezark_G' OR with Abstract including 'Anlezark_G' OR with Keywords including 'Anlezark_G'

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Pycock C, Anlezark G, Pie... LSD and Dopamine Receptors Nature 1975
Anlezark G, Pycock C, Mel... Ergot Alkaloids as Dopamine Agonists: Comparison in Two Rodent Models Europ.J.Pharmacol. 1976
Anlezark G. Meldrum B Blockade of Photically Induced Epilepsy by 'Dopamine' Agonist' Erect A... Psychopharmacology 1978
Anlezark GM, Horton RW, M... Dopamine agonists and audiogenic seizures: the relationship between pr... Biochem. Pharmacol. 1978
Anlezark GM, Horton RW, M... Dopamine agonists and reflex epilepsy Advanc. Biochem. Psy... 1979