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All References with Titles containing 'Consroe_P' OR with Authors including 'Consroe_P' OR with Abstract including 'Consroe_P' OR with Keywords including 'Consroe_P'

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Consroe PF Specific pharmacological management of acute toxicity due to psychedel... Arizona Medicine. 1972
Consroe PF Treatment of acute hallucinogenic drug toxicity: specific pharmacologi... Amer. J. Hosp. Pharm... 1973
Martin P, Consroe P Cannabinoid Induced Behavioral Convulsions in Rabbits Science 1976
Consroe P, Jones B LSD-neuroleptic drug interactions in rabbits Pharmacologist 1976
Consroe P, Jones B LSD-neuroleptic drug interactions in rabbits Pharmacologist 1976
Mechoulam R, Feigenbaum J... Enantiomeric cannabinoids: stereospecificity of psychotropic activity Experientia 1988