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All References with Titles containing 'Cottrell_A' OR with Authors including 'Cottrell_A' OR with Abstract including 'Cottrell_A' OR with Keywords including 'Cottrell_A'

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Cottrell AM, Ayres R, Wei... Urinary tract disease associated with chronic ketamine use BMJ 2008
Cottrell A, Warren K, Ayr... The destruction of the lower urinary tract by ketamine abuse: a new sy... BJU Int 2008
Oxley JD, Cottrell AM, Ad... Ketamine cystitis as a mimic of carcinoma in situ Histopathology 2009
Mason K, Cottrell AM, Cor... Ketamine-associated lower urinary tract destruction: a new radiologica... Clin Radiol 2010
Wood D, Cottrell A, Baker... Recreational ketamine: from pleasure to pain BJU Int 2011