Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
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Rinkel M, DeShon HJ, Hyde... |
Experimental schizophrenia-like symptoms. |
Amer. J. Psychiatry |
1952 |
Bradley PB |
The effect of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain in th... |
Eeg & clin. Neurophy... |
1953 |
Bradley PB |
The effect of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain of th... |
Eeg & Clin. Neurophy... |
1953 |
Burroughs W |
Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs |
British Journal of A... |
1956 |
King T O |
The Antagonism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Pneumoconstriction |
Arch. Int. Phmrmac. ... |
1957 |
Brodie BB, Shore PA |
A concept for a role of serotonin and norepinephrine as chemical media... |
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. |
1957 |
Clark LD, Bliss EL |
Psychopharmacological studies of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) i... |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1957 |
Bertino JR, Klee GD, Wein... |
Cholinesterase, d-lysergic acid diethylamide and 2-brom-lysergic acid ... |
J. Clin. Psychopath. |
1959 |
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... |
LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics |
J.Psychol. |
1960 |
Böszörményi Z |
Psilocybin and diethyltryptamine: two tryptamine hallucinogens |
Neuro-Psychopharmaco... |
1961 |
Higginbottam J, Melton B |
Some new experiences with L.S.D |
Nursing Mirror |
1961 |
Dangers of LSD |
Lancet |
1967 |
Hirschhorn K, Cohen MM |
Nonpsychic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide |
Ann. intern. med |
1967 |
Frosch WA, Robbins E, Rob... |
Motivation for self-administration of LSD |
Psychiat.Quart. |
1967 |
Eisner, BG |
Observations on the Psychotherapeutic Use of Ritalin Alone and in Comb... |
Unpublished |
1968 |
Kurland, Albert A |
The therapeutic potential of LSD: its adjunctive use in psychotherapy. | (N... |
1970 |
Datta RK, Ghosh JJ |
Mescaline-induced changes of brain cortex ribosomes Effect of mescalin... |
Brain Res |
1971 |
Sheehan DVCF |
A review of the use of LSD for the patient near death |
Psychiat. Forum |
1972 |
Titus RJ |
Lysergic acid diethylamide: its effects on human chromosomes and the h... |
Int. J. Addict |
1972 |
Richards WA, Grof S, Good... |
LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy and the Human Encounter with Death |
Journal of Transpers... |
1972 |
Culver CM, King FW |
Neuropsychological Assessment of Undergraduate Marihuana and LSD Users |
Arch.gen.Psychiat. |
1974 |
Robinson JT, Chitham RG, ... |
Chromosome Aberrations and LSD. A Controlled Study in 50 Psychiatric P... |
Brit J Psychiat |
1974 |
Dahlberg CC |
Effects of LSD 25 on Psychotherapeutic Communication |
Psychopharmacol. Bul... |
1974 |
Rao KR, Fingerman M |
Color Changes Induced by Certain Indole Alkaloids in the Fiddler Crab,... |
Comp. Biochem. Physi... |
1975 |
Gintzler AR |
Interactions Among Narcotics, Neurotransmitters, and phosphodiesterase... |
Dissertation Abstr I... |
1975 |
Lovell RA, Freedman DX |
Stereospecific Receptor Sites for d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Rat ... |
Molec. Pharmacol. |
1976 |
Martin WR, Vaupel DB, Slo... |
The Mode Of Action Of LSD-like Hallucinogens And Their Identification |
Psychopharmacology o... |
1976 |
Gallager DW, Aghajanian ... |
Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs: Attenuation of Excitatory Effects of d... |
Life Sci. |
1977 |
Jacoby JH, Poulakos JJ |
The actions of neuroleptic drugs and putative serotonin receptor antag... |
JPharm.Pharmacol. |
1977 |
Whitaker PM, Seeman P |
Hallucinogen binding to dopamine/neuroleptic receptors |
J.Pharm.Pharmacol. |
1977 |
Winter JC |
LSD-Induced Stimulus Control: A Comparison of SCH12,679, Fenfluramine,... |
Psychopharmacology |
1978 |
Decker WJ, Brandes WB |
LSD Misadventure in Middle Age |
J. Forens. Sci. |
1978 |
Trulson ME, Crisp T |
Lack of Synergism and Cross Tolerance Between Tactile Stimulus- and LS... |
Pharmacology Biochem... |
1982 |
Brouwer JN, Glaser D, Har... |
The sweetness-inducing effect of miraculin; behavioural and neurophysi... |
J Physiol |
1983 |
Adams LM, Geyer MA |
Effects of DOM and DMT in a proposed animal model of hallucinogenic ac... |
Prog Neuropsychophar... |
1985 |
Arnold WN |
Vincent van Gogh and the Thujone Connection |
1988 |
Scherer G, von Maltzan C,... |
Biomonitoring after controlled exposure to environmental tobacco smoke... |
Exp Pathol |
1989 |
Ruttenber AJ |
Stalking the elusive designer drugs: Techniques for monitoring new pro... |
Journal of Addictive... |
1991 |
Schmidt CJ, Taylor VL, Ab... |
5-HT2 antagonists stereoselectively prevent the neurotoxicity of 3,4-m... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1991 |
Stevens R |
Just Say Yes: Drugs and Human Consciousness |
The Alexander Journa... |
1991 |
Yensen R, Dryer D |
Thirty Years of Psychedelic Research: The Spring Grove Experiment and ... |
Orenda Institute |
1992 |
Callaway CW, Rempel N, Pe... |
Serotonin 5-HT1-like receptors mediate hyperactivity in rats induced b... |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
1992 |
Johnson M, Mitros K, Ston... |
Effect of flunarizine and nimodipine on the decrease in tryptophan hyd... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1992 |
Maxwell DL, Polkey MI, He... |
Hyponatraemia and catatonic stupor after taking 'ecstasy' |
1993 |
Series H, Boeles S, et al |
Psychiatric complications of 'Ecstasy' use |
J Psychopharmacol |
1994 |
Siebert DJ |
Salvia divinorum and salvinorin A: new pharmacologic findings |
J Ethnopharmacol |
1994 |
Szara S |
Are Hallucinogens Psychoheuristic? |
NIDA Research Monogr... |
1994 |
Azorlosa JL, Greenwald MK... |
Marijuana smoking: effects of varying puff volume and breathhold durat... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1995 |
Miller DB, O'Callaghan JP |
The role of temperature, stress, and other factors in the neurotoxicit... |
Mol Neurobiol |
1995 |
Shewan D, Dalgarno P |
Ecstasy and neurodegeneration. ...such as ketamine |
1996 |
Hirst M, Smith MT, Crouch... |
Psychoactive Constituents of the Genus Sceletium N.E.Br. andOther Mese... |
Journal of Ethnopha... |
1996 |
Smith MT, Crouch NR, Geri... |
Psychoactive constituents of the genus Sceletium N.E.Br. and other Mes... |
J Ethnopharmacol |
1996 |
Marlette D |
Did You Do Drugs, Daddy? |
Esquire Magazine |
1996 |
Halpern JH |
The Use of Hallucinogens in the Treatment of Addiction |
Addiction Research |
1996 |
Lyttle T, Goldstein D, Ga... |
Bufo toads and bufotenine: fact and fiction surrounding an alleged psy... |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1996 |
Lyttle T, Goldstein D, Ga... |
Bufo toads and bufotenine: fact and fiction surrounding an alleged psy... |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1996 |
Kombian SB, Zidichouski J... |
GABAB receptors presynaptically modulate excitatory synaptic transmiss... |
J Neurophysiol |
1996 |
Granato P, Weill S, Revil... |
Ecstasy and dementia in a young subject |
Eur Psychiatry |
1997 |
Narcessian EJ, Yoon HJ |
False-positive urine drug screen: beware the poppy seed bagel |
J Pain Symptom Manag... |
1997 |
Matthias P, Tashkin DP, M... |
Effects of varying marijuana potency on deposition of tar and delta9-T... |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
1997 |
Redfearn PJ, Agrawal N, M... |
An association between the regular use of 3,4 methylenedioxy-methamphe... |
Addiction |
1998 |
Gerra G, Zaimovic A, Giuc... |
Serotonergic function after (+/-)3,4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine ('... |
Int Clin Psychopharm... |
1998 |
Farber NB, Hanslick J, Ki... |
Serotonergic agents that activate 5HT2A receptors prevent NMDA antagon... |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
1998 |
Arun P, Chavan BS, Priti ... |
Oxytocin abuse: a case report |
Indian J Psychiatry |
1998 |
Shen M, Thayer SA |
Cannabinoid receptor agonists protect cultured rat hippocampal neurons... |
Mol Pharmacol |
1998 |
Metzner R |
Hallucinogenic drugs and plants in psychotherapy and shamanism |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1998 |
Hindmarch I, Quinlan PT, ... |
The effects of black tea and other beverages on aspects of cognition a... |
Psychopharmacology B... |
1998 |
Pedersen W, Skrondal A |
Ecstasy and new patterns of drug use: A normal population study. |
Addiction |
1999 |
Milosevic A, Agrawal N, R... |
The occurrence of toothwear in users of Ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymet... |
Community Dent Oral ... |
1999 |
Scearce-Levie K, Viswanat... |
Locomotor response to MDMA is attenuated in knockout mice lacking the ... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
1999 |
Scearce-Levie K, Chen JP,... |
5-HT receptor knockout mice: pharmacological tools or models of psychi... |
Ann N Y Acad Sci |
1999 |
Rogers A, McCarthy M |
Drugs and drugs education in the inner city: The views of 12-year-olds... |
Drugs: Education, Pr... |
1999 |
Grailhe R, Waeber C, Dula... |
Increased exploratory activity and altered response to LSD in mice lac... |
Neuron |
1999 |
Dobkin de Rios M, Stachal... |
The Duboisia genus, Australian aborigines and suggestibility |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1999 |
Weinbroum AA, Rudick V, P... |
The role of dextromethorphan in pain control |
Can J Anaesth |
2000 |
Borth S, Hänsel W, Rösner... |
Synthesis of 2,3- and 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylalkylamines and their re... |
Forensic Sci Int |
2000 |
Escher M, Desmeules J, Gi... |
Hepatitis associated with Kava, a herbal remedy for anxiety |
2001 |
Anderson C |
Water intake probed in death |
Boulder Daily Camera |
2001 |
Vaiva G, Boss V, Bailly D... |
An 'Accidental' Acute Psychosis with Ecstasy Use |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
2001 |
Jansen KL |
A review of the nonmedical use of ketamine: use, users and consequence... |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
2001 |
Roth MD, Marques-Magallan... |
Induction and regulation of the carcinogen-metabolizing enzyme CYP1A1 ... |
Am J Respir Cell Mol... |
2001 |
Heinälä P, Alho H, Kiianm... |
Targeted use of naltrexone without prior detoxification in the treatme... |
J Clin Psychopharmac... |
2001 |
Rajamani K, Leong S, Lave... |
Prejunctional actions of methylenedioxymethamphetamine in vas deferens... |
European Journal of ... |
2001 |
Taylor JR, Jentsch D |
Repeated intermittent administration of psychomotor stimulant drugs al... |
Bilogical Psychiatry |
2001 |
Solowij N, Stephens RS, R... |
Cognitive functioning of long-term heavy cannabis users seeking treatm... |
2002 |
Heffernan TM, Ling J, Sch... |
Subjective ratings of prospective memory deficits in MDMA (\'ecstasy\'... |
Hum Psychopharmacol |
2002 |
Lim DK |
Ketamine associated psychedelic effects and dependence |
Singapore Med J |
2003 |
Setola V, Hufeisen SJ, Gr... |
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy") induces fenflurami... |
Mol Pharmacol |
2003 |
Pritchard MJ |
Malignant hyperthermia: clinical features and management |
Nurs Times |
2003 |
Kleiman MAR |
Costs and Benefits of Immunotherapies or Depot Medications for the Tre... |
Committee on Immunot... |
2003 |
Easton N, Fry J, O'Shea E... |
Synthesis, in vitro formation, and behavioural effects of glutathione ... |
Brain Res |
2003 |
Verheyden SL, Maidment R,... |
Quitting ecstasy: an investigation of why people stop taking the drug ... |
J Psychopharmacol |
2003 |
Curran HV, Rees H, Hoare ... |
Empathy and aggression: two faces of ecstasy? A study of interpretativ... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2004 |
Powell SB, Lehmann-Masten... |
MDMA 'ecstasy' alters hyperactive and perseverative behaviors in dopam... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2004 |
Butler GK, Montgomery AM |
Impulsivity, risk taking and recreational 'ecstasy' (MDMA) use |
Drug Alcohol Depend |
2004 |
Sotnikova TD, Beaulieu JM... |
Dopamine-Independent Locomotor Actions of Amphetamines in a Novel Acut... |
PLoS Biol |
2005 |
Melamede R |
Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic |
Harm Reduct J |
2005 |
Sklerov J, Levine B, Moor... |
A fatal intoxication following the ingestion of 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyl... |
J Anal Toxicol |
2005 |
Gobbi G, Bambico FR, Mang... |
Antidepressant-like activity and modulation of brain monoaminergic tra... |
pnas |
2005 |
Ott J |
Obviation of opioid withdrawal syndrome by concomitant administration ... |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
2006 |