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All References with Titles containing 'Murphree_HB' OR with Authors including 'Murphree_HB' OR with Abstract including 'Murphree_HB' OR with Keywords including 'Murphree_HB'

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Miller AI, Williams HL, M... Niacin, niacinamide, or atropine versus LSD-25 model psychoses in huma... J. Pharmacol. Exper.... 1957
Murphree HB, De Maar EWJ,... Effects of lysergic acid derivatives on man; antagonism between d-lys... J. Pharmacol. & Expe... 1958
Murphree HB, Jenney EH, P... Comparison of the effects of congeners of lysergic acid diethylamide a... Pharmacologist 1960
Murphree HB Quantitative studies in humans on the antagonism of lysergic acid diet... Clin. Pharmacol. The... 1962
Murphree HB, Jenney EH, P... Quantitative electroencephalographic analysis of the effects of lyserg... Fed. Proc. 1962
Pfeiffer CC, Jenney EH, M... EEG effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in normal volunteers a... Pharmacologist 1962
Pfeiffer CC, Goldstein L,... Time-series, frequency analysis, and electrogenesis of the EEGs of nor... Amer. J. Psychiat. 1965