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All References with Titles containing 'Till_RE' OR with Authors including 'Till_RE' OR with Abstract including 'Till_RE' OR with Keywords including 'Till_RE'

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Abramson HA Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): III. As an adjunct to psychothera... J. Psychol. 1955
J Delay, P Pichot, T Lemp... Effet thérapeutique de la Psilocybine sur une névrose compulsive Ann. Méd. Psychol. 1959
Agurell S Identification of alkaloid intermediates by gas chromatography-mass sp... Lloydia 1969
Geyer MA, Light RK LSD-Induced Alterations of Investigatory Responding in Rats Psychopharmacology 1979
Weaver KEC Letters to the Editor: LSD and Schizophrenia Arch. Gen. Psychiatr... 1984
Beckwith BE, Till RE, Sch... Vasopressin analog (DDAVP) improves memory in human males Peptides 1984
Beckwith BE, Till RE, Ren... Dose-dependent effects of DDAVP on memory in healthy young adult males... Peptides 1990
Duke JD Promising Phytomedicinals Advances in New Crop... 1990
Lambrecht GL, Malbrain ML... Acute renal infarction and heavy marijuana smoking Nephron 1995
Sultana SR, Byrne DJ 'Raver's' haematuria J R Coll Surg Edinb 1996
Martellotta MC, Fattore L... Rewarding properties of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid: an evaluation throu... Psychopharmacology (... 1997
Frank DA, Augustyn M, Kni... Growth, development, and behavior in early childhood following prenata... JAMA 2001
Buchert R, Obrocki J, Tho... Long-term effects of 'ecstasy' abuse on the human brain studied by FDG... Nucl Med Commun 2001
Buchert R, Obrocki J, Tho... Long-term effects of 'ecstasy' abuse on the human brain studied by FDG... Nucl Med Commun 2001
Gonmori K, Yoshioka N Fatal Ingestin of Magic Mushroom: a case report Annales de Toxicolog... 2002
Buchert R, Thomasius R, N... Long-Term Effects of "Ecstasy" Use on Serotonin Transporters of the Br... J Nucl Med 2003
Manaboriboon B, Chomchai ... Dextromethorphan abuse in Thai adolescents: A report of two cases and ... J Med Assoc Thai 2005
Bell HJ, Azubike E, Haouz... The other respiratory effect of opioids: suppression of spontaneous au... J Appl Physiol (1985... 2011
Papoutsis I, Nikolaou P, ... 25B-NBOMe and its precursor 2C-B: modern trends and hidden dangers Forensic Toxicol 2015
Zaami S, Giorgetti R, Pic... Synthetic cathinones related fatalities: an update Eur Rev Med Pharmaco... 2018