Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
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The effect of a number of aralkylamines on the oxidation of tyramine b... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1950 |
Herxheimer H |
The 5-hydroxytryptamine shock in the guinea-pig. |
J. Physiol. |
1955 |
Herxheimer H |
Bronchoconstrictor agents and their antagonists in the intact guinea-p... |
Arch. internat. phar... |
1956 |
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H,... |
Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores et des sclèrotes dans la ... |
Compt. rend. Acad. s... |
1958 |
Heim R, Hofmann A |
Isolement de la Psilocybine à partir du Stropharia cubensis Earle et d... |
Compt. rend. Acad. s... |
1958 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... |
Effets psycho-physiologiques de la Psilocybine |
Comptes rendus des s... |
1958 |
Weidmann H, Taeschler M, ... |
Zur Pharmakologie von Psilocybin, einem Wirkstoff aus Psilocybe mexica... |
Experientia |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Frey A, Ott H,... |
Konstitutionsaufklärung und Synthese von Psilocybin |
Experientia |
1958 |
Hofmann A |
Rapport sur une auto-expérience avec le Psilocybe mexicana Heim |
Les champignons hall... |
1958 |
Cailleux R |
Trois essais d'ingestion avec les Psilocybes hallucinogènes |
Les champignons hall... |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
Psilocybin ein psychotroper Wirkstoff aus dem mexikanischen Rauschpilz |
Rev. Mycologie |
1958 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
La Psilocybine, Principe Actif Psychotrope Extrait Du Champignon Hallu... |
Les chamignones hall... |
1958 |
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H,... |
Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores et des sclèrotes dans la ... |
Rev. Mycologie |
1958 |
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H,... |
Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores, et éventuellement des sc... |
Let champignons hall... |
1958 |
Heim R, Hofmann A |
Isolement de la psilocybine à partir du Stropharia cubensis Earler et ... |
Rev. Mycologie |
1958 |
Cerletti A |
Teonanacatl und Psilocybin |
Deutsche Medizinishe... |
1959 |
Starbuck WC, Heim HD |
Some in vitro effects of chlorpromazine, lysergic acid diethylamide, a... |
J. Amer. Pharm. Ass.... |
1959 |
Hofmann A, Troxler F |
Identifizierung von Psilocin |
Experientia |
1959 |
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack ... |
Psilocybin und Psilocin, zwei psychotrope Wirkstoffe aus mexikanischen... |
Helv. chim. Acta |
1959 |
Hofmann A |
Chemical Aspects of Psilocybin, the Psychotropic Principle from the Me... |
Neuro-Psychopharmaco... |
1959 |
List PH |
Psychotrope Drogen |
Pharmazie |
1960 |
A Cerletti |
Psychotrope Drogen. |
Pharmazie |
1960 |
Savoldi F, Maggi GC, Noli... |
Attività elettrica cerebrale spontanea e provocata sotto azione di alc... |
Boll. Soc. med. chir... |
1960 |
Arendsen-Hein GW |
Hallucinogenic drugs. Specific problems |
Lancet |
1961 |
Heimann H |
Ausdrucksphanomenologie der Modellpsychosen (Psilocybin): Vergleich m... |
Psychiatria et Neuro... |
1961 |
H Heimann |
Zur Behandlung therapieresistenter Neurosen mit Modellpsychosen (Psilo... |
Schweiz. Arch. Neuro... |
1962 |
Christiansen A, Baum R, W... |
Changes in spider webs brought about by mescaline, psilocybin and an i... |
J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... |
1962 |
Heimann H |
Zur Behandlung therapieresistenter Neurosen mit Modellpsychosen (Psilo... |
Schweizer Archiv für... |
1962 |
Heimann H |
Beobachtungen über gestörtes Zeiterleben in der Modellpsychose |
Schweiz. med. Wschr. |
1963 |
Heimann H |
Die wirkung von ololiuqui im unterschied zu psilocybin |
Neuro-Psychopharmaco... |
1965 |
Heimann H |
Die quantitative Analyse mimischer Bewegungen und ihre Anwendung in de... |
Arzneimittel-Forsch. |
1966 |
Löbsack T |
Die unheimlichen Möglichkeiten oder die manipulierte seels |
Düsseldorf, Econ |
1967 |
M Gyorgy Miklos Ola'h, He... |
Etude Chimiotaxinomique sur les Panaeolus. Recherches sur la presence ... |
C R Acad Sci |
1968 |
Heimann H |
Psychopharmakologie und Verhalten |
Fortibildungskurse d... |
1971 |
Llanos Zuloaga R |
Experiencias Psicologicas Con El Acido Lesergico y La Sugestion Terape... |
Rev. Neuro-psiquiat. |
1972 |
Scholz H |
Ueber die Wirkung von 'Rauschmittein' unter pharmakologischen Gesichts... |
Tägl. Prax. |
1973 |
Malmnas CO |
Monoaminergic Influence on Testosterone-Activated Copulatory Behavior ... |
Acta physiol scand |
1973 |
Wartmann RP |
Malerei aus Bereichen : des UnbewuBten Künstler experimentieren unter |
LSD Redaktion: Claus... |
1974 |
Hofmann A |
The Discovery of LSD and Subsequent Investigations of Related Magic Dr... |
Lloydia |
1975 |
Drew G M |
Effects of a-Adrenoceptor Agonists and Antagonists on Pre- and Postsyn... |
Eur.J.Pharmacol. |
1976 |
Bedard P, Pycock CJ |
'Wet-Dog'Behaviour in the Rat: A Possible Quantitative Model of Centra... |
Neuropharmacology |
1977 |
U'Prichard DC, Greenberg ... |
Binding Characteristics of a Radiolabeled Agonist and Antagonist at Ce... |
Mol.Pharmacol. |
1977 |
Drew GM |
Pharmacological Characterization of the Presynaptic a-Adrenoreceptors ... |
Brit.J.Pharmacol. |
1978 |
Gallager DW |
Benzodiazopines: Potentiation of a GABA Inhibitory Response in the Dor... |
Europ. J. Pharmacol. |
1978 |
Sypniewska M |
The Effect of Baclofen on the Hind Limb Flexor Reflex of the Spinal Ra... |
Pol. J. Pharmacol. P... |
1979 |
Tang SW, Seeman P |
Effect of Antidepressant Drugs on Serotonergic and Adrenergic Receptor... |
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg'... |
1980 |
Ott, J. |
Book Review: The Wondrous Mushroom: Mycolatry in Mesoamerica by R.G. W... |
Journal Psychoactive... |
1981 |
Langer SZ, Moret C |
Citalopram Antagonizes The Effects Of Lsd On The Presynaptic Serotonin... |
Brit.J.Pharmacol. |
1982 |
Commins DL, Vosmer G, Vir... |
Biochemical and histological evidence that methylenedioxymethylampheta... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1986 |
Glennon RA, Misenheimer B... |
Stimulus effects of N-monoethyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopr... |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
1989 |
Glennon RA, Misenheimer B... |
Stimulus effects of N-monoethyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopr... |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
1989 |
Glennon RA, Misenheimer B |
Stimulus properties of a new designer drug: 4-methylaminorex ('U4Euh') |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
1990 |
Lehmann J, DeSouza EB, Cu... |
Regional distribution to recovery of 5-HT levels after administration ... |
Ann N Y Acad Sci |
1992 |
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA |
Reinforcing subjective effects of (+/-) 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetam... |
J Clin Psychopharmac... |
1993 |
Ricaurte GA, Markowska AL... |
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, serotonin and memory [published err... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1993 |
Merlin MD, Allen JW |
Species identification and chemical analysis of psychoactive fungi in ... |
J Ethnopharmacol |
1993 |
Malone MH, Rother A |
Heimia salicifolia: a phytochemical and phytopharmacologic review |
J Ethnopharmacol |
1994 |
Cadet JL, Ladenheim B, Ba... |
CuZn-superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) transgenic mice show resistance to... |
Brain Res |
1994 |
Cadet JL, Ladenheim B, Hi... |
Superoxide radicals mediate the biochemical effects of methylenedioxym... |
Synapse |
1995 |
Cerruti C, Sheng P, Laden... |
Involvement of oxidative and L-arginine-NO pathways in the neurotoxici... |
Clin Exp Pharmacol P... |
1995 |
Spitzer M, Thimm M, Herml... |
Increased activation of indirect semantic associations under psilocybi... |
Biol Psychiatry |
1996 |
Mann H, Ladenheim B, Hira... |
Differential toxic effects of methamphetamine (METH) and methylenediox... |
Brain Res |
1997 |
Cody JT, Valtier S |
Immunoassay analysis of lysergic acid diethylamide |
J Anal Toxicol |
1997 |
Meltzer CC, Smith G, DeKo... |
Serotonin in Aging, Late-Life Depression, and Alzheimer’s Disease: The... |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
1998 |
Jayanthi S, Ladenheim B, ... |
Overexpression of human copper/zinc superoxide dismutase in transgenic... |
Neuroscience |
1999 |
Mann JJ, Huang YY, Underw... |
A serotonin transporter gene promoter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and pref... |
Arch Gen Psychiatry |
2000 |
Jones GRN |
Causes of Alzheimer’s disease: paracetamol (acetaminophen) today? Amph... |
Medical Hypothesis |
2001 |
Quail MT, Weimersheimer P... |
Abuse of telazol: an animal tranquilizer |
J Toxicol Clin Toxic... |
2001 |
Thiriet N, Ladenheim B, M... |
Analysis of ecstasy (MDMA)-induced transcriptional responses in the ra... |
2002 |
Heim R |
Synthese und Pharmakologie potenter 5-HT2A-Rezeptoragonisten mit N-2-M... |
Doctoral Thesis |
2003 |
Sheffler DJ, Roth BL |
Salvinorin A: the 'magic mint' hallucinogen finds a molecular target i... |
Trends Pharmacol Sci |
2003 |
Ramirez BG, Blazquez C, G... |
Prevention of Alzheimer's disease pathology by cannabinoids: neuroprot... |
J Neurosci |
2005 |
Chipana C, Camarasa J, Pu... |
Memantine prevents MDMA-induced neurotoxicity |
Neurotoxicology |
2008 |
Casale JF, Hays PA |
Characterization of Eleven 2,5-Dimethoxy-N-(2-methoxybenzyl)phenethyla... |
Microgram Journal |
2012 |
Varga J, Klausz B, Domoko... |
Increase in Alzheimer's related markers preceeds memory disturbances: ... |
Brain Res Bull |
2014 |
Gray SL, Anderson ML, Dub... |
Cumulative use of strong anticholinergics and incident dementia: a pro... |
JAMA Intern Med |
2015 |
Szabo A |
Psychedelics and Immunomodulation: Novel Approaches and Therapeutic Op... |
Front Immunol |
2015 |
Petri G, Expert P, Turkhe... |
Homological scaffolds of brain functional networks |
J R Soc Interface |
2015 |
Williams NR, Heifets BD, ... |
Attenuation of Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine by Opioid Receptor A... |
Am J Psychiatry |
2018 |
Barrett JE, Page C, Miche... |
Perspectives of Pharmacology over the Past 100 Years |
Handb Exp Pharmacol |
2019 |
Maghsoudi N, Tanguay J, S... |
Drug checking services for people who use drugs: a systematic review |
Addiction |
2022 |